San Diego

Fair and Balanced: iso a definition
osssieboy 51 Reviews 726 reads

Just how recent and accurate do you think a provider's pics should be?  We "seekers" have been described as a visual species, needing that sort of stimuli.  Providers, do you adhere to a theoretical "use by" date for your pics?  Hobbyists, just how "old" does a pic have to be, before it becomes a disincentive?  For me six months is a long time in hobby land ;)

A mix of pro photos and selfies. Pro photos maybe ever 6-8 months knowing how expensive it is. But some nice selfies would help to confirm the physical appearance on an interim basis

AverageEverydayJoe409 reads

I don't care whether the pics are professionally done or self-portraits so long as the provider looks the same as what she represents herself to be.  If a provider has pics that portray a sexy looking lady with high heels, a certain "war paint", etc and she shows up in sweat pants, flip flops and no "war paint" then I would send her on her way with a brief discussion and a fair stipend for the mis-understanding.  Two other things that I have had happen recently 1. someone who had all pics with red hair and she showed up as a blond.  If I choose you as a redhead then I want a red head.
2. The pics were TOO photo shopped (for WHATEVER reason).  For example - If you photo shop out a bunch of TATS and I am turned off by TATS so I choose you and then you show up and your body is all TATTED UP then expect to be sent away.  To me this is my biggest pet peave.  I view TATS as GROSS.  Not judging - just sayin'  Im pretty sure I will get the standard response that the TATS are photo shopped out so that others cant ID her.  Well to that I say - find another line of work or be honest with your "lovers".  PEACE OUT!  Joseph Tungswerth

Posted By: osssieboy
Just how recent and accurate do you think a provider's pics should be?  We "seekers" have been described as a visual species, needing that sort of stimuli.  Providers, do you adhere to a theoretical "use by" date for your pics?  Hobbyists, just how "old" does a pic have to be, before it becomes a disincentive?  For me six months is a long time in hobby land ;)

I am personally not a fan of "selfies." [I even dislike that word.]

However, since I know that professional-quality photos/portraits are pricey, I think that a nice mix of pro & candid pix are best.  

I've  seen some ads where the provider has taken a photo of herself holding a sign with a calendar date on it - as proof of how recent it is.

This is what I've been suggesting recently. I ask the provider if they would like, I'd be willing to take some candid photos of her for the expressed purpose of having some recent pix for their website, future ads, etc.

My ATF is very good about updating her ads & website with recent photos on a regular basis.

Which saddens me because I have invited every top 10 lady to enjoy a discounted photo shoot with the west coasts best female photographer ...  

Sadder yet are ladies who over edit their pix
I for one have some ink but always pose so its not edited out (as much as possible) and disclose such on my profile here, P411 and my site.  

Guys: do homework to be sure you will enjoy your booking to its fullest!


Providers that blur or don't show their faces shouldn't be offended by the shocked looks on our faces when you open the door.  Some providers have really aged POORLY.  So this is why TER is so important and the reviewers need to be honest.  Many of you will rate a lady "Model Material" when she actually couldn't get noticed in a Wal-Mart.

P.S.  This is not a dig @ GK.  She is an angel.

Thanks baby!  

On the tattoo/face note: I have noticed more and more ladies who used to show it all are suddenly becoming more anonymous. Yet there is no text mention sharing that tattoos have been removed or blurred for privacy. I find that a bit deceptive. I try to ensure my profile here, homepage and other profiles state that I do have some ink but that you won't be seeing it online. I think through photos and our text we have a duty to represent ourselves as accurately as we can while maintaining discretion. This would include recent and accurate photos as well as informative details to couple with the images.

Some sites have stolen our pictures from years ago. Where are you looking for our pictures? I just posted about this and it's become rather hard.

Personally, I don't care how old the photo is as long as it fairly represents the provider. Some ladies can Go longer between updates than others. Keep in mind that each time a lady updates her pics, there is more chance she may be recognized by someone she doesn't want to know she is in the business.

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