San Diego

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fenwayfan 12 Reviews 13060 reads
1 / 25

Hey guys,

Callie is a friend of Skylar. Stay away if you don't want to get ripped off like I did. She delivered everything but FS for the $$$$ I paid although we did agree up front that it would include FS. She tried to upsell ($2k, can you believe that) for FS. I said no thanks and wished her good luck in finding future victims.

A review has been submitted.


echo7romeo 10 Reviews 10098 reads
2 / 25

I was sorry to hear of your misfortune. Unfortunately "callie" only has one review and that is the one you submitted. As so many, who have taken one for the team, have learned (the hard way), check those reviews (preaching to the choir here). Of course the reviews each have two sides but, you can form your own opinions on them. The risk of not paying attention to reviews or no reviews are, you may run into the situation you had to deal with or, even worse, run into a LE Decoy (recent San Diego 10 News segment on LE on-line vice ops). Best of luck in the future and, Please pay attention to the reviews!!! Is'nt TER great!

bigmac69 6 Reviews 11362 reads
3 / 25

Sounds like you got some action there buddy...why a two?

bkman 32 Reviews 10701 reads
4 / 25

I haven't read the review yet, but from his original post, it sounded like he thought they agreed to FS beforehand for a set donation, but instead, she tried to get more money for it.  

I don't know about others, but $$$$ for bbbj and daty sound excessive, not to mention $2K for FS as being obscene.  

Just MHO.

bigmac69 6 Reviews 9911 reads
5 / 25
rb1 9405 reads
7 / 25
bigmac69 6 Reviews 10777 reads
8 / 25
A Spectator 10284 reads
9 / 25
vantana 8793 reads
10 / 25

actually bigmac69, who flew to Callie's rescue in this thread and to Skylar's in a recent LA Board thread, claims a similar initial experience with Skylar.  He claims mileage improved with subsequent visits.  By my reckoning, he has spent close to 2K for two alleged touchdowns to date.  Too steep for me, and his persistent defense of these two is a bit suspicious.  If I were in his shoes and happy with my lot, I wouldn't worry about promoting these two.  All that would do would be to make them more busy and perhaps even more overpriced.

My two cents, but in summary I agree with fenwayfan that a deal is a deal, and his experience was comparable as a bait and switch to when Skylar admittedly sent another provider in her stead.

Caveat emptor, and an abundance of reviews rules!

fenwayfan 12 Reviews 11048 reads
11 / 25

and like you said it came back with nothing on her. I then decided to take my chance based on reviews of Skylar (Callie's good friend). Believe me, I always check the reviews database to get an impression on a provider. In this case at least, I saved you guys some time and money, didn't I.


fenwayfan 12 Reviews 10412 reads
12 / 25

ridiculous. Just see my review on Krissy of Chicago and you know what I mean.


A Spectator 10255 reads
13 / 25
A Spectator 8510 reads
14 / 25
echo7romeo 10 Reviews 9845 reads
15 / 25

Your posting will be appreciated by many who read it(inspite of the one, per usual, already known and expected). Thats what this is all about. Thank you!

Carlowan 9467 reads
16 / 25

Does not matter what review he looks at. It all comes out the same. Hey maybe its callie!

vantana 9120 reads
17 / 25

.......they do enough of that themselves.

Either we believe your reviews or we don't.

Every post you have made undermines your credibility.

bigmac69 6 Reviews 10517 reads
18 / 25

I do not believe I was "coming to her rescue", merely I was inquiring as to whether a session as such deserved a 2 I suppose, as 1, 2, and 3 are usually assigned to ripoffs, which means cash and dash, etc.  

It is my opinion, as I am entitled to have one, that a session which entails her dining at mcdonalds (think M) since my name is big not one that should be a rip off because she's at least giving you more than a rubdown.

And I have considered seeing callie in the past with skylar, but it hasn't worked out for me.  And as far as what I spend in the hobby, I enjoy quality things in all aspects of my life.  2k+ over a two month period, for model material, is worth it.  And as far as I am concerned, the fewer guys that see her, the more time for me, and less risky too.

gumby007 8442 reads
19 / 25

All hobbyists have a different idea of how to rate a provider. The rate she charged for the services provided was not good. $$$ is about the average in San Diego for FS. Some are less and there are a few providers that charge a little more. Her $$$$ rate would normally indicate FS. I believe that she got the number that she did simply because she did not offer FS for the rate she charged.

bigmac69 6 Reviews 12918 reads
20 / 25

Oh wait, I think I finally get one $ is one hundred, four $ is four hundred...right?

Sorry, My apologies...this makes so much more sense.  I thought four dollar signs meant like over 1K like four digits...that would explain how someone in an earlier thread was getting action for $$...geez, I thought he meant less than a hundred bucks.  

vantana 9900 reads
21 / 25

just kidding.

Hey bigmac, lighten up, unless you are misrepresenting yourself as a hobbyist, we are supposedly on the same team.

P.S. Loved your personal mail.  A classy touch!

echo7romeo 10 Reviews 11004 reads
22 / 25
sedonasandiego See my TER Reviews 13501 reads
23 / 25

alright you guys..Ventana and it spanking time?
Don't make me have to!


Warmest whips, sounds like..


vantana 11510 reads
25 / 25

I'll even turn the other cheek!

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