San Diego

I've already been , . .
mrroberts69 56 Reviews 957 reads
1 / 19

I just discover it, lmfao.  Started following a lady in Australia and bang, my follows have exploded. It really feeds your ego and meets that communication need we all have. What I found is US providrs simply dont have the time or desire to feed this need where the aussy's use it for marketing.....thank you to all the ladys "down under"....

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 513 reads
2 / 19

myself doing anything that is called a "tweet."  Makes it sound more like a small fart.  Just say to yourself,  "we were laughing our asses off and she tweeted" and see what the first thing is that comes to mind.  I rest my case.

harlan.spector 9 Reviews 418 reads
3 / 19

You've just aged yourself, my friend.  That's a perfectly normal thing to say these days :D

GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 443 reads
4 / 19

Posted By: harlan.spector
You've just aged yourself, my friend.  That's a perfectly normal thing to say these days :D

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 440 reads
5 / 19

this age.  I admit I am slow to embrace tech stuff.  I have IT people that do all of that for me.  I just can't ask them to help me with this site.  Have to figure this out on my own.  

Call me whatever you want, but to me, "tweet" still sounds like a euphemism for a fart.

DiscreetGuy444 21 Reviews 500 reads
6 / 19

If ever you get the chance to follow Goldie, and her incredibly sensuous photos on Twitter, you will learn how to Tweet!
you just cant be to old to enjoy the finest things in life.

incallman2 32 Reviews 335 reads
7 / 19

You, HH and I plus .... countless others? We're in the same boat.

incallman2 32 Reviews 534 reads
8 / 19

I can't disagree with that.  
But I've found most twitter photo's posted by providers are the same as those on their personal sites.  
Twitter is also a useful research tool but, for me, I don't tweet unless I eat too many vegetables.

harlan.spector 9 Reviews 368 reads
9 / 19

Is a quick ticket to getting early onset dementia

SadieLane See my TER Reviews 371 reads
10 / 19

Love when I Tweet that someone canceled and BOOM someone messages me to play! It's also ideal for people who aren't local but want to keep in touch for their next visit. I love Twitter no matter the continent. XO SADIE LANE

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 302 reads
11 / 19

Told I'm demented, so I guess dementia is the next step.  Maybe I already have it . . . or not. I can't remember.

incallman2 32 Reviews 347 reads
12 / 19

I was going to write a nice snappy response but I don't remember what I was going to say.

5xfd7k63y7k 4 Reviews 470 reads
13 / 19

Keep it positive and/or sexy.  

Venting or snarky comments about clients, potential clients, or the hobby is extremely off-putting. Also, self-aggrandizing tweets aren't attractive.  

I've scratched half a dozen providers from my "to do" list for consistently demonstrating an attitude that I don't have time for.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 322 reads
14 / 19

peeper.  If Goldie wants me to see her photos, she will send them to me. . . . . because I'm old.

BirdiePutt 339 reads
15 / 19

I use it as a tool to see what a provider is really like and I as well scratch them of the list when I sense they have some issues. I almost want to say that Twitter = Self Aggrandizing at its very core. I mean really ... I could care less what you had for dinner complete with lame pictures of what you ate.  

Posted By: douglas858
Keep it positive and/or sexy.  
 Venting or snarky comments about clients, potential clients, or the hobby is extremely off-putting. Also, self-aggrandizing tweets aren't attractive.  
 I've scratched half a dozen providers from my "to do" list for consistently demonstrating an attitude that I don't have time for.

Onlyalurker 384 reads
16 / 19

So the providers use Twitter hoping to increase their exposure and business, however that reveals their true personalities which often suck, which in turn causes their potential clients who follow them to change their minds about seeing them. Wow! Lol

incallman2 32 Reviews 353 reads
17 / 19

Or, contrary to that, her true personality shines through and you realize you really want to see her when she was barely on your radar before. That has happened to me a few times but, never with twitter.

clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 413 reads
18 / 19

its fun but all these additional platforms can get very time consuming!!!

clairecavendish See my TER Reviews 281 reads
19 / 19

I can be a bit mouthy at times - about things I'm passionate about like equal rights and discrimination against sex workers, but I agree Twitter is not the forum to get carried away with political crap on.
Have learned to wind my neck in and just have fun on it.

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