Porn Stars XXXRated
pinklips 6765 reads
1 / 30

XXX Rated!!!

Just a quick reminder about Porn Star Weekend. For those of you who are already aware, or who have already joined up,, that's WONDERFUL!!

However, I have been informed by many gentleman hobbyists, that there are a lot of TER members who don't visit the boards as often as others do, sometimes they only visit as often as once a month.

So this post is primarily for those gentleman, so please be patient with me, as I try to bring awareness to this wonderful fantasy.

For the ULTIMATE fantasy, come and join Eddie and myself, along with the beautiful and sexy Anna Malle, and the nasty and beautiful Jeanna Fine for an  all inclusive 3 days and 3 nights of uninhabited, unadulterated XXXfun.

Take the time to visit and read all about our wonderful fantasy get away, feel free to take the tour and I am sure that you will be just as excited about this as we are..

This adventure is a once in a lifetime opportunity for a hobbyists, to have 72 hours of sun, fun and,,,,,,,,,,,,,,!!

Once you join our site, you will have access to things that the everyday hobbyist does not have.  So follow the link, and join, and GOOD LUCK.

Lustfully, Kathy, Anna and Jeanna  XOXO

jldick50 5742 reads
2 / 30

WOW! " for the ultimate fantasy, come and join Eddie and myself" Oh boy Eddies fat white ass has always been my ultimate fantasy, thanks but no thanks (ROTFLMAO)

as always

jacksonlips 56 Reviews 6090 reads
3 / 30

Guys, I have been with Kathy Willets.  I have been with Anna Malle.  Jeanna....unfortunately, not yet.  

This porn star weekend sounds like the real deal to me. Kathy and Anna are fabulous ladies.  They both conducted themselves with the utmost professionalism and integrity when I dealt with them.  To those of you who are hesitant about doing this, knowing Kathy and Anna, I'm sure this is totally on the up and up, and it would be the experience of a lifetime.

Do it,


Dr.J 7 Reviews 6616 reads
4 / 30

I agree 100%.  I have also had the pleasure of meeting both Kathy and Anna and they were wonderful.  They are both just genuinely nice people. I think this is a great idea and a wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time with two (excuse me THREE!) of the best.  I will most certainly use the discounts for both Kathy and Anna (and hopefully Jeanna) so I come out ahead.  I wish them the best of luck in this venture and I hope it will become an annual event.

ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 7807 reads
5 / 30

Based on the reviews of these ladies... I too believe this is on the up and up. However, I would like to make a request.  Why not just purchase a banner ad to put on this website rather than regularly clutter the discussion boards with posts about this "opportunity". Granted, at first I was intrigued... but now I'm gettin a little tired of constantly hearing about it.

fasteddie51 5586 reads
6 / 30

Hey, jldick50, if you win, I promise to keep my pants on around you (especially with your new found infatuation with anal sex) - LOL

-- Modified on 10/8/2003 11:28:54 PM

fasteddie51 6617 reads
7 / 30

Anyone who has met Kathy will know that this is an entirely legit project, and while both Kathy and Anna (and Jeanna as well) DO conduct themselves with professionalism and integrity, the more important virtues in this case are that they love what they do, they love to have fun, they're all swingers in their private lives, they all enjoy each others company, and they're all looking forward to spending a few days in the sun, kicking back, and getting freaky!

colhogan 7 Reviews 5028 reads
8 / 30

Dont be a dick head.all your life

jldick50 5362 reads
9 / 30

Hey hogan, why dont you mind your own damn business and stay out of mine.

as always

jldick50 5747 reads
10 / 30

And they call me the king of the shills and a low rent pimp, Eddie Iam taking off my crown and giving it to you buddy because youre the best(ROTFLMAO)

as always

pinklips 5879 reads
11 / 30

As my original post said, if you have read the posts on the Porn Star Weekend before, and have either decided to join, or not join, then please be patient.

I will say this again, not everyone reads these boards on a regular basis.  If you are tired of reading about any posts regarding the adventure, then please just DON'T read them.

A great majority of men who visit this board, do not even post, as can be plainly seen by how many people go to a post, vs, how many of the same names we see over and over again.  There is a small number of you that post.

A banner ad has been discussed, and the decision has not been made yet.  As for me, I feel that a banner ad is not as effective as posting.  All a  banner does is sit there, most people in my opinion don't even go to them.  They get lost in the big picture of "what's" going on. Personally, I don't even look at them.

Having someone such as myself, or Anna, or Jeanna posting about this adventure is certainly much more interesting than a banner, and since the majority of the people on this board know my handle, and seem to go to my posts quite frequently, it appears that at the very least, a lot of people are interested in what I have to say.

A banner is a fine idea, and the site is very well done, however, to actually interact with one of the PS's involved, is a perk and one that I assumed would be well received.

As for clutering up the board, don't get me started, we have discussions about baseball,(Yankees will win it all), we have the very long and boring thread of politics, if it doesn't interest me,,,,, I pass on it.  

I suggest, you do the same!!

-- Modified on 10/9/2003 12:35:12 PM

apollo1 11 Reviews 5179 reads
12 / 30

Kathy I like your post you do call it like you see it... lol

colhogan 7 Reviews 4822 reads
13 / 30

come on dick dont get mad
be a sport its ok for you to get in to everyones business but shame if some one gets in yours
be a sport
grow up

colhogan 7 Reviews 4961 reads
14 / 30

Very well said Kathy you nailed it exactly when you said if you dont like the topic move on i do the same

wheather its my yankees posts or eddies political posts or what ever
no one forces you to read these threads

i think you are being very effective kathy all of you and  people should be happy to have you and eddie start this it is very different
and i hope it makes it

jldick50 5007 reads
15 / 30

OK hogan now you did it, you hurt my feelings, you big bully, youre so mean, why don't you go take a long walk on a short pier.

as always

jldick50 7513 reads
16 / 30

"no one forces you to read these threads", what an insightful observation hogan, now quit reading my threads and MOVE ON.(ROTFLMAO)

as always

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 12:55:00 PM

jldick50 6431 reads
17 / 30

JESUS that jldick50 guy gets me so f---ing mad, I sure would like to pound him, hey just calm down, its all right hogan.

as always

ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 7121 reads
19 / 30

Well... I'm sorry to be the jerk about it.  The other posts about the yankees or whatever aren't soliciting any funds to pay for an "opportunity".  

Like I said in my post, based on your reputation and the others involved, I believe the oppportunity is perfectly legit... but your posts about it aren't just informational... they're advertisements. I think your decision not to buy a banner ad is based more on the fact that it would cost money and therefore cut into your profits regarding this venture.

pinklips 6927 reads
20 / 30

Give the man a cigar!

Did you figure that out all by yourself, or did you have help??

If you scroll up to Eddie's post about shilling, you'll find where he states that he and I ARE promoting our site.  And as long as it is within the guide lines of TER, it is acceptable.

By me promoting the site, it is no different from another PS promoting a tour to a city,,,,,,,,,, she is advertising..

Now I have explained the reason why I am posting about,,,,,,twice already.  Who cares what your opinion is as to why I'm posting.

You can speculate till the cows come home, and that is all it is ,,, speculation.  Speculation tainted by possibly an ax to grind??

As to the cost of a banner, it is very reasonabile, I believe Eddie told me it was about 400.00, so to burst your bubble, that amount really has no bearing.

It is a matter of getting the bigger bang, for our efforts.

I will continue to promote this site,(or advertise as you say), every week.  I have been advertising my tours since I joined this site, and will continue to do so.

As for cluttering up the board, it seems as though you are fixated with, but let me tell you a secret, the more you clutter up the board with your speculations, the more advertising we are receiving, and the more times I, or someone else will respond to your ramblings.

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 3:50:00 PM

Holly Follower 6318 reads
21 / 30

If you and Fast Eddie are following the guidelines of any other PSE performer’s tour posting guidelines, then I suggest you do follow the TER's of one post for every 7 days and not seven posts every 1-day.

It's becoming bothersome to see every other post on this board with your pathetic adventure AD, which is clustering the board.

What seems to be the problem, are you low in the membership department?

One more thing, since your joint venture will be profiting whether it happens or not due to the fact that the members deposits are accumulating interest, will you be honest and payback those members with cumulative interest gained or just the plain $100?

I bet no one thought about it.

-- Modified on 10/10/2003 11:28:32 PM

pinklips 5716 reads
22 / 30

How many times are you and I going to dance, before you realize, that I can dance you right off of the dance floor???

We all know that the moderator is holding your posts, and we are not all stupid, we all know that your using an alias, just so you can try and start trouble.

On our last exchange of posts, you accused me of speaking ill towards Holly, well I shut you up on that one,  because I never did.  But you were the great guy who was able to have an appt. with her, just for the cost of a TV Dinner.

How come you never came back on that thread, and why is it you never answered any of the questions directed to you??

For whatever reason, you feel it necessary to attack me and this adventure .  Possibly a hidden agenda?? Or an ax to grind?

If you are so bothered by my posts, don't read them. As of right now; 777 people have read it, so I assume my post was interesting to a few people.

I will grant you this, I did make a mistake in this thread, instead of linking my reviews, by mistake I did put up the link for

However, my last post about this site was on 9/29, due the math, that was 9 days ago.

As for the monies, I am not in charge of that department.  My role in this was to get the girls together, make the final decision on the Villa, set the rules, and make the arrangements for all the public activites.  Any questions about the site, and the membership fees, will have to be directed to him.

I'm sure he will have no problem explaining it to everyone.

As for the once a week posting from me, it is called smart business, just as Ford, GM, and Burger King, keep their product in front of your eyes.  Out of sight, out of mind.

Now that's not too hard for you to understand ,, or is it?

fasteddie51 6804 reads
23 / 30

No one thought about it because most people aren't that stupid....

You see, current bank interest is around 1% annually, but let's be generous and say it's 1.5%.  We're limiting membership to 500... so let's say we only get 400, and decide to cancel the trip and return all the membership fees... that "profit on accumulated interest" you mentioned would be a whopping $200, or 50 CENTS PER PERSON (wahoo, what a windfall, huh?)... Oh, that's with the assumption that everyone signed up on the first day... if you didn't, of course your interest would have to be pro-rated.  But I'll tell you what, Holly Follower... even though it costs between $3.50 and $4.50 in fees for each sign-up, and even though there's webhosting costs, a non-refundable deposit on the villa, etc, and even though if this doesn't come off, we're out a couple thousand bucks, JUST FOR YOU, if anyone asks, I'll be happy to return their money with interest....

As to the amount of posts regarding the site, if we were stepping out of bounds, Michael would have mentioned it by now...  he's very prompt at pointing out infractions, But if you READ (and understood) the guidelines, you'd know that you're allowed to reference a TER approved website any time you make a post that's relative to the thread it's in....

But I'm so very sorry that it's bothersome to you... I feel you pain; so I suggest that if you don't want to be bothered by them,  follow your OWN advice, quoted from another of your posts - "I think we all need to simply follow Kathy's advice, don't read it, and I will add to it, if you read it don't answer it."

Gee, good advice, H.F.!  So why didn't you follow it, since spending three days with three of the highest rated PSE's on TER and Big Doggie is such a "pathetic adventure"?  

-- Modified on 10/11/2003 10:39:13 AM

colhogan 7 Reviews 4851 reads
24 / 30

Now That hurt WOW! You tell them kathy remind me never to get out of line when you are around.

You see the problem is people are jelous thats the bottom line some people have nothing to do with their time other than to critize.

I joined The the very first day.
Now I have been called a shill and so on well i for one am happy that Kathy & eddie started this site.

Now I am sure I am going to get an ass reaming by JLD or some one else but who gives a crap.
I encourage others to join just inagine spending 3 days with those beautiful women. Going from room to room and sampling all they have to offer.

For 100.00 thats petty money. shit we spend more than that hobbying

I think the others should just keep there mouths shut and move on like Eddie said., Dont read it

Also The base ball posts do belong here Because it is a past time we dont always need to be talking shop.

and to address the question of getting out money back from there adventure I am not worried hell i am sure they spent more time than what my 100.00 is worth

Good luck Eddie & Kathy

Col Hogan

Holly Follower 4804 reads
25 / 30

Oh I did answered yours and Singleone's previous posts, the problem is that the Moderator thought it was too hard for the boards and therefore he decided to leave them out.

Kathy, no matter what you say, you're a pitiable loser who is doing the impossible to reach the 500 mark, something I do find impossible of been achieved because there aren’t too many dumb folks that would fall for this Pathetic Adventure with a hidden agenda written all over it.

You now change the rules to fit Sinnamon in, seeking subscribers from the black community in a desperate act, but you haven't said how many more subscribers would be needed. It seems that you continue playing games here and changing the rules as you see fit. Perhaps, now you may open your Pathetic Club to 750 members instead of 500 so that there are four PS and three guests besides Fat Eddie. I'm sure you and Fat Eddie still have many more tricks up your respective sleeves as the date approaches but when it is all set and done, we will all see the ignominy.

-- Modified on 10/11/2003 4:23:20 PM

jldick50 27716 reads
26 / 30

You know hogan I haven't picked on you for at least 24 hours and I was done with it, it was over, but you just couldn't leave it alone could you, you know hogan, I think you have some masochistic tendencies, you like it when I pick on you, dont you, come on and admit it you love it when I pick on you hogan, because if I didn't pick on you, what would you have to bitch about. But you aren't going to suck me in this time hogan, you will just have to find something else to cry over, you pathetic putz.

as always

ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 5000 reads
27 / 30

I didn't mean to start so much hubbub, and I think things are getting out of hand.

First of all, I am Thomas Jenkins from the Chicago, IL area... I always have been and always will be.  I have never posted under an alias so please don't confuse me with others who do.

Secondly, I have never condemned or bashed the pornstar weekend event and most definitely do not have "an axe to grind".  In fact, I've twice said that I believe it to be legit. The only thing I asked is that banner ad be purchased to advertise it.

Kathy has said it is more interesting to hear from a provider and she is right.  Why do I click on the thread about the weekend? Because when I see Kathy as the author, I figure there is something interesting to be said about it.  But then I get disappointed when each weekly "new thread" is nothing more than a cut and paste job from the last week.

My humble request... if you're going to advertise the event weekly, then please post something new and original each week, otherwise visitors to this board will continue to "skip over" your posts thinking its the same thing over and over... thus you may lose some punch with your marketing strategy.

I'm through talking about it!

Thomas Jenkins
-- smoking his cigar

pinklips 9548 reads
28 / 30

Well, if the moderator did not allow your answers to be posted, then in reality, you never did post an answer.

You can't say you answered, if there was never a post there for others to read, now can you.

Nothing from nothing leaves nothing!!

Please, if you are going to challenge my posts, please try to not butcher the English Language.

I believe you can answer someone, but I do not think one can answered!

What does this mean?  "something I do find impossible of been achieved" ????????

Please inform everyone , what our hidden agenda is, because I sure would like to know what it is also.

As for Sin, she is an alternate, as has been stated.  She is on our site mainly as a safeguard.  There is always the possibilty that something unforeseen could prevent one of the 3  PS participants from actually making the trip.  It is just smart to have someone in reserve.

Sin was picked for one reason, and one reason only, she fits into the type of service that I required for the PS's.  This adventure is a once in a lifetime experience, and for it to be that way, the PS's must provide the absolute best one on one meetings.

We have set this adventure up for the true hobbyists, not some wannabe  hobbyist.  We would hate for this adventure not to be completed to it's fullest, because of something that no one has any control over.

The idea of possibly adding another girl and hobbyist has been discussed many times between Eddie and myself, and this is just an idea.  If possible, why not add one more each?  It certainly sounds like more fun to me!

No one is changing the rules as we go, if you are so dead set against this adventure taking place, that's fine.

But to infer that I am dishonest is complete bullshit.  You are nothing more that a fool, a fool who brags about taking advantage of another PS.  To me, that's a true loser.

To infer anything about my integrity is laughable.  Find me one post, one review, where anyone has had anything negative to say about me.

You are a loser, who has nothing going for himself, and quite possibly, can't even afford to join the site.

One more thing, the correct way to say it , is as follows,,,,when it is all SAID and done.

Now go find someone else to bother, because the next time I answer one of your idiotic posts, I won't be so nice.

Oh, I forgot one thing, go piss up a rope!

pinklips 15976 reads
29 / 30

Well if you are really done with this thread, I guess you will never see my reply, and that's too bad.

I never suggested in this thread that you are using an alias.

As to you requesting or asking us to purchase a banner,,, who are you to ask us to do something??  The last time I looked, you are not a part of, therefore, you have no say in how we promote our site.

While I must say thank you for the compliment that you go to my posts because there is always something interesting, I feel as though you just still don't get the point.

I am somewhat confused though, first you say your tired of me cluttering up the board, and now you contradict yourself and say you want to read what I have to say.  Which is it?? You can't have it both ways.

Since I know for a fact that many, many people do not visit this board as often as you do, I feel it is necessary to make my posts as informative as possible.

That's called ,, "getting their attention", and since not everyone reads the boards weekly, it is important to cover the same points.  If I did not, I would be amiss.

It's all well and good to be witty and cute, but that is not what I want to do.  I'll say it again, I want to inform people what this is about, and hopefully, peak their interest.

So I guess my suggestion to you is, please do click on my posts, and if you've read it before, move on, in the whole scheme of things, you will have only wasted 10 seconds of your life.

fasteddie51 7039 reads
30 / 30

You know, I thougt after your moronic post about "accumulated interest" that you were just dumb....

But now I see you're a complete idiot.

You attack Kathy, calling her pathetic... have you looked in the mirror lately?  What would you call insulting people you've never met, making moronic comments and insinuations about a business venture you know absolutely nothing about, and bragging about taking advantage of a woman who is bi-polar?  YOU, my I.Q. challenged little man, are the one who's Pathetic!  But hey, don't take my word for it... let's have a TER poll... Who's the pathetic one, guys? Kathy or H.F.???

I thought you might be ragging on Kathy because you had a personal grudge against her... like maybe in the past she refused to (understandably) meet you, or maybe she DID meet you and laughed uncontrolably at your incredibly small dick...

But now you insult Sinnamon Love, insinuating that she was added to the site as a "token", dangled as bait to lure the unsuspecting black hobbyists to join the site, to fall victim to our "hidden agenda"... Beside being racist, do you realize just how incredibly idiotic that statement is?  Do you really think Sinnamon only appeals to black hobbyists, or that Kathy, Anna and Jeanna only appeal to the white ones?

Oh, and our "hidden agenda"... well, you found us out, so I might as well confess... We put this together in order to bring in more money that it costs us to do and make a profit (while at the same time having a lot of fun in the tropics, get a free winter vacation, and give two fans a lifetime memory)... What a shock!  I bet nobody else figured that out, but we just couldn't pull the wool over your eyes.

And the "fat eddie" thing... gee, you really cut me to the quck on that one... I've never heard that before... you have the rapier-like wit of Oscar Wilde (don't bothr looking him up - he was a writer)... I bet you have them howling at the trekker's conventions... who do you usually dress up as... Spock or Worf?

Posters like you really make me sick... you make no valuable contributions, but lurk in the darkness just waitng for the opportunity to disparage anyone who doesn't agree with your points of view, or to cast dispersion on the efforts of others... Kathy and I have worked damn hard to make this a once-in-a-lifetime event, and something that's never been done before... we worked on it for close to a year to make it happen, and we've already spent a tidy sum of (unrecoverable) money on legal fees, webhosting, etc..  Then you come along, hiding like a coward behind an alias and with nothing better to do, and out of envy or jealousy or some other misguided motivation (or maybe just because you're an asshole),  you attempt to call into question both Kathy's and my honestly and integrity and, let's be truthful, to cause us financial harm... how would you like it if someone you didn't know began calling your boss and suggesting that you might be stealing from him?

Would you like to know the ONE thing that made Kathy hesitant to do this thing?  She was aftaid that someone like YOU might be chosen to go, and ruin the entire trip for eveyone else...  You're a small minded (and I expect lonely and bitter) little man.

If this venture of ours doesn't work out, I'm sure you'll gloat about it, shouting "I told you so"; but you know what?  At least we grabbed the bull by the horns and attempted to do something, instead of sitting on our ass in front of a keyboard, attacking people who do.  Those who can, do... those who can't, criticize.  And I'll bet those who DID sign-up and were looking forward to possibly being chosen will want to thank you personally for all you're efforts to make it fail...

And by the way... If and when you decide to reply to this, please use a spelling/grammer checker, so we'll know what the fuck you're talking about...

-- Modified on 10/11/2003 10:25:33 PM

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