San Diego

If you search some of . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 247 reads

the other boards, I recall seeing an explanation over a week ago.  I just don't remember the details, except somebody said he was breaking some of the rules, so TER took him down.

Two weeks ago LC posted his usual Provider Friday thread. It was up awhile and then taken down. None yesterday. Am I the only one that misses it? To be clear, I didn't always like his text but the photo's and videeos were always nice to look at. Does "The Shadow" know what happened?

-- Modified on 1/30/2016 4:18:27 PM

the other boards, I recall seeing an explanation over a week ago.  I just don't remember the details, except somebody said he was breaking some of the rules, so TER took him down.

I think was the reason. I know it's a fuck board, but TER does have its standard. Also may have been the fact he spams numerous boards with the Friday shill, which may have been a board violation. He did the shill post on the Boston board this  
Past Friday.  

Also his spamming numerous boards with his morning caffeine  post was missing.  

However, with TER you never know for sure. Btw, I was NOT a fan of his posts.  

Posted By: incallman2
Two weeks ago LC posted his usual Provider Friday thread. It was up awhile and then taken down. None yesterday. Am I the only one that misses it? To be clear, I didn't always like his text but the photo's and videeos were always nice to look at. Does "The Shadow" know what happened?

-- Modified on 1/30/2016 4:18:27 PM

while i had no problem with the context of his posts, the content was very demeaning imo to both providers and hobbyists.

if he had simply asked "who were you seeing" or "who do you recommend this week" i wouldn't have had an issue with it.  or even something like "knocking boots with" or "making the beast with two backs," but lamont seemed to go out of his way to be vile about this whole endeavor.

...his handle.  You don't mess with The Shadow - after all, he has the power to cloud men's minds.  I'm afraid that's what he did to poor old LC.

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