San Diego

Boob Job Backlash
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I have noticed myself more interested in smaller women as well.  Now, it may be because my wife isn't small.  But, I think it is more a (sub)conscious backlash at all of the massive fake California Boob Job racks that surround me in the work place every day.  It is just so refreshing to see a flat chested girl!

My .02

I recently turned 30, for most of my life I preferred voluptuous women DDs,hips, round but.....but lately I have defintely had a taste for the thin model type.
Does everybody experience this change as they get a little older or is this just a phase?

Nope, you are a freak...just kidding.  I think it is like they say, "To each, his own."  I have always liked the athletic type, blonde hair, blue/green eyes my entire life and I am over 30.  I like the same type today as I did as when I was in high school.  Whatever makes you happy should be your driving force.

gumby0078348 reads

I don't know about you, but my taste changed with my surroundings. I grew up around mainly blonde caucasians. Typical white upper class surroundings. But, when I went on my own, i found myself surrounded by hispanics, and loved it. While I still find blondes very attractive, I prefer dark skin, and long dark hair. This is just me though. With age, I have found no difference in what i like.

2sense9726 reads

I always felt there was a lot of wisdom in the old '70's song, "Spill the wine, take that pearl", by Eric Burdon and War which goes in part:

"...But there I was, I was taken to a place, the hall of the mountain kings
I stood high upon a mountain top, naked to the world
In front of every kind of girl, there was black ones, round ones, big ones, crazy ones...Out of the middle came a lady
She whispered in my ear something crazy
She said: Spill the wine and take that pearl..."

Or in other words, it's all good.

Hey, That was Eric Burton and the ANIMALS.

2sense10062 reads

No, you should check it out on typing in "Eric Burdon", btw, not "Eric Burton".

Eric Burdon and the Animals, which had Burdon's most famous songs (e.g., House of the Rising Sun, which come to think of it is very appropriate for an escort review site), split up in the early '70's. Burdon then resurfaced with War, and wrote the very memorable "Spill the wine, take that pearl."

It's all good.  Enjoy the many types of beautiful women out there.  No matter what your preferences were and what they are now, the important thing is that there are woment to fill those preferences.  :)

I think my personal preferences have remained the same as I've grown older, though that doesn't necessarily mean I'm only going to meet one type of provider.


play_amg10101 reads

But I'm only 25.  I was into the hips, the ass, the tits for all my life.  Now I find myself strangely attracted to supper thin girls.  Small asses, small tits?  I don't know, I guess you always want what you don't have.

I have noticed myself more interested in smaller women as well.  Now, it may be because my wife isn't small.  But, I think it is more a (sub)conscious backlash at all of the massive fake California Boob Job racks that surround me in the work place every day.  It is just so refreshing to see a flat chested girl!

My .02

It may be just a phase, but it's one that's been going on for me since I was 13.  Maybe you've finally acquired some good taste (kidding)!

I think it is pretty normal for a lot of guys to go through "phases".  It also may partially explain why some guys still seek out alternate experiences, even if they are married to their "dream girl", get all the sex they want from her, and otherwise have no problems with their relationship.

I've always been a "viva la difference" type, though.  I've never been into overweight women, even those in decent shape that have more of a buxom build.  Why?  Because I'm overweight (though that has been gradually becoming less of the case).  Also, for that matter, I'm not as into caucasians with darker hair, because I'm a caucasian with darker hair.  I really get turned on by blondes and redheads, as well as darker-haired people of a different "skin type" than me.

Then again, that isn't always true.  I'm a bit hairy (to say the least), and hairy women sort of turn me on too.

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