San Diego

Good call
bill88 195 Reviews 511 reads

It is amazing how many people will sound like authorities on things they know nothing about. We see and hear it every day. Its smart ón your part to cut it short by educating those who do not know what they are talking about. You are number 1 for a reason.

[note: I am smiling and smh as I write this. I am not angry so much as baffled]

This is in response to some replies to an ad I posted recently, and I use the term "confusion" loosely here.... I live in San Diego gentlemen. I am born and raised, own a home, live here. I do not tour TO San Diego, however I sometimes will host an incall. Anyone, who has ever met me, OR taken the time to WRITE me and ASK would know these very simple, not so secret facts.

And in response to a "report" that is seems that I tour a lot, I tour 3 times a year, for a whopping total of 18 days. WOOOOO!  

I am fascinated at folks who have never met me, make up stories about me in their minds, and then pass off these made up stories as "facts".  

The world needs more people to admit when they know, that they don't know. And when they DO know, to honor our communities code of discretion and keep their mouths respectfully shut.  

Enjoy the heat wave today gentlemen!!!

Very fine post, Carly.  

So much rumor is made up on this board.  Particularly in the MO cesspool.  

Lots of male insecurity here.  I would be nice if we didn't have to concoct stories.

+ one to that Phi. Seems to be an abundance of comment re ladies members have never met, in addition to some reviews that fantasize shortcomings for ulterior motives. Sometimes this business does leave one smh.

It is amazing how many people will sound like authorities on things they know nothing about. We see and hear it every day. Its smart ón your part to cut it short by educating those who do not know what they are talking about. You are number 1 for a reason.

Posted By: sympathyforthedevil
what's "smh"?

All “industries” are subject to assumption, supposition and severe lack of proper communication.

I lost a job because of this.  

I think you just brush it off and forget…that’s hard, I know.

Hobbyists are mostly essentially douche bags that are cheating on their GF’s or wives. I am happy I am not in that category. They can get emotional.

It’s the nature of internet forums…people WANT to be contentious and stir up things. I admit, I have done it also, but no more. It’s boring to me to read and think about those kind of threads..

Like another poster said, you are number 1. Sounds like you are in a good place. Many gals would like to be where you are at.

Don’t worry about it. The smart hobbyists can see through all of it.

Discretion needs to be redefined. I don’t talk to others about providers and they shouldn’t talk to others about me..even though I have not met you.  Just an example.

Posted By: CarlyDahl
[note: I am smiling and smh as I write this. I am not angry so much as baffled]  
 This is in response to some replies to an ad I posted recently, and I use the term "confusion" loosely here.... I live in San Diego gentlemen. I am born and raised, own a home, live here. I do not tour TO San Diego, however I sometimes will host an incall. Anyone, who has ever met me, OR taken the time to WRITE me and ASK would know these very simple, not so secret facts.  
 And in response to a "report" that is seems that I tour a lot, I tour 3 times a year, for a whopping total of 18 days. WOOOOO!  
 I am fascinated at folks who have never met me, make up stories about me in their minds, and then pass off these made up stories as "facts".  
 The world needs more people to admit when they know, that they don't know. And when they DO know, to honor our communities code of discretion and keep their mouths respectfully shut.  
 Enjoy the heat wave today gentlemen!!!

Well said TK. Smart hobbyists will see through it, just as they see through bogus reviews by members with an ax to grind because they didn't get their way. Immature, but then so are some among us.

That could lead to some confusion. You pop up every now and then as available on certain dates which would lead a hobbyist to believe that the "worldly" woman you seem to be is just stopping by her home base. Just guessing on my part

My theory, based only on anecdotal evidence from providers, is those who advertise the least tend to be the ladies doing the most business.


Posted By: cobraa1
My theory, based only on anecdotal evidence from providers, is those who advertise the least tend to be the ladies doing the most business.

It is hard for some people to tell the truth and also know the truth so they then make up fasts and try to spin them off as truth  why is the question.  It is much easier just to tell the truth first.

Thank God we got that cleared up.


...I know why we're having a heat wave!

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