Porn Stars

WHOA everybody!
obviously 6340 reads

i think my original post was taken out of context...

1.   i was not implying that there was anything dishonest or
    deceptive going on here.

    so let's drop that part of the issue.

2.   there are rules & regulations about running such a contest.
    i'm not an attorney, so you need to check with an attorney
    to know what the rules state

    for example:

    -  most contests have a bunch of disclaimers, rules, and
       other things printed on the ticket. this is so that
       anyone who buys the ticket knows what the rules are,
       deadline for entry, etc.

    -  in most contests, there is a disclaimer preventing
       people under 18 (or 21) from participating

    -  the organizers may actually have to award the prize
       regardless of how many entries they receive. so if only
       20 people 'join', then so be it. and if the contest is
       called off, then there may be rules requiring refund
       of money

But as in all things in life, you need to know what the rules

pinklips20104 reads

I have received  a lot of e-mails regarding the length of time for this adventure.  

During the process of trying to get this thing together, we discussed the amount of time, and how it could be utilized by someone who has a "personal situation", (home life and work).

We tried just about every way possible to fit 72 hours into EVERYONES  situation. We had hoped that by starting on a Friday, and ending on a Monday, that would fit into EVERYONE'S  schedule.  However, that was not practicle.

The solution is this,, any winner can, at his discretion, spend as little time on this adventure as he wants.  In other words, if a person can only spend 24 hours, with 3 PS, all expenses paid, for the 100.00, and get the $300.00 discounts, that is his decision.

We have no problem with trying to accomodate EVERYONE,  who wishes to join our site.

-- Modified on 9/29/2003 10:49:17 AM

-- Modified on 9/29/2003 10:50:08 AM

obviously4956 reads

Not to throw too much cold water on this endeavor... but unless
I'm mistaken, you are essentially running a lottery here.

You are selling 500 memberships (tickets) at 100 each, and 2 people 'win' the prizes.

This is great, but you realize that in many states, lotteries
are a regulated activity - requiring a license to run the contest, disclosure of revenue, taxes paid and names of winners
to prove that a payout did in fact occur as advertised.

This is for the protection of the consumer - to avoid bogus
contests and to make sure that governments get a cut of the

Given that this is not a trivial kind of contest ... assuming
you get the 500 memberships purchased you are making 50,000,
plus any additional memberships sold.

So it may raise some attention that you otherwise may not want.

... just looking out for everyone's interests.

kosher6673 reads

I agree. How do people know this is a legit. how will people know if this even happens. any body can arrange a review to be written?????

Obviously does raise some valid points. In this cyber-age, I guess there needs to be a small amount of skepticism with everything.
I think that Kathy and Eddie have done a good job of explaining the contest ( Full Disclosure: I come with a bias as I have had the pleasure of seeing Kathy more than once and find her to be very straightforward, and a LOT of fun!).
However,an endeavor like this has to have serious costs associated with it and as for making $$, we are still a capitalist country (I hope).
More impotantly,look at this from a business/marketing aspect. Kathy has an excellent reputation in this community and on the boards, and if this event blows up, so does her reputation and all she has worked for would be a big loss for her.I would also assume if all goes well, this could turn into a regular event. So she really has a vested interest to make sure this goes off without a hitch.I'm in the game.
Just my $.02.

fasteddie516190 reads

Well, you hit the key point there.  This is something we'd like to do on a regular basis, and truthfully the risk is all ours.  We've put out the money for the web desgin, the web hosting, the non-refundable deposit for the villa, and unless this flys that money is wasted, not to mention the waste of a hell of a lot of time and effort on my and Kathy's part.  If there's money to be made in this endeavor, it's in the ability to do it a couple of times a years... nobody's getting rich off of this... In fact, the ladies are taking a lower than normal fee to be involved because of the uniqueness of the concept and for the fun of spending some time in the sun with their pornstar friends.

valid points (the 1st two posters) ... this IS high-profile and (relatively) high-dollar, although any businessman worth his salt who sits down and figures out all the costs and expenses and fees would immediately realize that this is HARDLY the case of Kathy and Eddie (and 2 other pornstars) pocketing $50K at everyone's expense ... heck the mere cost for 72hrs with 3 ladies alone is $60K+ ... obviously the women have graciously agreed to charge LESS than their usual rates in exchange for pleasing their fans (and yes, publicity, what's wrong with that?)

as for the integrity of the "raffle" i think Eddie (who btw is no doubt too busy answering thousands of emails to post) has seen to it that the drawing is fair-n-square, perhaps with oversight by an independent 3rd party ... heck, i even half-jokingly suggested it should be a webcast "event" at one of the clubs the gals is featuring at, perhaps using an MC -- Ron Jeremy?  ;-)

but ultimately, as was pointed out already, it comes down to INTEGRITY ... ask yourself this question: why would these ladies (let alone Eddie who's perhaps the most respected among the actively participating seniors)  *foolishly* risk their reputation (and business in the case of the women) by running a SCAM ??  -- i mean, if it WAS a scam you'd at least think they wouldn't advertise it to the world, just keep it between a tiny circle of folks who they could get away with scamming?  who wants to have 500 lawsuits on their hand from complete (angry) strangers?  LOL

my $0.02


disclaimer:  i'm not a registrant, i'm not a participant and i'm not affiliated with this in anyway whatsoever. heck, i'm even out of the country when it will go down.  i'm just another hobbyist who sees the value and novelty of this endeavour and would  like to think it will succeed so next time around i could get the chance to participate

obviously6341 reads

i think my original post was taken out of context...

1.   i was not implying that there was anything dishonest or
    deceptive going on here.

    so let's drop that part of the issue.

2.   there are rules & regulations about running such a contest.
    i'm not an attorney, so you need to check with an attorney
    to know what the rules state

    for example:

    -  most contests have a bunch of disclaimers, rules, and
       other things printed on the ticket. this is so that
       anyone who buys the ticket knows what the rules are,
       deadline for entry, etc.

    -  in most contests, there is a disclaimer preventing
       people under 18 (or 21) from participating

    -  the organizers may actually have to award the prize
       regardless of how many entries they receive. so if only
       20 people 'join', then so be it. and if the contest is
       called off, then there may be rules requiring refund
       of money

But as in all things in life, you need to know what the rules

just talking more generally at/towards other skeptics (let alone some cynics) who've been criticizing this on (somewhat) similar grounds ... your points were very well-taken

It wouldn't be that hard to webcast the event. I do it all the time while on the road... All you'd need is a high speed computer, a DSL or equivalent connection in the Villa, a digital video camera, (instead of a web cam,) a tri-pod (for stability,) and a firewire cable to connect camera to computer - preferrably +25 feet. Once all is set up, the camera can be moved within reason to show the "venue" and limited action depending on the agreement of the participants & winners. The ladies could arrange chat times during the 3 day trip, and even the winners could hop online to chat, (although I'm sure they wouldn't want to be on cam...) It's fairly easy to set up a members only chat room on the site to avoid the inconsistencies of Yahoo! Messenger & chatrooms, (example: Yahoo Chat does NOT work for Mac users & audio there apparantly is unstable as well... If Eddie or Kathy decide it's something they want to consider, I'd glady offer my services, even if I'm not an alternate.

BTW, It's my understanding that Anna Malle is here at the show, (ECVS,) but is not seeing people while here. I'm hoping to meet her and maybe get her to take some dirty flicks with me.

See ya!

it's such a freaking turn-on ... Sinn honey, i'd like slip a firewire cable into your high-speed access port !!

btw, like "Minnie Me"  my other nickname is "Tri-Pod"  


Good luck getting with Anna at the show she is very busy and dosent have the time.

Jack596331 reads

Go see her at her booth, she's signing at Bizzare.

Tell her Jack said hi.

fasteddie515982 reads

Well, since we'll be filming and taking photos of the entire trip, I think you'll know that it happened.

And why would Kathy, Anna and Jeanna (and Sinnamon) risk their reputations to scam someone for a few thousand dollars?  Get real!

fasteddie517293 reads

Sorry guys, I was away from my computer yesterday....

Anyway, the fee is for a membership to a website.  The contest is FREE to members.....  it is not a paid lottery.  In a lottery, two people win, all others lose.  In this case, all who sign up for the website get exactly that... a membership to a website like many other adult websties.   There's photo galleries, a forum, special direct contact information.... value given for value received.

As for the rules, they are clearly posted, as are the terms and conditions and can be found on the free tour part of the website.

Next, as to some of the other issues raised... yes, there is a leap of faith one has to take, just like when you buy a raffle ticket at your chruch carnival to win the Buick LeSabre (ever notice that they winner is always someone from out of town - lol), or when you buy that ticket to win the Christmas Bundle of Cheer at your office in December.

But if you think we'd have gone to all this effort (the web design, webhosting, promoting, etc.) and arranged some of the finest ladies in the business to participate, so that four or five of us could split $50K, that's pretty dumb thinking and you obviously haven't considered the work and effort that's gone into this to walk away with a couple thousand dollars as a scam...

The contest is a wonderful idea and is, in all likelihood, totally legit and exactly as advertised, since we all know from the boards  Eddie and Kathy both enjoy fine reputations for integrity. But to suggest that anyone who has a question or supsicion about the potential for monkey business in such a contest is a cynic, isnt y fair.  Why?  1. Porn stars, in general, do not enjoy a fine reputation for integrity or reliability; 2. Its an impersonal contest involving paymet via the internet and plenty of scams  are perpetrated that way; 3. while Eddie probably has more integrity than I do, he is also (a) male (b) a horny male who loves PS poontang and (c) the central male participant in a scenario he conceived that affords him 3 days in a lavish tropical resort with 3 porn stars (enough said) and (4) (most obviously) $50,000 stands to be collected, and while not a fortune its a serious chunk of change.

Anyone who has some degree of doubt regarding the contest isnt a cynic, just a realist or pragmatist.  Having said that, given the value of the prize at stake, its probably worth the $100 membership fee.

One final thought, Eddie has remarked one or more times that "Kathy, Anna and Jenna could make a hell of a lot more money in a three day period than they're getting for this project.... Check out the average rate for a 24 hour date, multiply it by three days then multiply it again by three pornstars..."

I think youre being a tad disingenuous in your above equation Eddie. While I cant speak for these 3 specific ladies, surely   you arent suggesting that to take a PS to an island for 3 days  will cost 3 times the average rate for a 24 hour date? We all know that MUCH MUCH better terms than that can be and are frequently arranged.

Having said that, cudos to Eddie and Kathy for the idea. I would LOVE to be a winner and hope that whovere does win has a once in a life time blast, times 3!  

pinklips6755 reads

I'm glad your not speaking for us 3 girls.  While it may be possible to find a PS, who will pro-rate her fee for 3 days, to something less. The questions pops up as to "who", and  what her reputation is.

Example:  Keisha, her rate for 24 hours is 15,000, and each additional 24 hours is 10,000.  That comes out to 35,000.00

Now if a girl was to charge lets say only 12,000.00 for 24 hours, (that's 500 per hour) and then reduce the next 48 hours to 10,000.00,( that comes out to 208.00 an hour), you have a rate of 24,000.00 for 3 days.

Now multiply that by 3, that gives you 72,000.00.

This adventure is strictly about myself, Anna, and Jeanna, and NO ONE ELSE.  To speculate what other girls might request as an appearance fee, has NOTHING to do with this adventure.

While we are throwing around numbers, I did not do an actual breakdown, but since you have hinted that we might be inflating the costs/compensation, I thought I would give you an example.

I thought I would set the record straight, to just how much this adventure is really worth. You now have the costs , just for the NORMAL appearance fee, as a working example,,,,,,,72,000.00

As for the serious chunk of change, once again, this chunk of change is paying for everything, as Eddie has already stated.  The airfare for 6 people, ground transportation, the Villa, the food, alcohol.  The Chef, and the appearance fees for 3 PS.

We thought this was a really great idea, one that would excite this community, and concessions were made to bring this together.  Suffice to say, for what the 3 girls are receiving, it is not even close to what their normal rate is.

I hope you join, and good luck.  

-- Modified on 10/1/2003 10:37:21 AM

Kathy, one thing to add: those hobbyists who are able to spend 24-48-or-72 hours with a top-rated PS are likely to have experienced several 1-2 hour sessions with that lady before a longer rendevous, much less at a "discount" might be agreed to.  There are many personal and business reasons why a Lady might wish to offer such a "discount", but these type of arrangements are strictly "Ladies Choice".  Having never met Kathy, Anna, or Jena I would never expect a "discount". Maybe after we'd seen each other a few times....

In the case of the Porn Star Weekend, Kathy et al must assume that none of the ladies have met the 3 guys previously. It would seem highly unlikely that any guy could make a cold contact with Kathy (or any of the other Ladies) and be successful in obtaining "discounts".

Kathy and Eddie have noted all the costs involved. Now, guys, factor in the additional time they have both spent answering questions on these boards ... well, the profit margin shrinks daily (: .


obviously6061 reads

... aside from your comment about dumb thinking ....

it's understood that it takes effort to promote something ...
and kudos to you for trying to put this together.

but it may be worth your while to look into whether the scheme
would arouse the interest of authorities.

case in point

- doesn't matter whether you think it's a lottery or not,
  or how you structure it, it's whether it meets the
  gaming commission's definition of lottery. they set the
  rules, you don't - and i'm sure they've seen contests
  far more sophisticated than yours.

  if the only way to participate is to buying something ...
  well that usually makes it a lottery. This is why many
  contests say "no purchase necessary to win" , for that
  reason - so they steer clear of the red tape.

- on your site you also mention the words "check out the site,
  read the rules, and sign up today ... memberships won't
  last long"

  ... doesn't sound like i'm buying a membership to a site for
  the sake of viewing content - and i don't think you could
  come up with a valid business justification for this to
  make someone believe that i am only buying a membership
  and not a ticket to the raffle.

there are more points I can bring up (which I won't) which
should make you consider getting an expert opinion.

good luck with your decision, either way.

fasteddie516219 reads

I apprecate your input and concerns... However, this site and concept was reviewed and given the OK by my attorney, an expert in first amendment and gaming law prior to it's unveiling....

I can't imagine why anyone would leave 3 beautiful pornstars early, but I would like to offer my services as a pinch hitter right now.  Just let me know when the poor fellow is leaving and I will be glad to step in!

Kathy and Eddie, I think this is a great idea and I wish you all the luck in the world.  Obviously, you will run into some bumps in the road but you seem to be handling them in your usual professional manner.  I hope this becomes an annual event!

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