San Diego

I love...
holystonethedeck 86 Reviews 116 reads
posted worship and adore pussy. My mouth is watering now thinking about it.

To all the kind individuals who love to please a provider by worshipping & adoring the pussy. I love the people who pleasure me! Reciprocation is the best. Thank you, kindly to those who care if we climax. Smile for me! Xoxo

CurlyW-NatsFan137 reads

.. that you have to make these posts..  

I think threADs are getting more and more blatant, and not to say a bit obnoxious.  

Oh BTW, I never once gave a fuck about hookers climaxing or not.. Not once.. Not in my 20s, and certainly wise enough to not care about it 20 yrs into the hobby.  It was always about ME, ME and more ME !!  I am not there to please the hooker. She is there to please me..  The only thing that I cared about was I was respectful, clean, punctual, and had full donation.

followme119 reads

But what do you really think, stop holding back.

2023 = 28 worship and adore pussy. My mouth is watering now thinking about it.

CurlyW-NatsFan112 reads

We all love juicy cunts, but the question is do you or do you not give two fucks about the bitch climaxing?  If your answer is YES, there is something inherently wrong with your thought process.  

These bitches aren't spreading their legs for us because they love us or have feelings for us.  They need to pay their rent, put roof over their heads, feed their babies because baby daddy is a deadbeat.  They always knew baby daddy was a dead beat, but thought they could change  him.  Some need to support their own drug habit, or even go through school just so that they won't have to fuck us..  Get real man..

Despite all the vitriol that this posting has generated, I for one love pleasing my partner orally and wish I were closer to SD to worship and adore you til you have multiple climaxes.

CurlyW-NatsFan109 reads

It has generated vitriol because it was moved from GD board to San Diego  board. I have no desire to come and post on San Diego board. LOL..

Considering that you have posted 3 of the 6 replies (before this one), it sounds sort of strange that you have no interest on posting on the SD Board.  Who gives a damn whether it was on the General Board, the SD Board, or some other Board?  Talk about things being "slow!"

Give it a break

CurlyW-NatsFan112 reads

WTF is local DMV guy doing on the CA board..  CA is a fuckin' wasteland dude.. Get the fuck outta there..  Nothing but a bunch of homeless drug addicts.  The whole state is turning into a skid row.

-- Modified on 4/7/2023 11:37:29 AM

Great job hijacking my thread. If it does not apply to you why post negativity? You love me! I’m convinced. I’ve been on a Momcation in Mexico solita for a week. Now, I’m home in SD on Spring Break vacation at a resort with my children for the last 5 days & you can’t keep my name out your mouth. You advocate all my threads being ads, like I’m hurting for business. Fun fact love bug hoeing is my hobby & has been, since 2010.

CurlyW-NatsFan116 reads

Love is a strong word, and so is hate !!  I neither love you nor hate you..  Yes, I do think a lot of posts coming from you are thinly, and sometimes not so thinly, veiled ads.  Do I like to pick on you, YES.. But then again I pick on lot of people and use salty language on the boards.. In real life - not so much.  

If posting under someone's post on a board that is meant for chitchatting  is considered stalking, then that's one hell of a low bar.  

When you made a decent post, I have commended you for it.  Just go back and peruse GD board.  

Have fun on vacation..  

And again, I do not hate you neither do I love you..

-- Modified on 4/8/2023 8:34:33 AM

One of my old regular friends used to tell me that I live a luxury lifestyle. When I inquired as to why he felt that way his response was that I could afford to lay out & get an all natural tan. My sun kissed skin is a good indicator that I am a woman of leisure.  Thanks again, to all the real true gents that love to please providers.

It’s funny that this post was moved to my SD board because many individuals reached out to me personally apologizing for your rude behavior on these boards. I’m sorry you feel need to continue to post bs. When you clearly stated that your not, like this in real life. Sad. Have fun playing a role here as a TER thug.

CurlyW-NatsFan111 reads

Do you ever get tired of talking how great you are?   Let me tell you something "honey".  Your shit stinks just like everyone else'

WTF?  Well, some of us - although apparently not you - are well traveled and do more than just sit around all day jacking off to our computer and bitching about everything that pops into their little minds.  

Since its Easter (although this may not be the best forum to quote the bible), the only additional thing I have to say to you is, why don't you read Proverbs 29:9 "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet."  Guess which one you are mister WTF!   I'm done.

CurlyW-NatsFan134 reads

I travel quite a bit too.. Just don't hang out with the junkies in CA.. LOL..  

Good job quoting Bible on a Fuckboard.  

What does Bible say about sexual immorality ? Does it condemn it ? Pretty much every religion does.  

Happy Easter motherfucker !!

I think maybe if you treated hookers as woman people and not some funk on the bottom of your shoe you might really enjoy it. You should try it. How do you act if you pick up some1 at a bar?  Do you treat her like crap? Is it the fact that you are paying that makes you so miserable or do you have some deep seated hang ups about casual sex, paid or not ? I know I shouldn't even bother but maybe you would be nicer if you tried to think of us as women and not cum dumpsters. Some of us are pretty cool. I hope you get the chance to find that out.

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