Porn Stars

This is the only information on here about Sharon Pinkteeth_smile
bigguy30 1010 reads

This review is six years old and has no website.
She my be retired or working with another agency.

I would ask the porn agencies,
If they have any current updates on Sharon Pink availability.
Posted By: Lonie

bigguy301011 reads

This review is six years old and has no website.
She my be retired or working with another agency.

I would ask the porn agencies,
If they have any current updates on Sharon Pink availability.

Posted By: Lonie

Searching on Google took me about 3 seconds to find this link among many others.  Probably less time than it took you to post your message.

Nice job. But if you would've read his post, you would see that he is asking if she is STILL available. Your top notch investigative skills pulled up a post that was from March 2015. Keep up the good work.

Posted By: gr8tongue70
Nice job. But if you would've read his post, you would see that he is asking if she is STILL available. Your top notch investigative skills pulled up a post that was from March 2015. Keep up the good work.
...and contacting her or her agency would provide a DEFINITIVE response rather than asking here where the best that you can hope for is "I think so" (or maybe not).  So, your sarcasm is not well taken.

Au contraire, petite bite. This site has people that seem to know more than the average layman about the porn industry. Is that what this board is about? Of is it about making  "ID please" posts because someone is too damn lazy to watch all the porn movies that have been produced in order to identify the person?

For you to post a response with a link to a webpage that is a year and a half old only supports the reason why he asked the question. So your "better than thou" attitude is not well taken.  

Posted By: mrfrench
Posted By: gr8tongue70
Nice job. But if you would've read his post, you would see that he is asking if she is STILL available. Your top notch investigative skills pulled up a post that was from March 2015. Keep up the good work.
 ...and contacting her or her agency would provide a DEFINITIVE response rather than asking here where the best that you can hope for is "I think so" (or maybe not).  So, your sarcasm is not well taken.  

To use your phrase: Au contraire.  Who do you think is going to have better and more accurate information: The people here who are ONLY GUESSING, or an agency that is representing her, or even herself since searches also bring up twitter and other sites.

And, it doesn't matter how OLD a site is, the question is really: IS IT ACCURATE?  The only way to know that, is to go to the page and contact them through whatever method they request.  Many sites don't update regularly BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO POST UPDATES SINCE THE INFORMATION IS STILL ACCURATE.

And, for whatever it's worth, who do you think has a better handle on what this board is about: the guy with over 30 reviews, or the guy with 11?  The guy who has been here since the year the site opened, or the relative newcomer?

Furthermore, if you want people to answer your questions and give you assistance, DON'T BE AN ASS.

Posted By: mrfrench
To use your phrase: Au contraire.  Who do you think is going to have better and more accurate information: The people here who are ONLY GUESSING, or an agency that is representing her, or even herself since searches also bring up twitter and other sites.  
 And, it doesn't matter how OLD a site is, the question is really: IS IT ACCURATE?  The only way to know that, is to go to the page and contact them through whatever method they request.  Many sites don't update regularly BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE TO POST UPDATES SINCE THE INFORMATION IS STILL ACCURATE.  
 And, for whatever it's worth, who do you think has a better handle on what this board is about: the guy with over 30 reviews, or the guy with 11?  The guy who has been here since the year the site opened, or the relative newcomer?  
 Furthermore, if you want people to answer your questions and give you assistance, DON'T BE AN ASS.
There's an ass here for sure, and it's not the o/p.  

You're right - the question he asked was looking for accurate info. That's the point of the question. As someone who claims to be so knowledgeable, you seem to not be aware that most sites are not updated regularly - if at all. Most sites like this one keep ladies up for years after to draw hits.  

I think boards are easy to understand. Why you're angry people ask for current info is very odd. I would ask here first, rather than be 1 of 10,000 to DM, email, call places. It's more respectful to the lady and any service to do homework here.  

I again find it interesting which posts you reply to with information, and which ones you blow up on the dude. You seem unhinged. If I was a lady I would be cautious about seeing someone like yourself.  

Man do I miss the old days where people shared information on information boards. I, for one, will never DM someone, no matter if she's saying she's avail. I will always ask on this and other information boards for more direct info. If you can't handle it, why are you even posting?

Go back.  Read the posts.  Get a clue

Posted By: mrfrench
Go back.  Read the posts.  Get a clue.  
Have a clue. I'm currently traveling and just saw several I want to see on several sites that are old. This is the place to inquire. Thanks.

Careful, Taz. You only have 28 reviews as compared to his "over 30." 😂 You may not be qualified to give an opinion here.  

And I agree 1000% with your post. This board should be used to pass along information. Obviously, some people want to use it for other things. Why waste time to post a response when it does nothing to answer the OP? They take time to post a response and then complain about not having time,yet...

Posted By: gr8tongue70
Careful, Taz. You only have 28 reviews as compared to his "over 30." 😂 You may not be qualified to give an opinion here.  
 And I agree 1000% with your post. This board should be used to pass along information. Obviously, some people want to use it for other things. Why waste time to post a response when it does nothing to answer the OP? They take time to post a response and then complain about not having time,yet...
I also found it odd that anyone who claims to be experienced would be so lame to question someone based on reviews. I've been offline nationally for many, many, years. Many of us have UTRs, who are often very respected people who don't want reviews, or who don't advertise. Got a text today from someone asking for no more reviews. Any experienced and credible person would never attack someone based on reviews LOL.  

I can't believe someone who claims to be an experienced pro thinks it's better to email, PM, DM, call, a woman / agency page that is months and years old. In fact, it seems very amateurish. This is the place to do it, and I hope people aren't discouraged.  

Hopefully we can feel free to ask questions here still to find out who wants to be contacted and who doesn't.

bigguy30659 reads

So with the current information you provided or the old one I provided.
We can all agree Sharon Pink is one sexy lady!

Posted By: mrfrench
Searching on Google took me about 3 seconds to find this link among many others.  Probably less time than it took you to post your message.

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