Porn Stars

Re:Why Prada bags and Gucci shoes of course darlin!!!
NikkiDiamond 6528 reads

you are now my paladin...
you said two of my favorite, wait 3... words in one sentence!
Prada,Gucci,& SHOES!!!
Then you ended it with a southern girl's favorite term of endearment, (besides "alimony")...Darlin'!!  
I am now all ears, teach me master Obi Wan!
(seriously though, you're pretty f-ing cool from what i see in your posts, and what mutual friends have told me...)
wanna be friends?

obviously9401 reads

Never ceases to amaze me how many people seem to believe
(or want to believe) that highly-paid stripper/porn talent
also escort on the side.

There's no harm in asking, to be sure.

But let's be a little realistic here. Most strippers/pornstars
do not escort. The most you'll get with them are lap dances.
OK, maybe if you're lucky and they really like you, you'll
have dinner or a coffee. But that's it.

Better to focus discussions on the ones that advertise their
availability rather than speculate on those who clearly do not.
It's not fair to them to be circulating rumors.

Alot of the porn stars/strippers DO escort but they cant let it be know in a public forum because it affects there video work.Companies,producers and directors dont like to hear about it.

obviously6975 reads

I agree that many do not publicize their availability for that
very reason, but bear in mind that many of the stars touring
today (that do escort) still continue to make movies.

Many stars who are open to encounters will advertise on their
own websites, rather than on a public forum.

All depends on how much they see themselves gaining from
escorting as opposed to developing their own careers ( both
inside and outside the industry ).

People, and their needs change. Don't assume that because a PS turns down escort services during a given year, that she doesn't change her mind the next year. Money is the driving factor and if a lady needs the cash...

I've personally been with several well known ladies who supposedly do not escort. They did with me...but also asked that I not post reviews, etc.  

Keep in mind that a PS derives income from various sources: feature film work, private videos, web-sites, dancing, and even escorting. When a lady has enough steady income from the various sources, she can afford to be selective about dancing or escorting.

It never hurts to ask. Just do it politely.

Actually, there is no harm in asking whether or not your favorite PS does indeed escort and don't fool yourself, a lot more than you think do indeed escort. Let's face it, they got famous for fucking for money so they're not really "opposed" to it..........

NikkiDiamond5937 reads

UHmmmmmmm PFffffffffffffffft!
Dude I flew under the radar, along with about 200 other girls I can name, but won't, for let's see... at least 10 yrs.
I stripped at The Men's Club of Houston, Rick's Cabaret in Houston, Thee Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale, as well as their sister clubs in Pompano, Myrtle Beach, Solid Gold and Pure Platinum in Lauderdale,the list goes on, until I did my first magazine and they put me under contract.  Most of the girls at MJP's Clubs (Michael J. Peter's- Dollhouses, Solid Gold, Pure Platinum) and at Rick's in Houston were either Playboy girls or Penthouse Pets- we ALL saw customers on the side... only reason you never knew of it I suppose is because you didn't qualify as one of the VIPs...
To make that distinguished list at an upscale men's club you must:
1. grease the palm of all managers on duty on a REGULAR basis, (who will even actually call over the girls you want and give them a "hallpass" to leave early sometimes)
2. Spend shitloads of money in the champagne rooms on a regular basis (buying one overpriced bottle of Dom Rose and then soliciting the dancer isn't going to cut it)
3.Buy assloads of dances from the girls on a regular basis so they know and trust you, then they will introduce you to their "friends" who will also come along to take care of youir friends.  Then you will leave and spend even more money at the hotel.

I don't care if you dated/lived with a stripper and she told you this never happens in HER club, etc.... we all bullshitted our boyfriends if they didn't condone it, "i'm spending the night at Vikki's ok, baby", or how about this one"we're doing a bachelor party after work, I'll be a little late.."

It never ceases to amaze me how much people THINK they know...

(ps, last one ,michael, I promise hehehehe)

i frequent this "upscale" gentlemen's club here in my town and naturally the girls are always on the upsell with the VIP Champagne Room scam ($2500 for Dom-P + amenities! yeah sure!) ... and it never ends ... blah blah blah, yada yada yada!  LOL

one night i lost my patience with one particularly persistent rookie but sexy-ass busty blonde (Eddie!? ;-) ... who told me earlier that she'd done some mild-XXX modeling few years back but not much stripping or anything since ... i got so frustrated i finally took her by the hand and [in my best Clark Gable impression] told her (a la Rhett Butler): "Frankly, my dear, I don't GIVE A DAMN!"

except, what i REALLY said was: "honey! ... for THAT kind of money i can sleep with a freaking PORNSTAR, so do you think i'm gonna pay that to have you sit with me, drink and giggle for an hour!????"  -- no full-contact lap-dances here cuz of city ordinance [sigh]

and i swear ... i could immediately see the ($)^($) signs blinking behind her doughy eyes and the cash-register-of-her-dreams go "ka-ching" inside her cute little head!  ;-)  LOL

she pulled her chair closer and said "tell me everything, how does this stuff work?" ... and i went on to tell her about escorting in general, the GFE/PSE agencies, the girls who go indy and the whole kit-n-kaboodle ... she was utterly fascinated and transfixed!  


it all ended cozy-like with me (jokingly) saying: "come with me hunny-bunny ... my pimping hand is strong!"  ... she was so sweet (and clueless) that i was a little worried she'd get herself into something she couldn't handle ... she's since quit dancing (in that club at least) and i wonder what she's up to now

true story  :-)

-- Modified on 8/12/2003 11:08:56 PM

NikkiDiamond8400 reads

Please say your name isn't John Graham, because I called him my hunnybunny, LOL and he waited patiently outside the Ritz-Carlton (in my Jaguar xjs, of course) whilst I defiled the stone fountain-statues with several penthouse pets, including his ex-wife before me (would that make her double x?) Lynn Johnson, the 20th anniversary penthouse pet... it really sucks when your current wife and your ex get together and compare stories/lies/peevish shit...then penis size/vs. daty abilities... poor guy was doomed the minute she and I met...
now the fact that we met at an afterparty, what a coinkydink for sure!

Ned Flanders8660 reads

My name is Ned Flanders and I'm afraid I don't know any John Graham ...  but you're welcome to like to join Rod, Tod & me this Sunday ... cuz we're going to Church ("yeah!") to hear the good Reverend BILLY GRAHAM preach! :-)

After church, we'd love to "Par-Diddly-On" with you and as many Penthouse Pets that you can bring along ... but just as long as they're Prime USDA/TER-Certified PSEs! ;-)

Still, I'm afraid you and my ex-wife will NOT be trading any naughty "diddly-notes" on me  :-(   No-siree-bob! ... you see, she was killed by an errant TER T-shirt shot out of a cannon while we were at the race track!

Well, Okley-Dokley! ... I gotta go ... those brand new Bibles for the orphans won't deliver themselves you know! ... and it sure was a deeee-light to make your acquaintance Ms. Diamond!  :-)

crop6502 reads

I could not Disagree more....I would say most Porn Stars DO escort on the side...It just make take more time $$$$$ and develop trust...

I believe that most women or men can be bought in one way or another...Think of how many housewives out there see sex as a chore...but theyre insuring their security when they do it.  I believe almost any woman will have sex for personal gain if presented with the right circumstance.  And isnt it nice how sluts like us can ENJOY it!!!


-- Modified on 8/12/2003 7:24:25 PM

NikkiDiamond7172 reads

I call Jen one day and say hey, i notice you're in town with BM. I'm in town with E2K!  Lets do lunch!
She replies "HAHA We're ALL Hookers!!!!!!"
That was it, a new best friendship was made...

Always remember: It costs a LOT of money to look this cheap!!!!
 Smoochez, Jen... U are the one and only KID ROCK...4ever!

fasteddie518979 reads

There's the old joke... A guy meets a girl at a bar and after buying her a few drinks asks if she'd consider sleeping with him for a million dollars... she thinks for a minute and says that she would.  He asks if she'd do it for $250 and she asks "What kind of girl do you think I am?"... He replies, "we've already determined that... now we're haggling price"

fasteddie517916 reads

Some things to keep in mind....

You'd be suprised by the number of posts I see in response to an ISO that states that "so-and-so" doesn't escort, when I know for a fact that she does.  Often, the guy stating the no-she-doesn't is basing his answer on the fact that he approached her at a club, asked and was told no.  Well, often it's because she doesn't know the guy from Adam... he could be The Law, or he could be a nut case.

And the reasons that the stripper/pornstar might not openly advertise can be many.  Vivid and similiar companies, especially with their contract girls, frown upon their ladies escorting, because they feel that they're above the plain old ordinary porn company.

Playmates and Pets often have on-going contractual relationships with the magazines, apprearing at events, doing autograph signings, etc., and it would jeapordize their relationship (especially with Playboy) if it was known that they escorted.

Also, they might be married/involved, and their boyfriend/husband doesn't know that they're seeing clients.

As to the "highly-paid stripper", and Nikki and Jen, you can correct me if I misstate something here, but MOST strippers aren't that highly paid.

In the old days of porn, the pornstars found that they could parlay their porn career into a lucrative second career as a touring feature dancer, making a hell of a lot more money stripping then they did fucking on camera.  But the porn was the key to the feature bookings, so they kept doing the porn in order to continue to get booked into clubs.

Then what happened is that the house-girls saw the pornstar coming in and making big bucks, many of who where not as good looking or no where near as good a dancer, so the trend reversed... The stripper got into porn in order to move from a house dancer to a feature dancer and make the big bucks.

Case in point, Devon and Gina Lynn both started out as house dancers in a club in Reading Pa. called Al's Diamond Caberet... I lived in Reading for a while and saw both of them there before they became big name pornstars.  Jenna Jameson appeared there and suggested to Devon that she had what it took to be a pornstar, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Now, there are so many pornstar/feature dancers, there's a glut, and the money isn't as good as it used to be... so escorting has become the more lucrative "second career", or should I say "third career".

And for every pornstar/model who openly escorts, there are more who do it under the radar.  There are several very recent Playmates of the Year and Penthouse Pets who are available if you have $25,000+ to spend for an evening (and don't email me asking who).  I'm aware of at least 15 Playmates and Pets who do, and I'm sure there's a lot more that I'm not aware of (yet - lol)

obviously8391 reads

All valid points.

Sure, everyone is open to an indecent proposal :)  And there's
not a lot of women (in any line of work) that would turn down
10k - 25k for an evening encounter.

But I speculate that most successful porn actresses/stars
and strippers would not see the need to escort to make money.

There are personal risks (relationships, etc), career risks
(other contracts and employment) and legal risks that outweigh
the benefits - for some.

Then again - if you find a listing of all (mainstream) porn
actresses and compare it to the list shown on E2K and BM, then
you will see that the ratio who escort is small.

fasteddie517685 reads

Well, you kind of missed my point...  

I'm saying that if you have the right connections and compared the list of mainstream porn actresses (meaning recognized names who have done more than just a few gonzo features, since that would skew the number into the thousands), you'll find that most ARE available... given the right contacts and the right amount of money... and I don't mean doing the "indecent proposal" thing and walking up to them and offering them a shitload of bucks... I mean they are available on an regular and organized level, either through the VIP pages of an agency or through referrals and back channels.  

And as to their need to escort to make money, need isn't necessarily the point.  Up until very recently (and maybe still), Jenna Jameson, the most successful of all porn actresses and a multi-millionaire, was widely known as being available (for an admittedly outrageous price).

I once asked a pornstar if she got off when escorting, and she told me that the simple fact that a man was willing to pay her $1500 to spend an hour with her was VERY arousing... that it was a total turn-on to her to know that this guy was taking a not inconsiderable sum out of his pocket, which made her hot and made her want to really give the guy his money's worth...  Another pornstar told me that since she started escorting, she was having the best sex of her life and enjoying every minute of it... So money isn't always the sole motivation.

It's the only thing that'll get me off this damned laptop between show times and radio interviews.  Although we all know I don't REALLY escort and it's just SPAM, right?


PS-For some, it's more of a personal risk to do movies.  Lots of successful feature entertainers and magazine girls don't do movies and see less of a risk as an escort because they have families and need their sex work to be kept private for legal or custodial reasons.  Some can only do a certain TYPE of movie, so while they have a good name through marketting, their numbers or movies are limited so they use their extra time to make extra cash? One might feel more comforable being a porn girl than a local stripper because she doesn't have to worry about her Dad walking into the club.  To say most successful porn girls or features don't "have" to escort means the point is being missed.  I think most girls who are in any kind of sex work have a tendency to explore many aspects of sex work from stripping to escorting to movies to bachelor parties to whatever seems like the thing to do at the time.  As my newest crush, Doctor Phil, would say, "People do what works for them."  Doing movies might feel more comfortable to her one day, and then there might be a 6 month period where she doesn't feel like it, and then she may feel like it again because her head-space might be different that week.  That's the beauty of our business...we do when we feel like it, and we don't when we don't.  If you guys would stop generalizing what "porn stars" are like, you'll realize that we're all just people who have different emotions and boundaries at different points in our lives.  Hell...a year and a half ago I was doing a ton of gonzo, but would never do a private show or even a lap dance.  Then I would do nothing but my stage shows.  Then some feature films, which are soon to be released, and some privates but no gonzo...Now I'm just a slut who features a lot and do what ever feels right at the time...Do you see how a woman's mind works?  There's no method!!!  Stop trying to crack a code and take each case as an individual who has different wants at any given moment in time.  Shit...don't you guys pay us not to get emotional?

... is what Jennifer's poignant postscript reminded me of  :-)

btw, that quote is by Oscar Wilde, a literate witty "fag" who in between writing essays, plays and hobnobbing with London society, liked to sodomize 14-year-old boys!  ;-)


NikkiDiamond6123 reads

How come you can say you're a slut and nobody has a problem with it, but if I say I'm a slut then suddenly I'm misrepresenting every PSE on the planet? Sucks to be me, huh?
I wanna be an acceptable slut like Jen!  Jen, when I grow up, I aspire to be the slut you are today, will you guide me along the path of sluttiness please, show me the way master Yoda???  (giggle)
I'll show you my lightsaber if you show me yours...
OMG now all I can think of is your Star Wars show, LOL
I totally forgot about that!

pinklips8180 reads

Personally, I am offended by any PS posting on a public board such as this one, and calling herself a slut.  This business is tough enough, and at times difficult to be treated with the respect we deserve, and have earned.

Any girl can use foul language to get attention, but an intelligent person knows how to get just as much, if not more attention, by being smart,,,  by speaking intelligently.

Personally, I find it very strange that any PS who attempts to have a rate ranging from 700 on up, would revert to "low end esort" type language.

Just because a girl can speak with foul language, doesn't mean she will perform.

There is another thread, above this one, where some girls are complaining about hobbyists calling them, numerous times, and not coming thru with an appt., but only want to spend time on the phone talking dirty, I wonder why????

Just thought I'd put up why I am offended; this is the definition from the dictionary: slut n, an offensive term for a woman regarded as sexually promiscuous or having poor standards of hygiene.

-- Modified on 8/16/2003 10:32:08 PM

To Jen and the other wonderful sex workers in the world...

Men try to "crack the code" and "generalize what porn stars are like" for one reason... if they actually crack the code, then maybe they can get a piece of yor fine ass for free!!

That's it in a nutshell.  I ask escorts plenty of questions as to their activities and why they do them and what makes them tick... why? becuase if I understand how the game is played, then perhaps I can score a free round or two.

But as Jen stated, most of us don't understand that it isn't a game and there is no code to crack... it's just life and how it works.

BTW - Jen, when will you be visiting the chicago area????

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