San Diego

It just depends on the person...
SD_Guy_2865 24 Reviews 733 reads

It's all a matter of perspective. If you're a "glass half empty" type, then it's always going to be negative. I'd prefer to be more of a "glass half full" person & be more positive.

This has happened to me once.  
My all-time ATF contacted me well-in-advance of your scheduled appointment to cancel & reschedule.  
Was I bummed? Yes, extremely. But she was more disappointed than I was.
When we got together, she apologized.
Since then, we've met a few times "informally," just to hang out together & enjoy one another's company.  
I'm always so happy to just spend time with her

lickthestick1116 reads

How many times have we heard that line.  Usually it comes right after the "I need to cancel" call, by a provider. I've been in this game long enough to know its usally empty words, usually. Yes, there are exceptions, but not the norm. Perhaps more specific, it the hobbiest doesn't act on the promise, they are usualy empty words.  Meaning, the provider has forgotten her promise and the canceled date as soon as she hangs up and will not make good unless the hobbiest brings it up.  After all, your day is probably screwed up now.  How could she make it up? Give you an extra 30 minutes. Weeeee!  Just a observation....

Let's remember that this door swings both ways.  I wonder how many times someone has scheduled time with a lady and at the last moment cancels on her with no offer of anything other than "can we reschedule, something has come up".  

You make no mention of how you handle that situation.

It's all a matter of perspective. If you're a "glass half empty" type, then it's always going to be negative. I'd prefer to be more of a "glass half full" person & be more positive.

This has happened to me once.  
My all-time ATF contacted me well-in-advance of your scheduled appointment to cancel & reschedule.  
Was I bummed? Yes, extremely. But she was more disappointed than I was.
When we got together, she apologized.
Since then, we've met a few times "informally," just to hang out together & enjoy one another's company.  
I'm always so happy to just spend time with her

I always give them an extra 30 minutes. If it is VERY short notice...usually I give a free hour.

The offer is in writing and I make a note of the inconvenience discount in their contact info so I won't forget.  It's a small compensation, though, when someone is really looking forward to the meeting.  I feel really bad when I do need to cancel.  But that's no compensation whatsoever.

In the past when someone canceled on me frequently I told them to find someone else to see.  In the future I will try asking for a deposit instead.

lickthestick520 reads

And frankly I know the score.  But if the guys are honest, this is more than "making it up" .  There is a  physiological let down for guys.  We build up with expectation, adrenaline,  testosterone,  etc., that doesnt get released, just pools in our system.  Girls, 30 minutes extra in a few weeks doesnt help...and this is the second time with 1 hour notice with the same "former" atf.  Do it once, shame on you. Do it twice shame on me.  Yes, I know, moving on now.

If a provider cancels or flakes on me, yes its disappointing, but there are plenty of other fish, as the saying goes.  The problem of course is that you've used up your fishing time for that day / week etc., and so the experience morphs into frustration, and then hopefully expectation.  But when a promise is made - "I'll make it up to you" or "I'll give you a bonus" etc., and that promise is then conveniently forgotten, its hard not to become a little jaded.  Yes, as has been noted, hobbyists are not about cancelling - even at the last minute.  And for the provider, its more than just frustrated sexual desire - it can mean a financial hit.  Now if I were to cancel, and say something like "I'll make it up to you", then I most definitely would make sure there was a little extra in that envelope next time.  A promise is a promise.

Since we are talking about LATE cancelations, like same day cancelations.  These are the ones we can't make up.  We've already told other inquirers that we aren't available.  Occasionally I'll tell the person, "If something changes I'll let you know", but only if they ask me to, really.  Usually I don't recall who else might have tried to get an appointment for the same time.  Even if I did, by the time a late cancelation happens, they've made other plans.  

It's disappointing.  I'm usually okay with it unless the same person does it more than once.  It also helps a lot if they acknowledge that it is an inconvenience to cancel last minute.  It doesn't change the facts, I know, but I'm much more likely to forgive someone who is nice about it.


"Something came up and I am unable to come to our meeting.  I know this is last minute, and I'm  sorry.  I really wanted to come today!  I hope this won't make you not want to take a chance on me in the future because I really do want to see you.  I'd sure like to try it again next week if that's okay with you".  

"Something came up and I can't make it today.  Maybe I'll come see you next week".

Will not be meeting with me in the future:
"The other lady who was my first choice had a last minute cancelation and can see me after all!  Sorry, but I have to cancel our appointment.  Have a great day.  I know I will!

I was scheduled to see Goldie Knox for the first time last year and after driving down from Orange County and within five minutes of her incall, she called me to tell me her power had gone out.  I could see that traffic signals were out; she was telling the truth.  It was a hot summer day, so the AC was a must.  Even though the power failure was totally out of her control, Goldie promised me either a discount or 30 minutes more time the next time we got together.  I took her up on her offer of 30 minutes more time and had a great time with her a couple of weeks later.  She was really focused on making it right for me even though the cancellation wasn't her fault.  I really appreciated that gesture from Goldie; she's a quality lady.

Yes, she's definitely someone who's fun, but also very professional.  She takes her role seriously, and expects the same of her clientele.

Life happens.  
If I had a personal conflict that didn't allow me to meet up with my date.
It's my responsibility to let them know.  With some time in advance.  
Iv never said: " I owe you, or I'll make it up to you"
 Other than a "I'm sorry, for the inconvinience this may have caused you"
Things happen.  
Same thing happens when a gents schedule changes.  
No need for him to say: I'll make it up to you. He doesn't owe me anything!
A nice phone call is highly appreciated!!! Unless, the woman/ provider is stuck with the room.  
Now that's inconsiderate!  

On a positive note: My regulars are wonderful.  
They know I don't play often. Their aware  that if we set a date. I will show up. Unless, there's tragedy or family matters that call for my attention.

Business minded People respect and comprehend Time.  
This goes for the business gents that schedule with me ( while they plan their San Diego conference or seminars)  
I understand their position.  You see, they have to juggle appointments, or conference or dinner meetings,  Besides me.
It's bad if I don't show up...  

I love going to them! With my demenour they don't worry about who sees me.
 I keep it discrete ;)) hehehe  
Oh' if someone cancles more than once, shame on you for trusting them.
I won't! Bother with them.  




Posted By: lickthestick
How many times have we heard that line.  Usually it comes right after the "I need to cancel" call, by a provider. I've been in this game long enough to know its usally empty words, usually. Yes, there are exceptions, but not the norm. Perhaps more specific, it the hobbiest doesn't act on the promise, they are usualy empty words.  Meaning, the provider has forgotten her promise and the canceled date as soon as she hangs up and will not make good unless the hobbiest brings it up.  After all, your day is probably screwed up now.  How could she make it up? Give you an extra 30 minutes. Weeeee!  Just a observation....
-- Modified on 8/19/2015 7:43:11 PM

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