San Diego

Had an experience a year back
terfind 14 Reviews 17754 reads
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I had an experience with a dancer at one of our local establishments. We had really hit it off during multiple lap dances...It was getting late and as we said our goodbyes I so wanted to ask her what she was doing after hours...any suggestions as how, when to do this?? and even anyone have experience in doing so?

DA-MAC 1 Reviews 17462 reads
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I used to frequent Little Darlings in LG. One night after about $ spent on lap dances with...(I don't even remember her name) With constant offers of $$ for a date, she went and got another HOT girl I believe she went by the name Brittany. This one agreed to meet me after her shift. She said if management knew she was doing this she would be fired. She was hot, a great dancer, beautiful smile and great attitude. Her laps were even hotter than the first girl. I could not wait to be naked with her.

We met at No Tell Motel. I paid for a room. We went in. Long story shortened: She was a great dancer, but a lousy lay. She did not want to do or recieve oral. She just layed there. My advice: Stay with the pros with good reviews.

MIKE1010 8 Reviews 17201 reads
3 / 11

Strippers are just like any other lady.  That means you can approach them just like you would any other lady.  However, it sounds like you just met this lady and she fulfilled your fantasy.  That is their job and how they make their money!  

If you are really interested, you can go back and see her again while she is working.  Then you can talk to her like you would any other lady and exchange contact information.  Like any other lady, if she is really interested in you, she will be open to this.  Either way, if you are bold enough to take a chance, you will know where you really stand.  These ladies get approached a lot so she won't be offended.  

My feeling is that if she really wanted to see you outside the club, she would have approached you about seeing her.  This is, after all, the 21st Century.

dman 15537 reads
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They're not the same, and both can occassionally be attained

LetsGoMets 16309 reads
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try worked for me once with a gal from Pacers .....after seeing this girl at the club for many visits and tipping alot, i felt i had to ask her out...but you know, they get propsitioned all the time and they are onto all the come on lines......they also want to be "respected"  and dont want to be viewed as the sluts that they really are...but to get to the point.....i would find out her to her about non  sexual stuff....and ask her out to an innocent kind of date.....what i did was find out this girl liked art so i asked her to meet me at an exhibit on ancient China at one of those Balboa park museums.....we saw the exhibit, then i just bid her a good evening....after several innocent dates it just progressed like any other relationship to the sexual part......the problem with this one was that even though she was very pretty she was psychologically unstable and a  little to weird...oh, well........

TEQUILA 5 Reviews 17203 reads
6 / 11

I did date a dancer, a long time ago. She never went out with guys she met at the club.  In addition, just because the girl dances in a nudie club, doesn't mean she is a provider.

The gal I dated was just doing it for the money and the relative safety of working in a club with 300lb plus bouncers walking her to her car at the end of a shift.

DA-MAC 1 Reviews 16987 reads
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If you are asking for a legitimate date than you are NOT propositioning her. I understood the question to be asking how to get a PAID date with a non-provider.

Have you ever wanted to ask someone you see walking down the street, if she would sleep with you for a fee? I wonder how many would... I know that if you do ask, it is considered soliciting for prostitution.

A lady was asked if she would sleep with the gentleman for $1,000,000. She thought for awhile then said yes. Then he asked, would she would sleep with him for $100. She immediatly said no! His reply: "Now we know what you are. We are just haggling about the price".

2sense 17864 reads
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My recollection is that a version of that quote was originally attributed to George Bernard Shaw. Always interesting to know that one of the great playwrights was thinking along the same lines as us.

dman 14801 reads
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I would contend that that's almost irrelevant in the context of a paid date with a stripper you've just met.  Having had occassional success pursuing either avenue, I simply wanted to clarify what it was he was really looking for.  They are certainly different end results, and different approaches must be pursued for each.

ripbob 17862 reads
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I agree with one poster who mentioned that the dancer's job was to give you a GFE.  After all, she's just doing her job.  One thing about dancers is that they get to do the choosing and not the other way around.  In other words, if she hasn't asked you for your number, there's a likelihood that she's not interested.    Also, asking her out on a date at her workplace is not proper considering she doesn't work at a dating service.  To increase your chances of seeing her, it's best to ask her outside the club away from her workplace.  Then, you can go from there.  Good luck.

phantommenace 2 Reviews 17816 reads
11 / 11

guy's the key is not to beat around the bush (no phun) intended!  just ask her; " so do ever escort?" most of the time they'll say no, but sometimes they'll say yes or they know someone who does...........I've done this countless times at Fritz'z in Anehiem, Main Attraction in O'side (hit and miss, mostley miss) cheatea's in SD, and the best of all Club Ecstacy in Costa Mesa, off of Fairview (unsupervised "all nude" couch dances, it's like shooting fish in a barrel up there if you got a PAIR, USE THEM!!!!!!!!!

ps. To have the biggest advantage, get to know the DJ!!!! he is god, and can make things a lot easier..........

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