San Diego

Kianna's review - This guy deserves an award...
San Diego Man 13068 reads

for having the biggest balls or for being the biggest dolt. Did he really schedule a meeting at his home knowing his wife would "be home soon"?

InSearchOfFOTC8255 reads

The guy must be an air traffic controller to something, he stayed so calm.  I can just picture it, he gets a call from his wife that she has to work late, so he calls Kianna's (who looks pretty damn hot I might add) - has her come right over and they go upstairs to his bedroom.

I wonder if he factored time it wash the sheets.

Kianna - love to hear if you knew the wife was coming home!

2sense12512 reads

Since his aka was "Natalie12", I think he should get the Johnny Cash "Boy Named Sue" award.

take it a little further - gender confusion with a user name like  "Natalie12", also under services offered "sex"- he/she didn't know. yet in the review she gave he/she the ride of his/her life - i think we're the ones being taken for a ride. what do you think kianna?

Definitely ballsy or idiotic, depending on his motivation.

secretagent8827 reads

Looks like a very fabricated many providers do you know that will see a new guy on a short or no notice.....makes you wonder.  Also wife working late.....I wonder if there was time to change the sheets?????

One her photos are hot and only one review.

The reviewer has only one review

Knowing most providers are LATE, he has her come to his place as his wife is working late. Right. Not worried that the nighbors would see, not worried that her perfume would linger, not worried that the odor of sex would still be in the air.Not worried that his wife would walk in on them    No way....

tomsawyer1012444 reads

She's a thief.  Shows up with driver and runs with your cash.  Don't waste your time.

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