Porn Stars

Re:Wow, no new thread posted here in the last 2 days. I thought someone here would pick up the mant
GirlCrazy 14471 reads
1 / 5
ThomasJenkins 8 Reviews 10688 reads
2 / 5


Doc was a pretty good guide with probably the most current knowledge about the daily events in the porn star provider world. My guess is that most of your regular followers on this board are going to follow Doc to where ever it is he goes.

We all know that Doc had some bad days now and again... but I don't think you fully realize what you lost.

Thomas Jenkins

ritchie 11289 reads
4 / 5

I for one did appreciate docs hwlp and input. He did steer us in the right direction but like everyone else he had hid faults. At times he was rude without the need to be. While he was full of knowledge about PSE he at times sounded a little arrogant and sometimes sounded like he was talking down to posters here. I hope that the next moderator does as good a job as doc in the info dept but has a little more tact and education in how to handle people.

Staff 10291 reads
5 / 5

Acutally guys, it was our mistake.  We did not approve messages for a day or two (internal misscommunication)

We are looking for a moderator.  If you are interested, please email [email protected]

-- Staff

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