San Diego

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ssindy 9818 reads
1 / 9

I am new to the ter and I would like to know what attributes you gentlemen are looking for in a GFE provider.  I am always eager to learn.

2masc67 23 Reviews 8441 reads
2 / 9
PAT MCGROIN 2 Reviews 9604 reads
4 / 9
nctyguy 8602 reads
5 / 9

The mood of any session starts well before anyone ever shows up.  To me one of the important things is responding to the intitial inquiry in a timely fashion.  It seems that this simple business item is lost on so many providers. As much as providers think we want to schedule days or weeks in advance, many appointments are spur of the moment opportunities and a quick response may set an appointment.  I know that screening procedures have gotten much more rigorous lately, but same day appointments should still be feasible. If you do not take same day appointments state it in your ad.  Even if you are not available when a person has requested, call them back and say so.  No response to me shows a person with bad business skills and is someone that I will probably not waste anymore time with, no matter how good the reviews.

As for the session, not everyone will agree on how or what should be done as we all have different likes and dislikes.  Asking the person what they like may be a way to get things started. Telling the person what you are comfortable with or positions you prefer is another option.  A session should feel like it is unique, spontaneous, not scripted.

Your guest should feel like he is the center of the universe when with a provider. So all distractions like pagers, phones, televisions, maybe a porno is ok, and other devices should be turned off and never answered during a session. If you are be expecting an urgent phone call that has to be taken it should be discussed with the client at the beginning of the session.

You should not schedule sessions on days that you do not feel up to par or do not feel like seeing people. Just because a bill is due should not be the only requirement for setting an appointment.  As with most businesses bad publicity is very hard to over come. If you do not feel like being there it is usually quite obvious to your guest and bad sessions are probably more likely to get a review than even a great session.

Disruption in the flow a session is a real mood killer especially at key moments.  We normally schedule a specific amount of time and these distractions usually deduct from our alloted time. Be ready when the session is suppose to start.  I do not like to call and be told the person needs another 10 or fifteen minutes to get ready or to get to my location, then call again and get stalled some more. When scheduling appointments allot sufficient time between them so they can start at the scheduled time.

If the session is for an hour be sure that the correct amount of time is available so it does not feel rushed.  I hate to be rushed out of the door just because I may have finished quickly or was encouraged to end quickly. A massage or talking can fill the remaining time if need be or if the mood is right maybe another round.

These are just general items that make appointments enjoyable for me.  The specifics of what takes place is between you and your guest. I just want to feel like you were interested and appeared to like that I was there.  Some guys may like to have their ego stroked and hear that they are big, the best you have had or related stories. For me, whatever is said should at least be somewhat believable.  If we are average we know we are average.

Return business is the sign of sucess in most businesses. If you are not getting a decent amount of repeats you may have to reconsider how you are operating.  There is a large segment of the guys in this hobby that do not like to repeat or may put you into the rotation of several providers and some new talent mixed in. It usually takes time to see if repeat business is happening as we all have different frequency of scheduling sessions.  Some of us are several times a week up to once or twice a year.

As mentioned in an earlier post read the reviews even if it requires purchasing VIP membership.  This is very important customer feedback and will give you an idea if you need to change things. Companies normally pay other firms large amounts to get similar information on their business operations. You can also see what others are doing, both good and bad and determine if you want to modify your operation.

I know that most of what was stated here should be obvious to anyone. Through the years it is amazing how little business sense many providers seem to have. Just because you were born with all the necessary equipment, or maybe surgically enhanced, does not necessarily mean that you will be successful in this venture.  The ones that are succesful and have a long career understand that making sure the guest has an enjoyable experience is the reason for making yourself available in the first place.  If that occurs everything else will take care of itself.

funtime69 6 Reviews 8901 reads
6 / 9
ssindy 10843 reads
7 / 9

I thought so  Thanx!! Sincerely SINDY

ssindy 6541 reads
8 / 9

yes it is.. I took those approx. a month ago  Did you like it?  LOL

ssindy 10242 reads
9 / 9

So do you feel that more providers   are in for the money , or  pleasure  or both? Curious Sindy               PS. I really will keep what you said in your message in mind. I feel the same way.

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