But my agency was run and operated by a WHITE middle aged woman who was born and raised in America who chose ladies to work for her who WANTED to be part of her group and make extra income. Everyone WANTED to be there and ENJOYED the work (in most cases, I do know for some it was a "job").
Here is my take on agencies (agree or disagree, this is just my perspective)
- beware of Asian agencies
- most do NOT speak English thus you can not be sure they are doing this of free will
- a large percentage are implanted as soon as they are off "the boat"
- the agencies are often the same group operating in LA/SD rotating ladies
- their photos are incredibly air brushed
- high volume!
- how much do you REALLY think they are making from their mama-san or papa-san?
- once noticed an agency with a lady listed for 3 weeks straight (9am - 9pm) so that's a max of 9 guys daily for 3 weeks straight then off to another city
I have heard happy stories too: one who makes money and sends it home to her family and travels back every few months... However I feel these situations are rare and think most of these ladies are essentially being trafficked. Without the ability to communicate or complain to clients because of language barriers we may never really know