San Diego

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I was on a little mini vacation with my family last week.  

I slipped away from the resort to meet with a client for an hour.

When I went into the cheap hotel to rent a room for an hour they ran my cell phone number and they refused to rent the room to me because there were ads associated with my cell phone number!

I've always given my cell phone number before at hotels, even though I do have a home number I could use.  I usually stay at nicer hotels, though, so maybe only the cheap hotels are doing this.  Since this has never happened to me before, I thought I should post about it.

I'm sure many providers don't use there work phone number for anything but work, and that's smart, I know.  But I've always used my cell phone number and NEVER had anything like this happen before!  It was embarrassing and scary, even though the lady behind the desk was nice about it and even a little apologetic.

So, to the few people who will actually see this post, please pass this info on to the providers that you know.  

Have fun!

Be safe.

Freya Fantasia

Were you in S.D. When this happened? Thanks for the heads up.

Yes.  I can't remember which hotel it was one of the cheaper hotels on the south side.  It might have been the Travelodge.  

Thanks for not telling me I was dumb to use my cell phone number.  That was what I expected to hear.

But as I said before, I've given my cell phone number at check in in probably 70 hotels in the last four years and nobody ever ran the number before or refused to give me a room.

It appears that Hotel Circle is ground zero in SD for LE for disrupting our assocations. How about fixing the roads here instead of getting between guys and girls and girls that want to spend some time together? I don't get it. I think LE is very involved in this. Be careful, as much as you can be.

That's weird I stay there and never ask my number? Good to know for future...

I've stayed at many, many hotels and I've never had anybody run my number.

I realize that many providers use two phones and wouldn't leave a cell phone number associated with ads, but I always have and this is the first time it's happened.

As I said, I think it was the Travelodge, but I'm not certain.  If it happened anywhere, it could happen anywhere.  Do you know what I mean?

at some hotels/motels and by "some time" I mean several years.  Do not recall
where I first read a lady's post about it happening to her, might have been when
several state attorneys general were pressuring Craigslist to drop "erotic services"

HOWEVER, the advice about always separating business from personal has
been around forever, so no one should be surprised.

Use Google Voice to get a free 2d number.

Why does a hotel need my phone number?  Is a hotel renter legally required to provide a phone number?  What if a fake phone number were provided to the hotel?  How would they know if it were your phone number?  I used to give the weather report phone number as my phone number on surveys.

....but I do wonder what would happen if I ever said I didn't want to leave one lol.
I keep a separate number for work and my real life (for safety and anonymity from nosey people).

Live and learn.  You would think this late in the game this would be a rookie mistake...

I am very surprised about having to use a cell number to  
register in a hotel as I had never run into this while traveling.
I ran hotels foe around 30 years and I never asked for cell number.  We wanted to see a current drivers license and a current credit card.  So is this cell number a San Diego thing?

Yes, they did ask me to provide a cell phone number.

No, they could not have forced me to give one.  I'm sure if I'd have said I don't have one or if I'd  given my home number they would have accepted that.

And I'll repeat that I normally don't stay in cheap hotels, but I left my resort where I was staying with my family to spend one hour with a client.  I paid for half of the room.  80$ seemed like plenty to both of us for 1 hour!

And to Madame Patricia, who I knew would have some criticism for me, no,  I'm NOT new.  I've been a provider for four years.  I've also always given  my cell phone number when I book my hotel rooms so the office had it in case they needed to get in touch with me for something.  Four years  and probably 70 hotel stays later and I NEVER had this happen.

Anybody can google a phone number.  I do it all the time.  When I first started working as a provider I was concerned about giving my number out at hotels, but I did it for some reason along the way (probably because I travel with my dog/s and leave them unattended for short periods of time) and since nothing ever happened, I kept on doing it.  It's not a surprise that the hotels CAN do it, it was a surprise to me that a hotel DID do it.  

I always knew it would be smarter to have two cell phones like some of my friends, but my life is a pretty open book to most of the people I know and I doubt bill collectors care at all so I didn't worry about it.

I wish I had more time to read the boards more and maybe I would have known.  But I posted this because if they caught me by surprise, then they could catch other ladies by surprise.  

This was new info to me, so I wanted to share it with others.

I'm not going to criticize as WADTD in this adult lifestyle. I'll just offer up some sage advice.

First (it doesn't matter what type of hotel you stay in), Yes *some* hotels will ask for a cell # and home addy (sometimes it's just for promotional feedback*). I travel extensively every mnth of every yr and I stay at some fine hotels. (and I know of many 4 & 5 * hotels that DO check the hobby boards/print up face photos of providers coming to their city/tape those face photos to the front desk/or wall behind (I've personally seen it happen) and then the manager will tell them to turn those females away if they happen to check in--and I would imagine that those managers MIGHT google #'s and see if they are indeed in provider ads..). It has happened in various places at various high end hotels.  
And while I may hobby during my travels. I take great measures NOT to show my face nor post my # on any site. AND I always ask questions IF they don't already know me, or the reason why I'm actually there (non hobby related)
I never use my personal cell, for hobby related. So I have no issues giving the hotel clerk my personal #.  


So my advice, is your not alone. It happens to others out there who either show their face or post their # in ads.

Don't show your face in any hobby related venue. NOR mail them to any hobbyist for any reason. If some guys can't respect discretion and your need for privacy. Those guys are not worth seeing. period!!! You have to safe guard YOU first!

Don't post a # you use all the time, in provider ads. (as indicated by the OP) some hotels will google it and some hotels do follow the hobby scene just to be able to turn away paying guests from their hotels.
(get a hobby phone) OR get a hobby google #)  never use one in the same for hobby/personal.  It will cause problems in your life at some point.

Always ask tourist questions when you check in. And put your phone on mute and pretend to be talking to family about where you guys can meet up after checking in and finding out the local attractions.
When YOUR distracted on a well as asking tourist questions. It will distract the clerk from being nosy as to why your staying there.  And dress down when checking in.

Yes there are nosy hotel staff in every hotel. The less interested they are in your business the better.  So give them something NOT to be interested in........tourist talk!

Yes it seems like a pain in arse....but sometimes we have to deal with them if we want to enjoy this hobby life. So we don't have to deal with a hell of a lot more, down the road.
(THIS goes for both guys and gals in this hobby)

Just hobby safely and wisely.  




Posted By: Freya Fantasia
Yes, they did ask me to provide a cell phone number.  
 No, they could not have forced me to give one.  I'm sure if I'd have said I don't have one or if I'd  given my home number they would have accepted that.  
 And I'll repeat that I normally don't stay in cheap hotels, but I left my resort where I was staying with my family to spend one hour with a client.  I paid for half of the room.  80$ seemed like plenty to both of us for 1 hour!  
 And to Madame Patricia, who I knew would have some criticism for me, no,  I'm NOT new.  I've been a provider for four years.  I've also always given  my cell phone number when I book my hotel rooms so the office had it in case they needed to get in touch with me for something.  Four years  and probably 70 hotel stays later and I NEVER had this happen.  
 Anybody can google a phone number.  I do it all the time.  When I first started working as a provider I was concerned about giving my number out at hotels, but I did it for some reason along the way (probably because I travel with my dog/s and leave them unattended for short periods of time) and since nothing ever happened, I kept on doing it.  It's not a surprise that the hotels CAN do it, it was a surprise to me that a hotel DID do it.    
 I always knew it would be smarter to have two cell phones like some of my friends, but my life is a pretty open book to most of the people I know and I doubt bill collectors care at all so I didn't worry about it.  
 I wish I had more time to read the boards more and maybe I would have known.  But I posted this because if they caught me by surprise, then they could catch other ladies by surprise.    
 This was new info to me, so I wanted to share it with others.

I appreciate that you took the time to share this with us.

What does WADTD stand for?

I've actually thought of almost all of the things you've suggested here and I decided I'm not going to go that far.  I like to dress up a little, the hotels want to rent the rooms, and chances are SO much more likely that I'm there for some other reason, so why would they go to the trouble of looking for trouble?

I've also received a number of pms on the subject.  One person, who's opinion I respect very much, says that the hotel may be under pressure from LE because they are known to frequently rent to providers.  This would explain the friendly and apologetic attitude of the lady at the front desk who wouldn't rent to me.

Someone told me about an iphone app that will give you a legit phone number for 24 hours.  I was told more info about google phone.   My plan is to get a second cell phone which I've always thought would be the thing to do.  I could simply give my home number, but I want the hotel to be able to get in touch with me if they need to.

I've been pretty open about being a provider.  I wasn't in the beginning, but as I started to share that with more people I was accepted by more and more people.  Plus, I just hate lying.  It was one thing to say I was a nurse.  But then, people would want to know where I worked and for how long and did I know so and so...and it became a pretty big lie sometimes.

However, I do have my lie always ready to give at hotel desks:  "I work for a wine distributing company",...that's my story and I'm sticking with it...when they ask, as they always do.

why would you give a real number anyway??? it's none of their damn business.  

Posted By: Freya Fantasia
I was on a little mini vacation with my family last week.    
 I slipped away from the resort to meet with a client for an hour.  
 When I went into the cheap hotel to rent a room for an hour they ran my cell phone number and they refused to rent the room to me because there were ads associated with my cell phone number!  
 I've always given my cell phone number before at hotels, even though I do have a home number I could use.  I usually stay at nicer hotels, though, so maybe only the cheap hotels are doing this.  Since this has never happened to me before, I thought I should post about it.  
 I'm sure many providers don't use there work phone number for anything but work, and that's smart, I know.  But I've always used my cell phone number and NEVER had anything like this happen before!  It was embarrassing and scary, even though the lady behind the desk was nice about it and even a little apologetic.  
 So, to the few people who will actually see this post, please pass this info on to the providers that you know.    
 Have fun!  
 Be safe.  
 Freya Fantasia

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