Porn Stars

This is THE most honest and intelligent post I've ever read here.confused_smile
Asian Fan 4141 reads


ohblah4892 reads

...  or is there even such a thing as a formalized purpose?

You know, I HATE to continually be negative on this board since I don't think I am a negative person in the slightest in my real life.  I think the explaination may be that the posts that I agree with get a simple smile or nod of the head and then I move on, while the ones that I disagree with stimulate me enough to respond.

Anyway, I just got done reading one of those posts that pisses me off and instead of getting trapped in the rut of a tit-for-tat flame war, I decided to try this.

Here is my personal bias about how I use this message board and TER in general:

I like to "window shop" for women who interest me, and find out if they are available first of all.  Next to finding out if a woman is available, the most important thing for me is finding out if they are flakey or dead fishes.  Then, I am interested in finding out what things they do or don't do.  I usually spend alot of time going through the data because I plan who I am going to see (and usually a back-up or two) months in advance and have never seen anybody on the spur of the moment.

I get the impression that most of the regulars here think of this board as a fanclub, that giving any negative info that might help a guy avoid a particular lady is ungentlemanly and meanspirited, and that the main focus of this board should be to make it a place for pornstars to come and be fawned over so that they can post loving, romantic fan messages.

So, I'm just curious to know what some of you other guys think.

i personally don't really care what you think

you see, you have this unnerving habit of jumping into the midst of discussions that are not about you and acting as if you've been inconvenienced, with us getting in the way of your enjoyment of this board and the trickle of useful information that seeps in every other day (at a snail's pace) ...  and ultimately you're a guy who contributes nothing: no reviews, no helpful advice, no announcements, just criticism of others and this board ... it's kinda like "everybody shut up, i'm trying to find a pornstar to fuck"

like when Eddie suggests a boycott and you jump in huffing and puffing saying "then let me be the first to be boycotted" ... well, i hate to break this to you, but no one was talking about you. sorry but you're not even a blip on the radar.  some of the "pests" around here have at least earned their keep in the past, you haven't

i have nothing against lurkers who mind their own business.  there's nothing wrong with choosing not to participate (except maybe that that choice doesn't really give you the right to dictate policy to others who do contribute). but unfortunately you also have this habit of inserting yourself ass-backwards into a real heated debate and saying something astoundingly stupid, then pulling up your pants and letting out a fart as if you just deposited a pearl of wisdom

as you proudly admit, you just want to lurk and don't wish to interact with anyone. you're just here to take take take, right?  fine then. that is your "right" (whether you're doing it free or VIP).  but leave the mall to the "mallrats" (as you like to call us) and just do your window shopping and move on

'nuff said

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 9:45:24 PM

ohblah4247 reads

well, wasn't that special.

OK, Singleton, I usually don't respond to flame wars.  I think that it is a bit childish to allow yourself to get baited into responding to them, but since I started this thread, and since I would like to encourage others to respond if they have something meaningful to say, I will (this once) lower myself to your level.

I know that your venom is simply a reaction to your wounded ego when I pointed out how silly that post of yours was about beating up some guy who ripped off a provider after sticking up for another member who had the audacity to actually disagree with you on another post.  

I do feel quite entitled to use this board.  I pay to use it and I get helpful information from time to time.

You represent quite nicely the drooling porn fan who posts on this board in an effort to fill your social life, not to share meaningful information.  You get together with providers to fill your romantic needs not your sexual needs.  There is no doubt we are worlds apart.

My original post simply addressed this difference.  Is it the policy of TER that the members are separated into the mall-rat pack (to which you belong) and the the real consumers (laughingly referred to as lurkers by you)?  

Is there a hierarchy of membership?  Are members expected to "earn their keep" as the self appointed messiah Lord Singleton proclamed?  Are all members allowed to voice their opinion, or only the ones in the right clique?

I have no desire to "contribute" in the manner that schoolboys like Singleton expect any more than I expect to have to open my own store in order to shop at the mall.  I exchange money with the owners of TER in order to gain access to the data I use.  

I'm not particularly interested in having any kind of a discussion with self proclaimed Board Masters like singleton and think it would be a waste of energy to point out how mindless his points (or lack thereof) were so I will let the temper tantrum he posted go unchallenged.

I only want to re-direct the conversation to getting some feedback about who is "allowed" to use this board and what the purpose of it is.

like i said, a steaming hot pile of "wisdom" :

"I think this episode just reinforces the idea that there is no legitimate reason for these women to ever ask for any personal information from a customer since they couldn't care less about protecting themselves or anybody else if he turns out to be dangerous. Obviously they only want that information for their own use to take advantage of the guy stupid enough to give his personal information out." -- ohblah

remember, when you're done with this thread, please clean up after yourself

keepinon4112 reads

i guess i'm a lurker too, i think there are always guys like singleton on every board, don't pay any attention to him  he is just trying to compensate for whats lacking in other areas

this as a response his message instead.  I know he won't mind.

These days I don't read most of the messages in many TER boards as I used to.  I do admit that I don't follow all the fine points in this board anymore.

Most of the PS info posted here didn't particular interest me as many of them are just not my type.  Don't get me wrong, there are many worthwhile PS ladies out there.  It is just that simply being a PS is not enough for me.

Even though the PS rate is quite high compared to regular escorts in most cities, JMHO, it is far better to have sex with them than talk about them.

In fact, I will be going to an East Coast city tomorrow to meet an beautiful PS.  I think this is much more interesting than to rehash the various issues. :-)

Since the holidys are coming, I hope that most members in this board will treat themselves to an encounter of their favorite PS instead using that money to buy themselves expensive gifts. :-)

Happy hobbying to all.

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 7:53:05 PM

What words come to mind when I saw your post......RUDE , OBNOXIOUS , ELITIST,EGOTISTICAL. And  a few more choice ones.
Who the hell do you think you are.
I thouhgt the post by the "Bulbous one" on boycotting was low, but frankly my dear windbag , you are in a class BY YOURSELF.

What words come to mind when I saw your post......RUDE , OBNOXIOUS , ELITIST,EGOTISTICAL. And  a few more choice ones.
Who the hell do you think you are.
I thouhgt the post by the "Bulbous one" on boycotting was low, but frankly my dear windbag , you are in a class BY YOURSELF.

jldick505985 reads

I dont think there is a formalized purpose, I think it is up to the members to decide which direction this board will go,within certain rules dictated by TER and the moderator, so if you dont like the direction we are headed, then actively participate on this board and change things, I am sure there are others who think the same as you.

as always


fasteddie513930 reads

Here's my take on the subject, for what it's worth.

For one thing, and with no disrespect intended, asking "what is the purpose of this board?" is like asking "how high is up?"  Each of us have his or her own reason for using it, and each of us has his or her own reason for choosing to post or not.  Speaking for myself, and if other members are completely honest with themselves I think they'd agree, there is a certain amount of ego gratification to be gained from posting and adding reviews... there's always a bit of "Hey, look who I fucked".  It's the same when guys tell everyone that they got a BBBJ, or that she wasn't a clock watcher and then add the caveat; "YMMV"... that's a veiled way of saying that "nah, nah, she liked me better than she will you" - more ego boosting.

But agreeing that ego IS part of the reason, I think there's also a genuine desire to help fellow hobbyist to maximize his dollar value and, yes, also a desire to help a PSE who one feels is an exceptional performer.  For some reason, a few people object to this aspect of the board, and the word "shill" is bandied about.   I really don't understand that.  If you go to a restaurant and have an exceptional meal, receive outstanding service and feel that for the price you received great value, you probably go into work the next day and tell everyone about your dining experience.  You take friends and family there to share in your find.  You might even go to a restaurant review board and post about how much you enjoyed you meal, and few if any would accuse you of shilling for the restaurant.

My own reason for posting and reviewing is primarily that when I was a newbie, there were several hobbyists on boards like this who were generous and unselfish in their willingness to help me fulfill some of my fantasies, and this is my way of repaying their kindness.

As to this being a fanclub, I don't see it the way you do, Ohblah.  I think it's human nature to brag when you get a great deal, and be low-keyed when you get taken.  To admit that you spent your hard-earned money for something that ended up not being worth the price is embarassing for many to admit, so there's a natural tendency for the reviews and comments to be skewed toward the positive... take a look at singleton's list of 53 pornstars... the poorest one got an average score over 7, which is stated in the TER guidelines as the base rating for a good review... in fact theoretically it's the highest mark a provider can get without going "above and beyond" the norm.  Now we all know that there are many PSE's who don't deserve anywhere near a 7, but as stated above, human nature takes over and those PSE's don't get as many negative reviews credited to their profile - Guys have a good time, they review; guys have a bad time, they don't, at least not as often.

And it's not that negative or bad comments about a pornstar are considered ungentlemanly and meanspirited.  If the comments are legitimate, I think it's taken at it's face value.  But if you look at many of the posts in context, often the negative remarks are made in reply to a post from someone giving the particular PSE good remarks, and the malice is not really directed toward the lady but, out of jealousy, evny or for some other agenda, toward the person who posted the positive comments.  

I think if you look closer you'll find that it's a small number of the same people who repeatedly  post negative comments about a girl they claimed to have seen in response to a positive post from a frequent contributor.  As you said, you "window shop" on this board, and I think that the vast majority of those who come here are the same... they don't read each and every message that's posted, so they miss a lot of the pettiness and in-fighting that occurs.  So when it seems that we're accusing someone of being mean spirited or ungentlemanly, it's often for reasons not immediately clear to the occasional visitor to the board.

I do disagree regarding your analogy that you "don't have to buy a store to shop at the mall".  When you  buy something in a store, both parties receive a benefit from the transaction.  You get the product you want, and the merchant gets your money in exchange.  It's a quid pro quo transaction.   That's not the way this board works.  It's based on the EXCHANGE of information for the mutual benefit of all parties, and those who don't share are really sponging off of those who do.

You say that you pay your money to be here, and that's all that's required, but you didn't really pay your money to be HERE.  You paid your money in order to access the member's only sections of provider reviews... This board is free to all who wish to use it... you can read it for free, and you can post for free, you don't have to pay a dime.  If everyone came here with the same attitude as yours, we'd all be looking at a blank page.  When you go to a weekly poker game at a buddy's house, and at the end of the evening each week the same three guys drop a twenty on the table to cover the cost of food and beer, and the other three guys never kick in a dime,  you eventually start to get a little pissed... you might not say anything to them about it, but it's in the back of your mind each week.  Now imagine one of those three start complaining about the kind of food or the brand of beer that's being served... Believe me, someone is going to tell the guy to go fuck himself.

Please realize that I say the following with no malice and it's not intended as a flame... I don't care if people lurk here, and I don't care if they decide to post or not to post reviews, but you have to understand that people who do contribute reviews, contact info, and general information also don't care what lurkers have to say, and certainly do not give their opinions the same weight as that of someone who contributes... Lurkers who  post complaints about the direction this board is going are like a hitch hiker who complains about what radio station the driver has on or how high he has the heat turned up... if they don't like it, they can get out and walk.

-- Modified on 12/7/2003 11:48:32 PM

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