San Diego

sweetah 12486 reads

What level of health hazard is involved in receiving/giving BBBJ/BBBJTC,DATY and DFK for both hobbyists and providers? Specifically can one contract herpes(any type)receiving or giving them? Full house participation(hobbyists and providers) on this dicourse appreciated.

NASAGUY11116 reads

Herpes is fairly easy to transmit depending on the cirumstances.  The link is a quick summary from the NIH.

rhnp10955 reads

How effective is condom in prevention of Herpes?  I know it is effective, but 90%, or 99-100%?  And, is there any one out there with first hand experience?

There is a woman I know, truly beautiful, and a dear friend. She once confided in me about her condition, and we never became intimate, but the thought has always been on my mind ...

NASAGUY11640 reads

It depends.  Like many viral infections, medical research does not have a defintive answer for all of the questions.  It is generally believed that Herpes is spread from the various sites where it has visible outbreaks.  But, some researchers believe that the virus may be contagious even when no visible signs are present at the outbreak sites.

I Know A LOT about HERPES because I worked for a number of years in an OB/GYN practice.

There are 2 types of Herpes.  They are Both spread by  viruses that will live in your body FOREVER!  Breakouts vary from person to person & can be exacerbated by such things as stress, diet, menstruation, sun exposure, etc.  Most people find that as time  passes from the 1st breakout, the fewer they become.  This is also dependent upon which type of virus you were infected with.

There are 2 types of viruses.  The first one is called "HSV1".  
HSV1 is known to cause the cold sores that you often see on peoples' mouths.  However, this virus inhabits the facial nerve that runs from the outside corner of the mouth all the way up to the outer corner of the eye (on the affected side).  So you could expect a breakout anywhere along the path of that nerve.  A person can also be infected by HSV1 in the genital/anal area from receiving oral sex.  Good News though...if you DO get infected "down there" with HSV1, the outbreaks tend to be MUCH Milder & Less Often! (that is, as opposed to someone who was infected in the same area with HSV2)

The second type of virus is appropriately named "HSV2".  This affects the anal/genital area, the inner thigh area, & the buttocks.  Like I said before, this virus can also be contracted through oral sex...But it is MORE commonly transmitted via vaginal/anal sex.  This virus tends to cause more painful breakouts.  They tend to last a bit longer as well. However...There are good medicines out there to treat breakouts. (Thank God!)

The prescription medication is called "Zovirax" (generic name: Acyclovir).  It is taken orally, so you do have to suffer a bit until it gets into your system.  You have to take it 5 times/day for the duration of the it can be a bit of a hassle...But it is Well Worth It!!  There is also a newer RX that you take less often...but I forget the name of it.  Either way, if you are having VERY frequent breakouts, you can take the RX "prophylactically".  (That means "as a preventitive")

I know there is some debate as to how HSV is spread.  Don't be fooled...You don't have to have visible sores to spread Herpes!!  Herpes is spread by what they call "Shedding of Cells".  That means that you can give/get Herpes even if there aren't visible sores.  Another thing to consider:  Women can have sores INSIDE, so don't think "If I can't see it...Then it's OK"   They may not be aware that they have sores "up there".  Of course...the odds are GREATLY Reduced if you can't see anything externally!  Rule of Thumb...When in doubt...WRAP IT!

The Best you can do in this situation is to communicate openly about it.  It shouldn't have to ruin your sex life!  You just have to be more responsible about protecting others...and yourself, for that matter...from contracting STD's.

I hope that this has answered some, if not all of your questions re: HSV.  I know of this EXCELLENT website that has EVERY STD known mapped out on it.  (How it is spread, How it is Treated, etc...)  
I think it is something like
If that's not it, then try searching for the site  "Free Condoms".  They have an entire page committed to educating the public on issues such as this.  

Hope I was able to help out!  =)

Little ol me11413 reads

BBJ's and Daty are always so nice.....but the truth is they are not as safe as they would seem.....It is very easy to transmit herpes through Oral is also worse on us girls then anyone would think!
  I consider myself to be super safe and very clean but recently I was having the wrost trouble in the world w/a recurring urinary tract infection which I have never in my life had before....everytime I  was treated for it it came right back...after a while I just came clean w/ my Dr. and told him what I do...I explained to him that I always have safe sex and take very good care of myself....he ended up asking me if I allowed people to preform unprotected oral sex on me and I said yes that's the only thing I do unprotected....
   He went on to tell me that that is not a good idea and thats why I couldn't get rid of my infection....he explained to me that someone could easily pass me herpes through their mouth and that 1 out of 3 people carry the oral herpes virus which can transmit itself to your genitals.....He explained that peoples mouths are generally full of germs and bacteria and the vagina is very sensitive to infection....Sooo be careful ladies and gents...we are supposed to be having fun not putting our health on the line.....xoxoo

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