Porn Stars

Wanna Date With Meregular_smile
AngelCassidy 12486 reads

I am testing the waters with escorting and am
now booking through
I am looking forward to meeting you soon.

Take Care,

Angel Cassidy

-- Modified on 12/22/2002 8:30:49 PM

Ferangi10331 reads

Too bad you won't ever get to see her. Since it appears that she books through an agency and your unwilling to compromise on your views I guess you can guess this one goodbye.  Of course you might be able to get her directly, but I'll bet you 50 bucks you can't and least not until she is comfortable doing this...

Lord Of The Rings12206 reads

BTW, Do you work or are benefiting from any of these agencies?

Why are you becoming so hostile with me if I am only commenting to avoid agencies at all cost?

Since when it is a problem for the readers of this board that one's comments of avoiding agencies is a taboo?

Like I told you and like others have said, if you have the referrals, even is she is PUBLICLY (NOT PRIVATELY) new to this hobby, does not mean she can't be booked direct.

Take your hostility elsewhere and stop envying and being so jealous of those of us that book these ladies without an agent intervention.


PS – Many of the ladies that have publicly stated only booking through agencies, very well know that it’s only a front so their sponsors don’t take them off their payroll, but in reality it isn’t the case if you have the proper referrals.

-- Modified on 12/22/2002 7:26:50 PM

Ferangi12297 reads

San Te,

I am not becoming hostile with you... The issue I have is a  person inquires about agencies, ask a question and you say don't go use agencies. Your answers are absolute without any flexibility.. Its okay to have a strong opinion, but that does not make yours right for everybody...

If a hobbyist wants to use an agency to see a certain girl, and has made that decision, then so be it. He should be able to get the advise he needs without getting a lecture on agencies...

That is just my opinion...

Lord Of The Rings11168 reads


Your comments are very well taken. No one is obligated to agree to your comments or mine. I will stress my point whenever I choose to do so. Shilling for agencies and ladies is bad and should not be accepted on any forum. This board is looking more like the old Big Doggie, were there was a shilling contest going on at all times.

On another note, I am not San Te, Doc, Fast Eddie, Number 6 or anyone else that you or other board members might imagine or think I am. The moderator can confirm this. These men aren't the only persons with sufficient knowledge in this sport. Different from some of them, I'm willing to provide a deposit if and only the provider has a proven track record. I also prefer that all my meetings be covered.

Finally, as Angel will enlighten you, Nici's Girls is one of the oldest escort agencies available. Nici caters the high rollers who don't have time to spend on the boards seeking ladies or information on anyone in particular. What Angel is offering is an alternative to Nici's, which is booking through her Webmaster.

I know you are at a learning stage but we all went through it and have survived. I’m sure you will too.


PS - To answer the question whether I would meet anyone who has a minimum of $8,000.00? The answer is NO!

-- Modified on 12/23/2002 9:46:28 PM

Boy, you really are clueless.  I have NEVER posted on these boards under any name other than San Te.

-- Modified on 12/23/2002 4:53:15 PM

San Te, I have to agree with Ferangi.  You've been very heavy handed with your opinions starting with our discussion ref Leeanna Heart where your positiom was based SOLELY on the fact that you've NEVER met her personally where I have.  I have no problem with you exercising your 1st Amendment right to free speech but when you try to make EVERYONE see things your way & in ONLY your way, you're no better than the conservative right-wingers I hear on the radio every day bash the liberals in government.

So you also think I am posting under multiple handles; I have never done so.  You are also wrong! I am not posting as Lord of The Rings.  I have NEVER posted under any other name!

As to Leeanna, tell the whole story. I based that opinion from being at a club where she was supposed to perform, a club which spent alot of advertising dollars.  However, she flaked and didn't show.  The club was extremely pissed but did the right thing and refunded everybody's money; but the fact remains she flaked.  Based on other reports her flaking is not an isolated incident.  I am glad you had a positive experience.  I hope she gets her act together and starts getting a series of positive reviews.        

-- Modified on 12/25/2002 10:39:08 AM

But I have to come to LeeAnna's defense.  If she ever failed to appear at a dance booking, I can tell you, as a personal friend of hers, that it was not her fault.  Her booking agent is a complete basket case.  In fact, I once informed her of a booking that her agent, as close as one week before the appearance, had failed to mention to her.  I have heard from other feature dancers that this particular agent is to be avoided as well, and in fact, they will not book through her any more.

gumby00711903 reads

Please let me know if she is from San Diego. I noticed a few posts down some PS's mentioned from San Diego. I am here and need to dip my feet in the pool. I was going to start with cara Lott. But, with her or Jewel around, I would like to try a girl that is still in the biz. If her rates are good, I will give it a shot.

AngelCassidy14341 reads

Angel is available in San Diego, LA and books worldwide. It is possible to book directly through her webmaster Heather at [email protected] given the proper information.

Thank You,


-- Modified on 12/22/2002 3:10:04 PM

Lord Of The Rings10814 reads

-- Modified on 12/22/2002 7:28:08 PM

fasteddie519478 reads

Is that email or

Ferangi11862 reads


Does Angel require an advanced deposit?

AngelCassidy11917 reads

Yes, there is a 50% deposit for the consultation through Pay-Pal.



hecouldgoalltheway10580 reads

consultation fees start at $8000!

Ferangi10981 reads

Yup.  See my post below. In addition that is a 50% deposit upfront!!

Ferangi11171 reads


If it is too good to be true it probably is... Check out the web site form for Angel Cassidy. Her fee is $8K minimum.
With a 50% deposit required upfront.I don't know if this audience is use to spending that type of money. Oh well, nice fantasy..

I wonder if Lord of The Rings is still going to see her?? How about it Mr. Know-it all?

gumby00711327 reads

I know I'm going to get slammed for this, but what the hey. Ferangi,what is your problem? LOTR simply made suggestions. He is not some God who we all must obey. He has simply stated an opinion. Why do you have to be so controversial?
   Yes, some individuals do get discounts for one reason or another. Personally, I envy these guys. I hate to see them get a discount when I would have to pay full price. But, they know certain people, or certain people know them, or they have some sort of arrangement. Either way, they get a discount and that's that.
   I just hate to see a guy make a simple statement, and then see someone come back and try to slam the first guy. It isn't doing anyone any good to be so rude on this board. Is it jealousy? Admiration? What? Please, don't answer that or any other questions in this post. They are rhetorical.
    please just take a chill pill ad let the board move on with little or no more mention of the pros and cons of agencies and independants.  
   That's just my .02 cents. OK, hit me. LOL

Please do us all a favor and crawl back under the rock where you came from.

When I try to follow the link you posted, I wind up with:

Error: The URL was not found on the server.
Make sure you typed the URL correctly.

Angel's site, is fine, but no info/form page.  Unless it's only accessible from the members' section.

Just went to the web site you mention,  It' a site that sells domain names.  Are you sure you typed it in correctly?

trager13251 reads

AngelCassidy12783 reads

Correction...Sorry about that.

Otherwise just book me directly

at [email protected]

-- Modified on 12/22/2002 11:43:46 PM

Ferangi11873 reads


SO we are all clear. Do you book independently or through an agency?  Do you require a deposit?  Could you let us all know?
Nicigirls sounds like an agency, but I could be wrong..


Since I first brought you up on this site months I get the first shot? :-) Even though I see escorts regularly, I still look at pics I have taken with you and your autographed picture constantly. Wow! I guess dream does come true sometime!!

-- Modified on 12/22/2002 9:27:10 PM

burnin12296 reads

She's gotta be the finest girl ever to be "available."  Ok, so what's the damage gonna be? $$$$$$

I would love to book an appointment. But would like a little information before i waste your time or my time. 1) what are your rates for the LA area and is it incall or out call. 2) do you dfk, and bbbj or bbbjtc ??? I realize this in supjective and is forward. Also do you do any greek ??? Thank you for the info and sorry for being so straight forward about things.    Have a merry christmas and a happy new yr  john

lostsailor11395 reads

so far veryprompt reply, the fees look like it starts at around $2000 per hour with a 4 hour minimum.  Ouch!!! but she is hot for thoose that can afford it



or how much time do you spend between SD and LA? Are there better days for one over another? What are you initially asking for deposit-wise? You can mail me with that answer.

I saw Angel at Adultcon last month and her photos do reflect her appearence, but a 4 minimum is too risky for someone with no reviews.  Even if she wants to keep her rate at $2000/hour, she should offer 1 hour appointments. I think there would be some takers for 1 or 2 hours.

Can seperate thread be started for those of you who are having your little pissing match about aliases or whatever the hell you're talking about?  That way those of us looking for information about the original post don't have to sift through your little catfight to get to it.  Maybe you can do a "pay-per-read" thing so folks with the time, interest and disposable income can read your witty exchanges and you'd have some extra money to donate to the provider of your choice (agency or independent).  Merry Christmas!

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