San Diego

I agree with gumby007. 1/2 hr rates are usally 2/3 of a 1hr rate. EOM.
GirlCrazy 10592 reads


This is a post to all San Diego providers.

Have any of your considered "less than an hour" appointments??

In my "limited" experience, it often seems that even though I book a girl for an hour, I never use all the time. I sometimes leave feeling like I paid for something I didn't get.  

Many of us aren't interested in all the chit chat/foreplay/etc and just want a quick f***.  

Another observation...many guys who frequent providers are married and have "joint" accounts.  In many cases, a $200-300 expenditure is hard to "explain".  A smaller expenditure, say $50-100 is easier to pull off once in a while.

I would think that some providers who want more business could offer 15-20 minute appointments and charge a prorated amount of their hour rate.  If they could book enough back to back, they would get the same amount of money.

I know I would be far more likely to book an appointment if I could pay less for a "first time" 20 min visit. To see if I like the girl, and then later, the next visit, perhaps book more time.

Is it realistic to expect that any providers would offer a lower price for less time..or is it simply that there is a "minimum" charge to get matter how fast you c**??

I only bring this up because I have had some sessions where I tried to negotiate a lower price and one of the most common reasons a provider agreed to lower the price was "you have to c** in 15 minutes" or something like that.  

any takers out there for us quicky guys who can't spend a lot of money or our wives kick our ass?!?

-- Modified on 7/31/2002 3:04:57 PM

gumby00710526 reads

Nothing personal tagger, but I consider to be a bargain hunter as of recently, and I think you are asking way to much. You can get 30 min appointments in all areas of San diego for less than $$$, and in some cases, less than $$. For 50-100, you may want to cruise the streets though. You may want to go to TJ. I hear that they have great rates. I don't mean to be rude. I just feel that these girls earn every penny that they work for. Some of them don't charge enough. And remember, I'm a bargain humter. Good luck.

w_b12821 reads

Hey it would be great if providers offered discount rates for quick pops & providing they can fill the time slot with guys to make up the difference.

What happens when a guy does not pop within his time slot. Do you rush him out so you can get to the next guy?

Maybe there should be a premium charge for quickies...after all you're paying for convenience. Plus think about the wear & tear on the provider....pop after pop after pop!

GirlPointOfView10582 reads

I totally get what you are saying taggger, however, that kind of rate and time frame to me has streetwalker written all over it.  The first time.....absolutely not.  Maybe after you and a provider get to know each other, a "nooner" or "quickie" can be arranged.  

This also screams out to LE to come and get me.  They know they'll have an easy bust without a lot of questions.

That kind of money just brings in an element most providers don't want.  Nothing against you or your reasons why you want a quickie, but I just think too many scum bums will want to join in the deal.  

I also agree that you are getting ripped by the girl not staying for the full hour or allowing only "one" - That's BS - you paid for the hour and she should stay. And "two" "three" or even "four" times should not be a issue if you can handle it.  Even if you can't, a sensual massage, nice conversation, modeling, dirty talk, etc. can all be used to fill up the remaining time.  But since you just want a quickie anyways, you may want to get to know a girl that offers incall first, then ask her about special deals.  Doing otherwise is inviting a lot of trouble that has nothing to do with money.

I wish you luck......

ctb10988 reads

I agree wiht you Taggger. Actually this service is offerec up north in Quebec, Canada. I lived there for a while and they do have 15-20 miutes ($60Can). You get in, you do your pop an doyu're out.
There was a girl who did only BJ for 5-10 minutes for $20 Can.

If only this could work in San Diego

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