San Diego

Re: Mr Whole Truth:
Onlyalurker 256 reads

Goldie is that you??? Hahahahah

So, a well reviewed SD local (averaged about 7-8 on both scores) totally stood me up and I'm a little upset about it because I'm a nice guy who is considerate, sane, nice, etc.  
question: should I post about it?
I'm concerned that the local SD crowd will have a "get over it you little whiner" attitude. This board can be pretty frickin rough.  

Here's how it went:  So I confirmed with her (again, she's well reviewed SD provider) one hour in advance of our appointment. She confirmed and gave me her personal address. I thought "great" and I appropriately prepared.  

I drove to her place, uncomfortably parked (broad daylight and tight parking with easy observation) and called. No answer. Called a few more times. No answer. I left so that a neighbor didn't call the police.  

I have to tell you- I was VERY upset.  I'm s good guy. I confirmed with her an hour in advance and she even gave me her address. And she posted an ad on at 5:30 when we were supposed to meet at 6:30 which tells me she had other plans.  

Should I call her out on it?
I'm concerned that the SD crowd is going to hang upon me.  
It's easy to arm chair quarterback until it actually happens to you. So, smart asses keep your comments to yourself.  

I sent her a text asking about it.  

Not response.  

I sent her. TER PM.  

No response.  


I'm not a newb.  
As TER likes to remind me every time I log in, I've been a member since 2007!

ThePeopleRule866 reads

What day did it happen.....yesterday, Sunday?

I would give her another day or two to respond in case there was some emergency.  The fact that she gave you her residence address (as opposed to her having a motel/hotel room) is some indication that she would be taking a risk ticking off potential clients who now know where she lives and therefore would be more likely to answer calls but for an emergency.  

Re liveescortreviews ad:  I know nothing about how that site works but I know that backpage ads can be paid for to automatically republish every so-many days.  Their ads used to auto post shortly after midnight.  Her ad might have been posted automatically for that reason or  manually if she has someone helping her.  Accordingly, she was not necessarily at home on the computer putting up an ad while failing to respond to your calls.

This happened to me once and never found out why, but it could have been anything, she got spooked, she had some life event that stopped her from being able to see you, anything could happen in life, but if you just post that you made arrangements and confirmed an hour ahead but she stood you up, I don't think anyone, especially her will be upset about it.  She stood you up for a reason that only she knows, and it was worth it to her.

Maybe her husband came home too early Or someone died. Could be anything

ThePeopleRule385 reads

Posted By: NaomiGrey
Maybe her husband came home too early.
Last year I saw a gal on the first day she posted on bp.  From her photos she looked to be almost AARP-age-qualified, so I felt safe in assuming she was "real".  

I visited her and she told me that her husband had recently died.  She advertised for a few weeks thereafter and then "disappeared".  I knew that a long-time-provider lived in the same apartment complex and when I visited her she told me that the disappeared-gal was married and had told her she was telling guys she was a widow.

Move on dude and don't look back.  It happens.  Live and learn.  She didn't want your business; other ladies will.  C'est le vie and the hobby.!

As a previous post mentioned, you didn't give the day this happened. After 48 hrs I send an email or use the preferred method the escort uses for communication. I keep the contact light and ask if she's alright. If I get no reply, I simply move on.  

Since you can't write a review, but if you want to alert the community who she is, you can request fellow mongers to pm you

I am a big supporter of the idea that providers should be reimbursed a reasonable amount when a guy flakes.  However, same thing here.  Unless you did something wrong you are not saying, she should offer you a sizable discount on a rebooked session.  Those providers who are not willing to make things right when they screw up have no business expecting guys to make things right when it is the guy's fault.

Epicurus61343 reads

wait, there isn't one, because for the most part, stuff happens and there's enough he said/she said. Some provides are habitually late, like SassypantsOff, but that gets mentioned in her reviews.

You could post her name here with the specific facts, if you really want to get it off your chest. Probably little harm to you or her reputations, but it'll get lost in all the other board noise in a week. I doubt many mongers search this board for discussions of potential providers or many provides search the board for comments made by mongers

Onlyalurker332 reads

The girl might not have even known she had a date with you. With very few exceptions (when a provider is 100% independent) all the bookings, scheduling, reference checking, communications, Web presence is done by bosses. The girl's main task is to collect the envelope. Now Sissypantsoff (just love that name!) does her own scheduling, I am sure.  

Posted By: Epicurus61
wait, there isn't one, because for the most part, stuff happens and there's enough he said/she said. Some provides are habitually late, like SassypantsOff, but that gets mentioned in her reviews.  
 You could post her name here with the specific facts, if you really want to get it off your chest. Probably little harm to you or her reputations, but it'll get lost in all the other board noise in a week. I doubt many mongers search this board for discussions of potential providers or many provides search the board for comments made by mongers.  

ThePeopleRule421 reads

Posted By: Onlyalurker
The girl might not have even known she had a date with you. With very few exceptions (when a provider is 100% independent) all the bookings, scheduling, reference checking, communications, Web presence is done by bosses. The girl's main task is to collect the envelope. Now Sissypantsoff (just love that name!) does her own scheduling, I am sure.
Your first post here was about six month ago.  If your alias is accurate then what do you know about the real world?

1)  I have had the pleasure of being with around 90 providers.  Two did start out with "managers" who "showed them the ropes" but they had moved on to being independent by the time I was with them.  Your allegation about "very few exceptions" might have been the case on whatever planet you dropped down from, but it is not the case here, unless you have been walking streets.

2)  Would you love her name if it were "sassypantsoff"......because that is the handle she uses....without typos.  Since you "are sure" she does her own scheduling, why not tell us what her "real" name is just to prove that one of your allegations has a factual basis.

Onlyalurker350 reads

So out of 90 providers only 2 started out with managers??  And now all 90 are independent? lol, lol On what planet is that? That is the most absurd thing I have heard yet. Actually it's much more likely to be the other way around. Two attempted to make it on their own, but eventually had to join all the others. When I began hobbying about 10 years ago, I used to believe such bs too. But I am no longer so naive. Along the way I learned alot from other hobbyists and providers. I was also lucky enough to meet a couple of insiders in the hobby who really opened my eyes. It's a very dirty business and everyone knows it.

So it's Sassy! I still love it.... I heard she is always 1.5 hours late so I figured. Maybe not.

-- Modified on 4/11/2016 8:48:39 AM

sassypantsoff, the GFE stands for "Goofy Friend Experience."

Timewasted332 reads

If a client does this we are blacklisted but when a provider does it there's always "a major issue". Call her out.  Give her some time to respond but if not, disclose.  This whole "move on" thing is great but when clients have a verifiable emergency it's "pay me money or I'll blacklist you".  Thjngs happen on both sides.  Anyways. I've never done it. But have had it happen to me at least twice.  With well reviewed providers.  One of which I specifically made travel arrangements for.  
Double standard.

I couldn't agree more with the double standard and the retribution on behalf of some of the providers.  In fact I have even heard of some providers with a major power issue threatening the following:  

1. Ratting the guy out to his wife, girlfriend, neighbor, boss, etc
2. Ratting the guy out to his C.O. - Commanding Officer
3. Blacklisting
4. Calling all references and telling them what a horrible guy you are

The list goes on but I think the lesson to be learned here is to not give leverage to any provider with personal information.  If she requests too much then I would suggest moving on as your personal life - like your marriage, job, status in the armed services, etc etc is far more valuable than any provider.  A while back I read one provider say that "its the one with the vagina that makes the rules".  This is a really silly thing to say when trying to attract new business and retain others but I'm sure some can be blinded by the beauty of the provider.  

Anyhow this is just my .02 discounted by the cowardly use of an alias.  (smirk

Onlyalurker312 reads

Funny that you mention that. Just today there is an ad from a privider that requires full name, company information, race and telephone number. And she promises to check your ID at the door! lol What's next social security # and fingerprints?

in my experience for those that don't have refs.  I never heard of non-Asians asking about race, though.  Some of the Asian providers, especially the Viets, don't see guys of their own ethnicity because they don't want to be outed as a working girl within their own community.

ThePeopleRule327 reads

I believe the most common wording is depicted below:

Thanks!  Thats what I heard and boy oh boy is it ever true!

Onlyalurker257 reads

Goldie is that you??? Hahahahah

the hobby gods invented agencies.  If a girl you have booked can't make it for ANY reason, they will offer you a different one for the same time slot, or you can pass and reschedule.

Onlyalurker253 reads

Agencies? Surely you jest. Somebody just told me all the girls are independent!!

The ads say that because the orgs know LE targets agencies.  Some girls who claim to be independent are, but still use an agency-type booker.  To me, they are still an agency girl even if they are technically independent because the booker will keep me apprised of any potential cancellations and offer me another girl he books for.

In Tijuana, if you don't like who you are currently sitting with, just walk to the next bar and hang out with any of the hundreds of girls available that day.  Did I mention all of the 9s and 10s walking around the bar Hong King?  

Oh yea, and it's legal down there too...

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
the hobby gods invented agencies.  If a girl you have booked can't make it for ANY reason, they will offer you a different one for the same time slot, or you can pass and reschedule.  

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