San Diego

calling foul on some reviewers.
mrroberts69 56 Reviews 1837 reads

OK, i have growed accustomed to pissing people off, so here goes again.
To each his own and yes you should call it as you see it but when a lady is up front about her age with honest pics, and the reviews clearly state what your getting, wtf do you see the need to review  her let alone slam her looks?  Frankly why did you see her in the first friggin place? Yes, I am defending her and every other gilf who is providing a quality experience to us connoisseurs of the mature lady. Argue honest reviews with me? BS. Do you homework next time and if you make a mistake move on. Dont used getting free vip days as an excuse?
of course, this is just one mans opinion and I was not compesated for my remarks, although I am open to gratuity...

p.s. I am not talking about scores necessarily,  but about a discription of looks that are frankly an affront to me.

-- Modified on 11/23/2014 1:28:55 PM

I  saw one recently that pissed me off, too.  I contacted the provider and asked for the guys info so I could be sure not to see the him.  I don't want to see someone who writes unkind reviews.  I don't want to get one!

I'd even go so far as to say, If someone is considering giving numbers two below consistent averages, that they should stop and ask themselves if they are really being fair.  

When someone gives 3-5 below a consistent average, I think they just make themselves look bad, as we think, "Oh, come on!  What an asshole", in sympathy with the provider.

And another thing, if hobbyists would just write the review as they would speak face to face with the provider, I don't think we'd have this problem.  "sagging tits", "ugly", "stinky", they wouldn't say it like that to the lady's face, why write it in a review?  The provider is going to see it and it's going to hurt her feelings to read stuff like.  Especially out there where everyone is going to see it.    

Thanks for saying something, mrroberts69.  I'd mention the hobbyist's name that I'm mad at, but I don't want to embarrass the provider he recently reviewed.

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
I  saw one recently that pissed me off, too.  I contacted the provider and asked for the guys info so I could be sure not to see the him.  I don't want to see someone who writes unkind reviews.  I don't want to get one!  
 I'd even go so far as to say, If someone is considering giving numbers two below consistent averages, that they should stop and ask themselves if they are really being fair.    
 When someone gives 3-5 below a consistent average, I think they just make themselves look bad, as we think, "Oh, come on!  What an asshole", in sympathy with the provider.  
 And another thing, if hobbyists would just write the review as they would speak face to face with the provider, I don't think we'd have this problem.  "sagging tits", "ugly", "stinky", they wouldn't say it like that to the lady's face, why write it in a review?  The provider is going to see it and it's going to hurt her feelings to read stuff like.  Especially out there where everyone is going to see it.      
 Thanks for saying something, mrroberts69.  I'd mention the hobbyist's name that I'm mad at, but I don't want to embarrass the provider he recently reviewed.    
I don't know who the provider is, I don't know who wrote the review, and I don't know what review you are referring to. I can't say if the review was fair or not. I do know that there are too many inflated reviews in general on TER and too little candor.  

It should go without saying, but it needs repeating, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't complain if someone rates a provider as less attractive than you think she is. I am sure there are an equal number of hobbyists who could complain the other reviews are too high. The reviews as a whole tend to average out over time.

The reviews are primarily for the benefit of hobbyists. It is immaterial if a comment would hurt a provider's feelings, if that comment is accurate. Is there a diplomatic way of saying, "sagging tits," if a woman in fact has sagging tits? Is there a discreet way too indicate she has a body odor or extensive stretch marks? I would want to know that before booking time with a lady, and the pics don't always provide that information.

Criticism can be unfair, but so can praise. If anything, there is too much discouragement of honest reviews on this board.

AverageEverydayJoe802 reads

L - You said it better than I would have.  Besides with the target on my back my post would probably have been removed within minutes as offensive (LOL).  

Unfortunately this entire website FROWNS and PUNISHES those hobbyists that speak their mind.  Once you say something that is negative toward a provider then ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE and you are forever a target on their list.  I also do not know the review in question but it seems to be a popular provider response that "I won't see someone who gives low (potentially honest) reviews".  This is not a website of honest reviews.  It is a website where you must always agree with the provider and hold them in the highest esteem or BE PUNISHED!

Life always teaches us lessons and this is a drum I beat whenever I get the chance - The Lesson?  USE AN ALIAS or SUFFER the CONSEQUENCES!


My issue is not with the score IF it is honest and deserved. My issue is when demeaning remarks are made about the woman that are not deserved. If a guy says "rode hard and put away wet" that is unessesary. The reviewer said "she looked older than I thought". WTF, do your research next time and get a grip on reality, over 50 means she isnt 20!

AverageEverydayJoe839 reads

If she clearly states she is over 50 then I agree with you.  I agree with your EXAMPLE of a demeaning comment however we as HOBBIESTS need to stop catering to providers every time someone disagrees with them or gives them an honest review even if it is low.  Because the providers will have a bad review taken down, I have stopped doing reviews altogether but do share via PM.

We need to grow our collective balls back.  The ONLY way you can safely do this on this site is to have an alias.  Think about doing under your known handle.  With that a great deal will trace back directly to your home address through references - BE CAREFUL and don't be stupid.

When you really think about it they are PROVIDERS and we their customers and we deserve to DEMAND great service and honesty.  Sometimes when a provider chooses to charge a high rate, they put themselves under a microscope.  At $400 and up, those pics better not be deceiving.

Kinda like a highly paid athlete - we demand that they perform.  Anyways my .02  joe

Maybe I should have seen this coming.  I don't participate on the boards enough to know when I'm navigating dangerous waters.  And I know I'm too old to be so naïve and easily outraged.  
 But, yes, there certainly IS a nice way of saying things.  I couldn't believe someone actually disagreed with that part of my argument.  
 I read reviews all the time that are written by cowards saying mean things about someone they just pretended to like when they were face to face with them.  If people write their reviews the they way they would speak to the provider in person, I think they would be written more fairly.  But the kinds of people who like to trash other people behind their backs when they can't defend themselves aren't concerned about becoming better people, I guess.  
 Most reviewers know how to write a fair and also kind review.  I'm speaking about a small minority, so don't misunderstand me.  10% or maybe less even.  
 Don't think that just because someone charges 400 it doesn't hurt to get a flippant 5/5 review and hear inconsiderate descriptions of her body, her personality, and her performance.  It so happens that the person I was talking about has a solid average of 9/9.15 or so.  She did get a 5/5.  I wasn't there, so I don't know why, so maybe I shouldn't be offended.  But I can't help that my first response is to want to defend her and call him on what I suspect was an overly-harsh critique.  
 Anyways, it seems to be the 200$ ladies who get so terribly slammed all the time.  And it's the nasty language more than the numbers.  Well, it's the numbers, too.    
 I hear what you guys are saying.  You think it's hard for you to get honest and candid information because the reviewers are being too sensitive to the lady's feelings.  But, really?  It seems like every mistake I make ends up being talked about in a review! Every time I quit going to the gym for a month my appearance scores fall.    
 There is a WAY of saying things.  There can be two reviews that convey all of the same information but one is kind and another is unkind.  
 And I'm not using "kind" interchangeably with "inflated"

Posted By: Freya Fantasia

 But, yes, there certainly IS a nice way of saying things.   I couldn't believe someone actually disagreed with that part of my argument.  
I'm not subtle. I need things spelled out for me.

How do I "nicely" say that a woman has sagging tits? How do I "nicely" say that she has extensive stretch marks that are not visible in her pics? How do I "nicely" say she is at least 40 lbs. overweight? How do I "nicely" say that the woman in pics is 10 years younger than the woman at the door? I've experienced all those things. If I had read reviews that said those things, I would have avoided those experiences.

 I read reviews all the time that are written by cowards saying mean things about someone they just pretended to like when they were face to face with them.  
Calling your clientele "cowards" is revealing. Is what they are saying mean or accurate?
If people write their reviews the they way they would speak to the provider in person, I think they would be written more fairly.  
I think reviewers would be more dishonest, less candid, and less specific, if they were written the way they would speak to the provider.

After driving an hour or more, one-way, to an incall, and scheduling a 2-hour session, I am not going to simply turn around and drive home, unless it clearly isn't the woman in the pics. (Of course, I can't always judge the appearance of a woman while her clothes are on.) If I am pleased with her service, I will honestly mention that, as well honestly remark on her appearance.
 Again, how do I "nicely" say that a provider is overweight, older than I thought, or has an off-putting amount of stretch marks? If I say those things in person to her, what sort of service will I get?

Or, should I cancel if the door opens and the woman is less than I expected? Wouldn't I then be called a "time waster" or worse? Would she demand a "cancellation fee"? I'm not paying a cancellation fee in addition to wasting 4 hours of my day.

Even if her looks are disappointing, her service may be stellar. I read reviews more for the descriptions of the service than the appearance. If the calculus is right, I will see a provider with less than stellar looks but stellar service. But, I will still be honest in my review of her appearance.

  There is a WAY of saying things.  There can be two reviews that convey all of the same information but one is kind and another is unkind.
How do I convey "all of the same information" kindly? I am not being rhetorical. I would like to know.

Yes, you are thinking of the correct provider and the same review which was removed.  

A lot of clients (predominantly men) on TER are under the false impression about reviews. They tend to think that the primary purpose of the TER review system is to inform them of providers looks, performance, services, habits, characteristics, yada, yada... This is not the primary reason and actually falls quite low on the totem pole of as to why there's a review system!

There are other reasons as to why reviews are important to TER and its members above and over the reason state in the prior paragraph and those reasons are purely financial:

The most important component of the review system is that it drives traffic and revenues for TER. Had this not been the case, then obviously there wouldn't be a "teaser" for the Non-VIP and need for VIP subscription to get the most of the available information.

Then there's the matter of financial benefit to the providers. If this site doesn't bring traffic to the providers then they would not be on this site and no supply on this site will drive the demand away elsewhere. Therefore, TER will protect absolutely its business  model where and when a derogatory review tends to be bad for "business" Again, in the review which both and I know about, the reviewer went way below the review decorum and it should have been flagged for correction prior to have been posted. I don't think that the double FIVES was the issue, but the crass and coarse content of the review!

The third component is the "brownie points" awarded to the reviewers. Two approved reviews garner a 30 day VIP access, so as meager in terms of $ that it may sound, one shouldn't be surprised as to how clever and effective it is.

Otherwise, the clever part of the numerical system is that it creates drama and competition which brings us back to primary goal of this site as stated above. Once some ladies rise to that ratified atmosphere of 9's and 10's, and the top 10, most tend to fight tooth and nail to retain it like holding onto some valuable family inheritance and most clients tend to trip over themselves to outdo one another. I know this, because I used to be one and hence why I left and took a 2+ year hiatus.

Happy trails everyone!

-- Modified on 11/26/2014 11:41:36 AM

I was speaking of Tasty Tanya. Hey, scores will be scores, it is what it is. What I find offensive to me is derogatory remarkscabout a ladys looks. Some asked previosly how do described xyz looks. Wtf are the desciptions listed in the profile? Be honest there! Frankly, ladies that try to give a decent service with no deception deserve a few passes when it comes to us hobbiest quite frankly. If you didnt like the service its usually because your a prick in the first place. There, I said it. Love and frigin peace...and happy turkey day tooo.

Panthera12695 reads

She's has to be pushing 60, and you gave her an 8. You are part of the problem not the solution, so quit bitching when someone with some honesty speaks out in a review.
If you want to be a sport, why don't you ask her what her real age is and update her profile or ask her do do it herself by submitting a problem report.

I was speaking of demeaning remarks, NOT scores. Evidently few see this a issue, of course till until it happens to them. So, I will continue to score as I see fit and provide respectable discriptions unless otherwise warranted. The rest do as you see fit, as I know you will. Again, peace and love...

We were talking about two different people, as we knew (mrroberts69 and I), but everyone else may not have known it.

Goldie, you're so smart.  I don't know how you figured out who I was taking about, but you are right.  That review is down now.  

mrroberts69, if it makes you feel any better, I admire you for speaking up.  And I still agree with you whole-heartedly.

Many people obviously have strong feelings about being pressured into writing less than honest reviews and that seems to prevent them from really hearing what we are saying.

I already said I'm talking about a very small percent, so I really was offended by being accused of calling MY clients "cowards".  WTF?  

I can think of three of my reviews that were written in a way that just listed off every flaw I have.  And when I read the guys other reviews they read the same way.   They were obnoxious tattle-tales.   Now THAT'S what I'm talking about.  I have almost 150 reviews so that's about 2% I think.  I am talking about a small minority.  I'm picky about who I see in the first place.  I like my clients and most of them I like A LOT.

I don't know why this is hard for the one guy who keeps arguing with me to understand, but I am responding more on behalf of the girls who have lower reviews who have longer lists of flaws.  

Most reviewers can list the flaws but also the attributes, like a cute smile, polite manners, good kisser, clean house, awesome lingerie...when a provider reads a review like this she's likely to feel fine about it.  It will be honest but kind, painting her in a flattering light.  

The guys who write the reviews who mention all the flaws are overly critical and just not nice.  I hate that they were just face to face with this lady pretending to like her then they betray her with a shitty review.  I do call that cowardly.  Sdlinguist explained that he doesn't want to waste his time not seeing someone who is less than what he wants.  I can understand that.  But if the girl is trying at all, she must have SOME likeable qualities that are worth mentioning.  

I spent a lot of time thinking about this, though.  What I've realized is that it was a pointless post of mine to begin with.

Anyone who has had or been a boss, or who has had or been parents, knows that their are effective ways of communicating a critique.  You want to be able to inform someone of what they are doing wrong so they can correct it without devastating them and undermining their confidence.  Successful communicators want to send the message, "I still like the you, just not some of you actions".   None of us are perfect and it's challenging to try to balance this.

This is why, in my opinion, many of the "nice guys" who are already trying to write conscientious reviews are having a defensive response to what I've said.   But I'm not talking about the guys who are trying.  I'm talking about the ones who don't care.  I'm talking about the ones who are sending the message, "I really don't like anything about you".

And this is why my point is useless.  Either the guys already are trying to balance honesty and kindness even though there might be pressure to write reviews that are so nice they are no longer honest, or they are the kinds of people who don't understand why they should consider someone's feelings at all when writing a review.  These guys aren't going to change their minds because I naively tell them I think they should be nice.

The other guy challenged me to give examples.  I was going to, but I just don't have time to find samples of two reviews that give the same info, but one is complementary and one is critical.  It's taken me all this time to get back to this post.  By the time I got around to finding samples this will be ancient history.  Don't most of you already understand what I'm talking about?  

I'm moving on.

...I do admire you for your writing skills. Very pleasant to read all your inputs. Good insight.

I wish I could write that well. I can not write that well even in Swedish.  

Keep on posting those well written posts!

was recently told that  the rating/#s are based off the gals menu and what she did with the guy During that appointment..  I was Also told that if you don't do Greek you can't get a 10 ...(actually I believe I read that in the Rules)
guys are going to bash gals and girls are going to bash guys but really if the girl is a good provider and trying Hard she deserves a good many reviewers are dishonest and it's disgusting but it's a part of the work place and if you know inside yourself you're a great provider who cares genuinely about a man's needs then Keep your head high to the sky and we will all be alright.

ILove everyone!! happy holidays and I hope everyone gets honest good reviews if they are giving an A+  effort
it's the saddest thing ever for people to talk about somebody's lookS there's billions of guys with opinions and it's so wrong to hurt someone because that one statement will last a lifetime..any person who's ever called me ugly,
 it has never left my mind ..
we all need to be nicer and understand not everyone is compatible

-- Modified on 12/9/2014 8:53:22 AM

"An escort provider is only eligible to earn up to a 7, unless she is willing to perform one or some of the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, and Anal Sex. For each of these services that are offered, her potential max score is raised by one point, with 10 as an absolute maximum."

Actually according to review FAQ you can get a 10 without anal as long as you do offer DFK/LFK, BBBJ and are really bi. With a base score of 7 that means a 10 is possible without anal if you do the other 3 things. Plus earning the score at all.

we never see a successful review site run in favor of the provider? surely the ladies that know each other must trade stories about their customers?  
I can imagine the comments they would write: fat/ugly/faggy/skinny/unclean/smelly/bad breath/cheap/time waster/mean/cruel/...........and that's just the good stuff.  No maybe some would get: cheery/happy/easy/friendly/kind/smells good/ handsome/ nice cock/ soft hands/ etc.
so is there a successful site that run for the benefit of providers?

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