Porn Stars

Well Thats A Change Of Heart
jldick50 1947 reads

Doc didnt sound like much fun when you used to E-Mail me and complain about all the problems he was causing you.

as always

Happy Hunting

fasteddie512137 reads

I just wanted to let everyone know that Sly and I have been appointed co-moderators of the Pornstar board.   We've been waiting in the wings for a few weeks so that Sly could reach his "Centenial" review, and now that he's achieved that landmark, here we are.  This may be happy news for some of you, and not so happy news for some others, but my attitude, and I think I can speak for Sly as well, is that we're all starting off with a blank slate.  

Those of you who have been here for a while know that both Sly and myself, along with others like Big Poppa, Score, The Arch, etc.  are always willing to help fellow members and answer any (reasonable) question asked.  However, what has been lost to a degree on the board itself is that kind of give-and-take exchange of information among the general membership.  Hopefully we can get that back.

Also note that the more you become involved in posting useful information to the board, the quicker Sly and I (and other long-time members as well) will get to know you and be willing to share "back channel" information that you won't find openly.  It constantly amazes me how many PMs I get from guys I've NEVER heard of asking for direct contact information  for a particular PSE or to ask about the availability of a possibly "under the radar" pornstar.   If you've never posted and I have no idea who you are, why would you think I'd be willing to give out information that I was entrusted to keep low-key?  So the more active you are, the more access you'll have to "insider" info from the long-time members here who are "in the know".

Finally, neither Sly nor myself are  big believers in censorship.  We're here to be facilitators, not baby-sitters.  So as long as people remain civil to each other and the PSEs, you won't have to worry about being moderated.  Personally, I'm not even opposed to a little "flame war" now and then, as long as it's done without getting nasty or personal, and hopefully accompanied by a little wit.  

We'd love to see this board eventually become totally unmoderated except for the occasional technical infractions regarding posting ads, etc.  Stay away from personal attacks, mean-spirited posts, or unsubstantiated accusations/ rumors and things will be peachy-keen.

So let's get posting, and as jldick50 always says,


I am very happy to hear this news. Althought I read more then I post. I have been in the fortunate position to have received help from Sly. He has always been more then gracious in his efforts to get me information I might need.

Sly congrats on the 100..and thanks to you and Eddie for taking on the job!

... it was greatly needed.  Hope all goes well with it!

Thanks for taking up the task. As someone who is very new to the hobby I have gotten a lot out of reading the posts that you, sly, and a few others leave on the boards. I hope someday I will be able to post useful information rather than just read all the posts!!

this is just the kick-start the board needed to potentially regain its former glory. If it ever will, it will be with you two at the helm. This may be history in the makin'.....
-The Arch

Ex-Moderator1385 reads

I suggested both to Staff! Because it was hard to pick one between Sly and Eddie.

jldick502316 reads

I will say one thing, you certainly have a sense of humor.

as always

Happy Hunting

-- Modified on 4/4/2006 11:54:02 AM

fasteddie512492 reads

Hey Jim, thanks for the compliment!  Because love him or hate him, at least when the Doc was around this board was interesting.

jldick501948 reads

Doc didnt sound like much fun when you used to E-Mail me and complain about all the problems he was causing you.

as always

Happy Hunting

fasteddie512075 reads

I didn't say he was fun and I didn't say he didn't cause me problems, I said he kept things interesting on the board.  You don't have to like a guy to admit he adds flavor.  Hell Jim, even YOU make things interesting from time to time - ROTFLMAO

I have a feeling you didn't mean it as a compliment, but from my perspective Doc was one of the great ones. Not only did he have the knowledge, but he was always willing to share it. He, like FastEddie, was one of the people who made my PSE hobbying start a spectacular one. Frankly, guys like him are the reason I even agreed to take on the moderator role here, as I enjoy giving back, both on this board and through the backchannel. You should really think about that, as you are one who likes to talk a lot, but tends not to provide much useful info to others nor submit any reviews. It's obvious that you have a lot to share, so don't know why you don't???



I usually read more than I post, but I've been around for a while!  Best of luck to you two gentlemen!

Dreamgirls4U3388 reads

Congrats boys! Very glad to have two seasoned vets to spice things up a little around here. Maybe the providers will post more now and we can get a new perspective. Too much testosterone for too long and its time for a female intervention!

fasteddie512087 reads

Hey, we'd love to see you encourage your ladies to join the fun here!

Hi Nicole,

Thanks for the congrts! All of us will appreciate and benefit from having the ladies join and participate in this forum. Bring 'em on!

Ed and I promise to make sure the testosterone is used in the right way, which is the main objective of TER ... if you know what I mean :-)



Congrats on your advancements.. Both guys do deserves us newbies' reverence..

Have a good time..

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