San Diego

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NYSt8tofMind 31 Reviews 718 reads

just reading this post. appearance ratings are subjective - period. If I've ever walked away from an experience thinking "how was she a 10?" I have to realize that maybe for another guy's experience of women, she was. Age plays a factor. Personal preferences play a factor. Your best bet - find hobbyists who have seen a similar caché of ladies as you, and based on your shared ratings, use their evaluation of ladies you haven't seen accordingly. Or better yet, PM and do some back channel research.

Guys of TER - rating a providers appearance is entirely subjective. However, I have found that reviews posted by those who are fairly active seem to be relatively consistent and dependable for use by other hobbyists. So, how do you compare a 20 yr. old hard body fox to a 45 yr. old woman who has taken excellent care of herself but obviously doesn't have the body of a 20 yr. old?

I find trying to compare the two is like trying to compare apples and oranges so, I don't try. What I do is rate the providers based upon how she compares with other women her age. I have some recent reviews where I gave a 22 yr. old a 9 and a 40 something a 10. Both were hot, gorgeous women. Was the older one prettier than the younger one. No. But, comparing the older provider to others her age .... well, I found no comparison so she got the 10! Is that fair to the 22 yr. old?

Does my method skew the rating for the rest of you? Does it matter? How do you rate woman of differing ages? Do you consider the sensuousness of an older woman when you consider appearance? Or, do you consider that when rating performance? I have found the younger the provider the more emphasis she places on action while some of the more, mature, service oriented providers add sensuality and seductiveness to their repertoire, which for me, enhances the experience. It certainly has an effect on the mood.

So, how do you rate?  

Ladies out there of all ages - how would you like us to rate your appearance?

Speaking for myself, I never compare one lady to another for any reason.  

I try and give an honest opinion based on my impression for looks and my experience for performance.

Ratings are just opinions. I've seen a couple providers who were highly rated "model material" just to be average or not the type of model I imagine. Age is just a number to me. And if the lady is 10 at forty, it's not any less of a 10 to a 20yr old.

SodaPop748 reads

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  That's true, but there are some realities that we all face.

1) Youth has an advantage.  Getting old sucks for everyone.  I'm pushing 40+ and shit breaks down.  Still, a woman in her 40s can catch my eye if she is reasonably fit, carries herself with charm and grace, and is friendly (snarky old people REALLY suck).  Our top two providers here aren't in their teens, but they are 10s for looks, charm, and talent.

2) With age comes wisdom.  In some cases, yes.  If I can hold a thoughtful conversation with a woman my age that is a plus.  I'm on the wrong side of the generation gap.  I hate everything POP culture and endless cell phone texting is stupid.  So sad to say, but it's easier to talk to ladies my age.

3) Women- Make-up is your friend.  Has it ever happened to you when the lady opens the door and you think she just woke up?  I can think of a provider now that post a picture in make-up (rates a 9), then I show up at her door and she looks like she's just got back from a marathon (rates a 5).

4) Ladies post pictures so you should have an idea what you're getting.  It gets beaten to death, but I like ladies who  post pictures.  It takes the horrifying surprise out of the first encounter.  Sometime I like a MILF look and other time may be a GND.  Each would get a 10 if the encounter went well

ja_ja28806 reads

This is why I only put small value in looks rating. There is no one standard. I need to see pictures. The answer to your question, I don't use age as a variable in the looks department. You said the 40 something was not prettier than the 22 yet you gave her a higher rating. I would have done the opposite. The prettier, better body, better complexion would get a higher score regardless of age.

That being said. I love older women and I'm in this phase of seeing older women right now. I just know that they're not going to get better looks ratings than a sexy 22 year old. Performance is another subject. I've had one my best performances from horny little 60ish woman.

You got me stumped about sensuousness. I'm not sure if it's in the looks or performance area. Maybe a little of both.

What's more important to you? Looks or performance? To me it's looks without question.

Good topic Incallman2.

just reading this post. appearance ratings are subjective - period. If I've ever walked away from an experience thinking "how was she a 10?" I have to realize that maybe for another guy's experience of women, she was. Age plays a factor. Personal preferences play a factor. Your best bet - find hobbyists who have seen a similar caché of ladies as you, and based on your shared ratings, use their evaluation of ladies you haven't seen accordingly. Or better yet, PM and do some back channel research.

A 40 year old MILF who takes really good care of herself may not have the body of an 18 year old, but I think she deserves a 9 or 10 if she's really attractive and hot - for her age.  Sometimes, age is only a number.  I've been with 40 year old providers who are in way better shape than 20 somethings.  I usually note this somewhere in the "fiction" section.  Usually I'll also state something like "if your looking for a young spinner, she's not for you".   If a 20 something provider deserves a 9 or 10, she should get one too.  The point is, numbers only convey so much.  You've also got to do your research.  The big problem here is not mistaken interpretations of what constitutes a 10, but rather blatantly fabricated reviews and numbers designed to mislead.

AverageEverydayJoe552 reads

"The big problem here is not mistaken interpretations of what constitutes a 10, but rather blatantly fabricated reviews and numbers designed to mislead. "


OMG Seriously!  You guys are doing a huge dis-service to the general population when you rate a provider as a 8 when she is min. 50 poiunds overweight!  REALLY?  

An 8?  On what an EATING SCALE - She can EAT MORE FOOD THAN YOU?

Why because you are friends with her BFF?  Cmon guys its really time to get real or this site becomes useless.

I have seen similar ratings on other "ladies" i have seen and I have to say that one "lady" who is very vocal on this board deserves nothing above a 7 in looks - did you not see her fat ass?  If I'm spending say$600/hr - it better be very in-shape and all I can say is DISAPPOINTING!  She is a 7 and thats after all the strawberries and wine - more wine please.

Its all well and good because other sites without the politics will take this ones place so its up to you

Joe makes a good point. If reviewers inflate/deflate reviews it helps no one. It also diminishes credibility so that guys won't trust reviews from a reviewer who was trusted in the past. Maybe some think that doesn't matter and, for some individuals it doesn't. But for the longevity of this site I would like to see reviews as accurate as possible.

Osssieboy, I couldn't have stated it better. I think that most of us that take the reviews seriously are fairly consistent and on the same page. I appreciate your input.

I hate to say it but unless you can write a review without recourse they will always be skewed to the high side. Its a no win situation.

I agree to a point. There are very few women that know my first name AND my handle. I once had a woman to my home (I know Joe, big mistake) that turned out to be a very bad performer. I wanted to write an honest review but decided I couldn't do so without her knowing I wrote it. So, I didn't write a review on her. Having said that, there are usually ways to write a review so that the provider won't know you wrote it unless she knows your handle ahead of time. Keep the reviews accurate or don't write one. That's simple enough.

Hide individual scores by reviewers. The reviewer still posts a score for looks and performance but only the provider's AVERAGE score is shown to members. Yes you still have potentially inflated/exaggerated reviews and you'd actually have to read the review rather than relying on a score, but concerns of not getting references or being harassed or blackballed are eliminated.

Next, if TER was more open to updating provider profiles based on more than the initial reviewer's assessment we'd really be on to something!

WildJimmy!517 reads

What's more, you can't HELP but be subjective, even if you thought the 22-year-old was "objectively" more attractive than the one who was 40, that would just be your SUBJECTIVE opinion of what constitutes "object beauty."

So... Forget about it.

What also happens, for some guys, is that if one gal requests they drop $1,000 an hour, and another asks "200," and if the client deems them both equally attractive, he might give the down-market provider a 10 and the one that cost him more an 8-- logic being based on what she offered for the money.

OR in the same case, ANOTHER client might give the high-priced lady a 10 just because his memory of the session reconstructs his thinking to believe that if he paid that much for an hour of fun, she must have been INCREDIBLY gorgeous. Like I said it's all subjective and there's no way to get around it.

Of course you could lie, but that gets nobody anything.

Age consumes beauty. Even if a woman exercises and watches her diet, she will lose the glow of youth, the elasticity of skin, and the clarity of complexion. Woman sag, bag, wrinkle, and freckle with age. Stretch marks and age marks are not pretty.  

There shouldn't be an allowance for age in a looks rating. Reviewers should give their honest opinions without concern for the age of the provider. Compare women only to your ideal of beauty, not to how they look compared to their age group.

I don't care if she looks good "for a 40-year-old." I want to know if she looks good. Would we say an unattractive 20-year-old looks good "for a 40-year-old?" Maybe I should use that line if my next provider is unattractive.

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