San Diego

She smelled like old puss and bad gym towelssad_smile
Just Another Bimbo 14869 reads

my favorite review quote this week, but under lick pussy the guy put yes, and it is the providers first review. So, I guess we can safely assume that despite the old puss and bad gym towel scent, our brave buddy dove into the dirty anyway. at first its kind of funny how low you guys will stoop in a horny moment of weakness, and then actually come back to tell on yourselves. lol but the more reviews I read like this and those where the guy gets there and the girl is really an off the street dope fiend looking chick who found her way on the internet, but he stays and gets a bbbj and datys anyway, I'm about read to join alphared in the cbj club! its too bad because Im not fond of the taste of latex, but you guys are really starting to scare me. IMO, your hand+a little lotion+a two dollar porno rental is far better and far safer than dipping in something that doesn't smell or look right. why cant you just say no when its nasty?

-- Modified on 2/5/2002 1:51:15 PM

gumby00711498 reads

..and just said no the other night. I went to a provider in a moment of desparation, only to find her as you described. She looked like a coke wh*re. I was disgusted. I think that she had a cold or had just done a line. Either way, I told her that she didn't look like the girl on the net and that I had to leave because of that. I apologizd for the cancellation, but also told her to be honest when advertising. I was horny, but not that horny. It's your fault Bimbo. I read you posts, then get all excited. I just need a release somewhere. That lotion and a porno only kills the need  for a couple of hours.
  I need intimacy for complete satisfaction. Or, at least some good bumping and grinding. LOL. Take it easy.

-- Modified on 2/5/2002 2:04:05 PM

fillherup15145 reads

Also a hellva lot cheaper too!!!!   Some guys gotta find a girlfriend

Billy B14631 reads

where did you nd her and what is her name Please

wlkingdude13941 reads

Hi Bimbo,

I am new to TER and I have really enjoyed your posts.  How does one go about setting up an appointment with you?

dman14218 reads

One that I'm afraid most guys on this BB have failed.

dman17514 reads

Do you want to try for strike three?

gumby00715133 reads

After you explain how it is an intelligence test, then I may understand where the strike 2 came from. Instead of making a statement, please answer the question. I don't expect you to tell me who she is. Thanks

dman16334 reads

And we only did it from information that is posted here and elsewhere.  Others have not been able to figure it out.

gumby00712850 reads figure out who she is? That's vague. I still don't understand how it is an intelligence test. Thanks

-- Modified on 2/8/2002 4:29:07 PM

gumby00716911 reads

Are you having a discussion with yourself or something? You have yet to give a direct answer to a direct question. When you come back from your own little play world, let me know. Then, you can answer the question that still stands.  Oh. By thw, I'm still here.

-- Modified on 2/8/2002 11:33:51 PM

dman15360 reads

Sorry to have to spell it out for you:

The lady wants to deal with intelligent guys.  So she takes on a pseudonym, and those who are intelligent enough to figure out who she is, pass muster and she deals with them.  The rest, she leaves wondering who she is.  THAT'S what I meant by an intelligence test.   Strike one is not being able to figure out who she is.  Strike two is not being able figure out that this is what she is doing.   And strike three is not being able to figure out that you are being made the butt of a joke for your inability to understand points #1 and #2.

This game is over.  Find a simpler one to play.  And before you get too P-O'd, I would point out that I REALLY would rather have dropped this at the beginning, right after I made my initial comment about the whole thing being an intelligence test.  You are the one who kept coming back for more.

-- Modified on 2/9/2002 12:43:37 AM

Bad Attitude16970 reads

Can't we all just get along???
The spirit of this board is for all of us,
including our caring friends in LE, to work
together in perfect harmony to make
SD an even finer city for hobbyists and providers.
I've enjoyed this debate immensely but frankly I'd
rather read something along the lines of what
providers allow fisting, you know what I'm saying?
Speaking of which do any providers allow fisting??

gumby00714750 reads

I'm bored of this immaturity also. I asked a question in a dignified manner and I got a childish response. End of discussion on my end. Back to the good stuff.

dman13618 reads

The answer was straightforward:  She uses a pseudonym on this board.  She figures that someone who is motivated enough and intelligent enough can figure it out.  For whatever reason, you didn't or couldn't figure it out.  

If you had truly been mature, you'd have let it drop after the first post about it being an intelligence test.

gumby00714356 reads

The fact is, I have seen her and she was good. Honesty, I have had better. Most of us have.  It was easy to figure out who she is due to her style of writing. Talk about being the butt of a joke.
  All one has to do is go through previous posts and read. Don't get me wrong. She is nice and delivers. But, to insinuate that she is some intellectual godess and will only see those that can figure out her game is absurd. She is not that big headed.
  Intelligence test, eh? Hasta mestiche.

-- Modified on 2/10/2002 4:01:27 PM

ZedEx9619 reads

...who cares who she is--her posts are the only interesting things on this board.

ZedEx14690 reads

...I do get the last word! LOL.

to get a date with her, but just to find out who she is.

latinabanger16173 reads

Her screning process is not the most stringent that I have heard of, or experienced.  All one has to do is email her and wait for her to return the contact via email or land line. Answer the questions honestly and you are in. What is so difficult about that.

vantana14470 reads

Search for review earlier on this board.  She doesn't have a website (or a computer, or electricity).  But she'll make you appreciate the invention of the fish taco...........

gumby00717649 reads

I can still smell the rice ad beans that came with her. The bushes were a little rough on the flesh though. What was the address of that field again??? LOL. That was a classic Vantana. Kudos!

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