San Diego

I assumed it WAS private, since you were moderating me...
dman 10202 reads
1 / 14


I had the chance to spend Monday evening in the company of this lovely lady.  Suffice it to say that it was, overall, the best evening I've had with an escort in San Diego in well over a year.  For anyone who didn't book with her because Ness had posted that she was over-weight, you blew it - he has obviously not seen THIS lady.  She cannot weigh more than 105 pounds, pretty much the perfect weight for her petite 5' height, I might add.  And that does not begin to scratch the surface of her exceptional talents.   If you were waiting for someone reliable to review her, here it is:  She's on the very short list of the absolute best companions I've ever seen.  I suggest you get on her list to be screened for the next time she returns to San Diego for a visit.  

- dman

wm2slc 6 Reviews 10197 reads
2 / 14

Where have I heard this all before. lol She is incredible guys.

-- Modified on 7/23/2002 1:20:26 PM

ness 18 Reviews 11075 reads
3 / 14

She was NOT slender when I saw her... and she knew it and admitted it!

If she has lost weight, well good for her!

In any case, I take offense at you, dman, for the personal attack. I was more than forthright with you in the past. I was CLEAR indicating that she was not the slender "hottie" portrayed in her pics when I saw her some time back, and I was also clear in mentioning that she may have worked to appear mor elike her pics at present. I only admit to getting my years mixed up, but that is ALL!

But as far as my postings hurting her business, that is a crock, because she admitted to me she was not at her best and that she needed to work out to get back into it, but still charged me her full rate!


JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 11547 reads
4 / 14

Look gang, you've hashed this out already elsewhere.

Don't bring it HERE.

ALL OF YOU..............DROP IT......NOW!

If I have to delete this entire thread, I will.

I'll also put you all in MODERATED MODE, which means I have to approve every post you make on this board, and the other mod's will have to do likewise.

You've each had your say..........BACK OFF!!!!!!!

dman 11043 reads
5 / 14


I made it clear 4 weeks ago when Ness 1st posted that SydneyGypsy was significantly overweight, that I was scheduled to see her the 1st day she was going to be in town, and that I would post an unbiased evaluation at that time.  I also stated at the time, that I'd never seen her, and was only basing my booking on her prior STELLAR reputation nationwide.  Well, I saw her, and I did exactly what I said I'd do, post my honest appraisal of her service and her physical fitness, along with my appraisal of Ness's comments about her.  No more, and no less.  The FACT is, she very much is worthy of that stellar reputation she had.  I had absolutely no other agenda here.

As far as moderation is concerned, I feel that I exercised PLENTY of self-moderation in not responding to Ness's reply to my post.  If you wish to put me on edit mode because I gave a fair evaluation of a lady who is SOOOOO MUCH better than what we normally have available in San Diego, well that's just fine with me.   I could give a rat's ass.  This board needs people who will give an honest appraisal without personal attacks on a lady.  But I personally am done here.  I will continue to read the ever-diminishing useful evaluations on this board until it becomes a COMPLETE waste of time, and then I'll stop reading.  But as for posting, I won't bother to contribute any more.  There's no benefit in it for me personally.  Adios.

GirlPointOfView 11040 reads
6 / 14

It's not so much that it's not possible she could have gained alittle weight, it's just that I happen to think you didn't see her in the time-frame you said you did.  She had been retired at that time.  That brings a little discredit to your remarks.

Other than that, Ness, your opinion would be so much more validated if you weren't so damn hostile about it.  The guys DO want the truth, but when you come off sounding like you have a vendetta against someone, people don't take it very well.

You don't have to change your attitude on these boards, but you might want to think about it.

Fact is, she is very hot right now.  You might have used a little more TACT when expressing your thoughts earlier just so you don't look like an ass later on....

I'm not trying to start a flame with you, as my tone in writing this is very sincere and calm.  You can email me at [email protected] if you want to tell me off... I'm a "big" girl, I can take it! (no pun intented!)

JBIRDCA 8 Reviews 10822 reads
7 / 14

since you opted to reply in the public forum, I'm compelled to respond similarly.

My message was not directed to you alone.

My message was directed to ALL who wanted to start the Sydney debate AGAIN.

As I posted, the subject about Sydney was discussed elsewhere, and it go to a level of dramatic name calling-which really solves nothing.

While I winced when I saw your recent post, I allowed it to remain unmodified. But in fairness, I had to also allow Ness, since he was addressed by name, to respond ONCE.

Now you both had your say, and my point to all is to DROP IT. If you review the previous TER post about Sydney, I did, in fact, edit the original post where she was rudely isnulted.

I also posted an explanation about what I would, and would not, allow while I'm moderator of the SD board. Information is fine. Disagreement is fine. Name calling and rabble rousing for mean spiritedness is unacceptable.

I appreciate that you didn't respond back to Ness's reply before I posted my message. My point was, and still is - everyone needs to let it go.

I would hope you would submit a review for posting, just staying within the guidelines for reviews.

As with all reviews, those who wish to meet any provider and are concerned about discrepent reviews shoudl read the reviews carefully and decide based upon the reputation & number of reviews each reviewer has submitted.

I will not allow threads to deteriorate to what has happened at other boards.

That being said, if you feel that you do not wish to participate, that is your choice. For the time being, I have not placed any of you in moderated mode yet, and if you all behave, I won't need to.

If you, or any other TER member want to discuss this further, please do so offline. I have a TER account, if you are a member you can submit a message that way.

The mod may not be right, but he's still the mod {Big Grin}

ness 18 Reviews 9839 reads
8 / 14

I thought Dman's posting violated your rules of personal attackes..

As you can see in my response the dman, I was restrained and did NOT lash out ANY personal attacks, and made every attempt to restate again and again what happened and made it abundantly clear I messed up on the dates... but that is it.

In fact, it surprised me that dman did not more tactfully acknowledge that she may have indeed thinned out since the time I last saw her. Moreover, we have exchanged private notes before, so I thought he would know better and simply confirm that she has changed for the better.

Lastly, since we are talking about a chunk of money (more than what most professions make on an hourly basis), it is more than fair to publicly hold providers accountable to the measure we can.

PS. Mod, you too have lashed out unsolicitied, personal attacks; why the sudden self righteousness?

ppr 1 Reviews 13340 reads
9 / 14

As much as I appreciate all the feedback on Sydney, I still want to she HOT or NOT? I'm talking today. Who cares what she looked like 6 years ago, or we'll look like 6 years from now. The 411 is now...what's the story from others?

shydoc 12138 reads
10 / 14

being a physician and after spending a lovely afternoon with Sydney, I can say once and for all she was never overweight.  If she had indeed lost a significant amount of weight, there would definately be signs. Believe me, I did a complete examination on her ;-).  Is she thin/anorexic, no.  Is she petite, yes.  Does she have an athletic body, yes.  Now I know why she was number one.  To each is his own, end of discussion and thank you Sydney!  

dman 12126 reads
11 / 14

but in fact you weren't yet.  I was surprised as anyone when it immediately appeared.  

Incidentally, I don't get involved in private message discussions, because I'm only a basic member.  I have no interest in either contributing to, or reading, the review section juicy details, because TER's "guidelines" render the entire exercise noxious and unreliable, from my perspective.

I have already established to my satisfaction that the information which I am now willing to put into a review is insufficient to get them accepted by TER.  Hence I don't even try anymore.  The information which I put in my initial post of this thread is the sum total of explicit detail I am willing to provide in a review.  In other words, basically none.  And TER has made it clear that they don't wish to have such reviews.  So I don't have much choice beyond posting in the BBs.  I will grant you that my attack on Ness probably could have been skipped.  However, it was crystal clear to me that the lady who's company I enjoyed last night was not only not remotely close to being overweight, her skin was such that it was clear that she has NEVER been significantly overweight.  So I called Ness out for the mess which he started a month ago, since I was, as of this morning, the ONLY person with genuinely up to date info on this lady in San Diego, since she is returning from a nearly 3 year hiatus.

-- Modified on 7/23/2002 10:28:52 PM

dman 11219 reads
12 / 14

She is not only quite slim, but her skin lacks ANY telltale sign of her ever NOT being slim.  If, as someone who is about 5 feet tall, she were EVER 25-30 pounds overweight, she'd have some type of stretch marks, not perfectly toned, smooth skin, which is what she has.  I was quite clear that I thought, and continue to think from the evidence I have closely examined, that you could not have seen her, or else your recollection of her is completely incorrect.

GirlCrazy 11976 reads
13 / 14

Not sure what is the exact reason.  Suddenly all of my post takes a while to get posted.  Anyway, this gives me more time to read about others' post before I jumped into the fray.  Obviously, this doesn't stop me from posting here ;)

Yes, I lost the immediacy and spontaneity of quick response.  My post might even get rejected or modified (so far so good).  However, if my viewpoint is fair and valid, I trust TER moderators will let my posts see the daylight.

Just me being a nosy dude.

MistressM 12426 reads
14 / 14

There are plenty of women who are lucky enough to have elastic skin. That doesn't prove anything.

That said, I have not met Sydney but I have no doubt she looks lovely based on all her reviews. Reading Ness' reviews he mentions the girl's weight in about 2/3 of them, so based on that he's probably the one that's picky.

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