San Diego

I know this is really an OT thread, but...
Temporary-NFC-fan 11656 reads
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Without a miracle it appears that the Oakland Raider organization will be in town shortly and even worse than that, their fans will follow shortly thereafter. All you local girls out there, watch your purses as well as your back, do everything covered until they're done polluting our fair city and if you must do business with them, PLEASE see your healthcare provider in a timely manner afterward and drop by your local drug store for an industrial size package of RID. You'll need it.
Let us pray to the most merciful football gods that the Raiders defeat next Sunday be a truly humiliating one.

One pissed off Charger fan.

Rugburn 21 Reviews 11071 reads
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I can't imagine why "Charger Fan" would be "pissed".  They WAY overachieved this year with their domination of the likes of Cincinnati, Houston, Arizona.  The Raiders on the other hand, got lucky with good ownership, management, drafts, players, fair salaries and a loyal fan base.  Don't worry though - your pain should subside right about the time they become the L.A. Chargers.

attackontheraidernation 9292 reads
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Unfortunately, part of the raider nation already live among us in our fair city.  Anyone who has been to the football games in tha valley know that.  They are the ones that save up all year to go to one game.  However, I suspect that the Gaslamp Quarter will be infested with them.  You will be able to notice them - they will sleep in their car or trailer, pay cash (no credit cards), leave minimal tips, eat without utensils, and be unable to hold their liquor.  In order to protect yourself, there may be a few more chemical resistant suits on eBay for those providers that still want to do the deed during this week of the invasion.  Remember everything on these boards is fictional!

PAT MCGROIN 2 Reviews 10250 reads
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You guys are funny.

Hey the Raiders are a great team. They're the virtual senior citizens of the NFL. Some of us can really identify with them being over the hill and yet successful. Put 'em in pink uniforms with a Serenity Farms Old Age Home logo and you'd be more accurate plus you'd lose the fans who only care for the uniform and not the team.

It's the ultimate irony that they're fans are often made up of young people who imagine themselves to be cool. Fortunately very few are likely to afford SB tickets. The lack of a visiting team from one of the colder states will definitely have a negative effect on the local economy. Maybe the hoardes of providers visiting the city without a big influx of dollars will depress prices.

FredNietzsche 11563 reads
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Agree with all of you guys.  It is a scary thought to think of all the Raider punks from LA and Oakland invading our fair city.  I wish the SDPD luck in trying to contain any problems.   I guess we can take solace in the fact that there is only one week off before the Super Bowl than two which would have given the Raider fans more time to raise our city!

Temporary-NFC-fan 12242 reads
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how long it would take for "Raiderfan" to poke their collective heads out from underneath the baseboards. I guess the influx of painted, plastic appliance wearing,toofless,loud mouthed, beer swilling,firearm weilding, minimum wage earning Silver and Black supporters has begun. It's really too bad that they can't afford to buy a ticket to the game. I pity our town being subjected to this again having just finished the disinfection from the visit last month. My problem isn't necessarily with the organization but rather with the legions of vermin that crawl in with them.
As for my Chargers, I'm no fan of their organization but they're still my team. If they end up in LA, so be it. I have no control over that matter. It will be just one less place that the loyal Mr. Al Davis can move his team next time he gets the whim.

gumby007 10387 reads
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You really have to admit that they Raiders fans are something else. Yes, they appear crazed and almost mob like, but, they heartily support the team. I am as far from a Raiders fan as you can get, especially since the "Holly roller", but I do admire the support that their fans give.
   Many teams that do move try to cite a lack of fan support as one of the determining factors. The Raiders would have a hard time trying to argue that.

Rugburn 21 Reviews 11146 reads
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Finally, a comment not steeped in "loser's limp" rhetoric. Al "Darth" Davis, as hated as he is, has done more for his team, city(s), players and the NFL as a whole than most other owner's combined.  Spanos, with his parasitic mentality, is incapable of investing in his business (yes football fans, it IS a business) with the kind of "balls to the wall" attitude that will produce a consistent winner.  San Diego seems to have few true fans (not counting the "fair weather" variety).  Try to buy a single seat for ANY game in Oakland - it's impossible at ANY price.  Here, you can pick up good seats from Charger "fans" for ANY game - for a few bucks over face value.  "Just Wine Baby!"

times25 17 Reviews 9732 reads
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jerry rice, tim brown, rich gannon, etc, etc, etc. the raiders may leave a foul residue on san diego, but you have to admire the players on this team. raider fans are girl scouts compared to some east coast teams. in no way should the raiders being part of this super bowl impede your participation in all the parties and nfl events occurring this week. I’ve been to 26 consecutive super bowls and it’s one of the best week-long-party you’ll ever attend. so, get out and enjoy one of the worlds best sporting events – it’s in your hometown.

bkman 32 Reviews 9760 reads
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In all actuality, the Charger owners (and practically every other owner of a major sports franchise) are in it for the money.  And they were shrewd enough to capitalize on the euphoria that waffed through this city when they made their lone Super Bowl appearance years ago.  They realized that their team would never be able to sell out consistently, so they duped the city into that ridiculous sellout guarantee.  They're the ones laughing to the bank, with the city left to feel victimized.

Al Davis is not really much better, when he first skipped town on Oakland, then skipped town on LA, only to get caught up in a lawsuit against the Alameda county folks over his new deal with his old stadium.  But, there is a common theme with Davis, and that's his will to field a winning team as best he can every year, regardless of where they play.  It's finally paying off.  

Sorry for contributing to this off-topic thread.  :)


-- Modified on 1/20/2003 1:33:12 PM

-- Modified on 1/20/2003 1:33:39 PM

rob60131 4 Reviews 8278 reads
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Yes, "Charger Fan", this is your worst nightmare come true. The Pride and Poise of the Silver and Black come to the Black Hole South, aka Qualcomm stadium, with swords drawn and the Jolly Roger flying high. Someday, "Charger Fan", you may know what it is to support your team through good times and bad, through the glory of the Lombardi trophy and the ignominity of last place. But never deny the Raider fans their due. We are legion, and we are here.

secretagent 8476 reads
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Not to continue this -- but if the Chargers paid $38 miilion in rent and the City paid $31 million in seat guaranty, how are the Chargers laughing to the bank.  St. Louis Rams will pay $0 rent to St. Louis for the use of the stadium for 20 that's a deal that CAN be taken to the bank.

1dogg12 2 Reviews 10191 reads
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It's a game and I welcome any fan who is visiting this city. I am so happpy that San Diego is hosting this event. What it does for this city....$$$$$$. That's very importent to me (where I
work at) and anybody that's.... I think living in San Diego!

I feel Raiders fans are no differnt then..SD,Pgh,GB,Minn,Tenn,or the Jets! You have the good and bad fans! I am just happy that this city (San Diego), will be the center of sports world this Sun!

Just me,

-- Modified on 1/20/2003 7:05:25 PM

bkman 32 Reviews 9579 reads
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I think the Chargers are happy that their net cost to play is $7M instead of $31M, don't you think?  :)  Just curious, because I don't know, but are there any other cities with a sellout gurantee?  Oh well, no need to respond.  This thread has gone on too far anyway.


Temporary-NFC-fan 8833 reads
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No, my worst nightmare came true yesterday as I watched the embodiment of Raiderdom disembark his flight into San Diego with his ass hanging out of his sweatpants. Pride and poise, class and dignity, thats the Raiders. Somehow that scene just seemed to fit the occasion of the arrival of the Raiders.
Yes, you are legion and you are here, you are (insert description of Silver and Black supporter from previous post here) "Raiderfan". But yet there is hope in San Diego, for LE is prepared, our businesses await you to leave your meager earnings, the pharmacies are well stocked with antibiotics and we posess Lysol,RID, Glade and Pine Sol and await your departure.

-- Modified on 1/21/2003 9:36:26 AM

Slash dot 9391 reads
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Woman found slain in recycling bin in E. Oakland

Police say city's fifth homicide of 2003 was a suspected prostitute from Lafayette
Tuesday, January 14, 2003 - OAKLAND -- A suspected high-priced prostitute featured in magazine pictorials was found shot to death Monday morning in East Oakland, almost 12 hours after her bloody sport utility vehicle was spotted a few miles away, police said.

secretagent 10916 reads
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There are a number of cities charging their NFL teams no rent.

dickgozinya 8937 reads
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will there be worse rioting if the raiders win or lose?

CaliGirl 8367 reads
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Oakland is only good for Rock Concerts. I hope the Raiders lose on Sunday. Thats all.

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