Porn Stars

Re:why are you acting like a pimp jb dick??????????
happyending 24 Reviews 11168 reads
1 / 48

Fellas, from time to time I check the board and find useful information and comments about PSE.  I think its great but I've absolutely had enough of watching guys with personal gripes against each other (you know who you are) using the board to sound off on each other.  I don't think that anyone wants that for the board.  Its boring, silly and everybody always comes out sounding immature. I'm really sick of hearing this guy is an idiot, that guy is a shill.  For my two cents I don't think the board was started so we could exchange views on hobbyists!!! Really, if you guys feel the need, justified or not, to berate each other please just send private e-mails back and forth until you're all blue in the face.  

BTW, I know some of you will now want to harass me for putting in my two cents when I'm not a regular contributor to the board.  Let me save you the time.  You're right.  Now stop talking about me and get back to what the board wsa intended for.

thirsty 2 Reviews 7301 reads
2 / 48

Regular contributor or not, your opinions are welcomed. Plus, I happen to agree with you. On the boards that I'm familiar with, people say what they have to say and then get over it and move on. I'm trying to let that happen here but...


-- Modified on 9/26/2003 10:04:33 AM

singleton 5 Reviews 6445 reads
3 / 48

you're BOTH right ... but i happen to think that people who contribute less have less reason for telling people who contribute more to contribute less!

but hey, that's just me


Rockmehard 46 Reviews 7879 reads
4 / 48

I know happyending is probably including my last post in with his comments but DISCOPEB was a little out of line.  

But he is right Singleton, you seem to have a lot of time on your hands to post flames or comments that don't add any value.  

I know a few Providers and some members that don't participate on this board anymore because of the disrepect shown to contributors.

jldick50 7630 reads
5 / 48

Hey happyending the only thing we like better than fighting among ourselves is fighting with an outsider who doesnt contribute to this board, so buzz off, and I mean that in a good way.(ROTFLMAO)

as always

jldick50 7550 reads
6 / 48

      Not to be a pain in the ass, but maybe if you would moderate the Boston board a little more closely there would be less sports talk.

as always

thirsty 2 Reviews 7670 reads
7 / 48

And a little more shilling for visiting Providers no doubt. ;)


singleton 5 Reviews 6512 reads
8 / 48

once again in TERnglish? ... "disrespect shown to contributors"???

jldick50 6938 reads
9 / 48

I assure you Thirsty it was just a harmless plug for a good friend and great provider.

as always

Number 6 124 Reviews 6751 reads
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Seriously, the problem is in that PSE encounters tend to be no holds (and holes) barred. Hence, the more explicit the experience, the more explicit the review, and when one gets into reviews which are ultra explicit, they tend to be more about the reviewer than the reviewee (it means the reviewee did her job properly).

At prices like these, it's more like purchasing a license to have bragging rights saying you saw so-and-so. That's where some of the mischief comes in, but I think our esteemed moderator, MichaelCA does a fine job of filtering a lot of that out.

thirsty 2 Reviews 6541 reads
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That's how you build participation on the regional boards. It's worked for Boston. Did you notice that I also addressed the issue when the group got a little Red Sox happy? Hey, we've been waiting since 1918. ;)

Seriously, Boston has become one of the most active boards on TER because people are comfortable posting there. We don't shout down infrequent posters or those with opinions contrary to our own. I'm sure if Staff doesn't like my approach to moderating, he'll let me know.


A Spectator 5824 reads
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they don't like the tone of a board, they practically surrender the territory to others.

colhogan 7 Reviews 6876 reads
13 / 48

Hey dick take singletons advise all you are doing is hurting carrera she can survive on her own stop pimping her
if thats what you like get a couple street walkers and go down on the corner

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 4:53:08 AM

jldick50 5712 reads
14 / 48

You know colhogan you take up a lot of space, but you never contribute anything worth while, so why don't you go back to the Sox board I mean Boston board, where you belong and leave me alone.

as always

colhogan 7 Reviews 7249 reads
15 / 48

I do contribute  you dont see anyone calling me a pimp

just the other day you told singleton he has nothing wort wild to say or something along those lines

like he told you
you are a low rent pimp

move on and go do something constructive
and FYI i am a yankees fan

go play in traffic some where

-- Modified on 9/27/2003 6:50:01 AM

singleton 5 Reviews 6367 reads
16 / 48

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah (ROTFLMAO)

as always

carlspackler 5800 reads
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For example, I don't enjoy the boards as much ever since the Omnipresent one began his domination of every board.

I tried to give him hints - but ultimatly I just gave up.


fasteddie51 7221 reads
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This board (and Big Doggie as well) used to have a lot of very experienced hobbyists who posted regularly with a lot of valuable information.  The problem is that for whatever reason, envy, jealousy, whatever, whenever they'd post, some yahoo would end up taking a shot at them... accusing them of shilling, etc.

Well, the fact is that most of the senior guys didn't need the boards to get information or to get contact info... they were posting to be helpful (and  admittedly, probably as an ego thing as well, but so what)...

Eventually the crap they were getting wasn't worth the effort, so they left...

Since then, these boards haven't been any where near as useful as they once were, and have become more of a "clearing house" that gathers together  information that can be found elsewher, which is a shame.

R.I.P. 7359 reads
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I'm not one that goes around offering his family "Mafioso" members to the ladies and other people here but I tell you what, since I live nearby your hometown, we can meet and discuss things face to face. How about if we meet this evening, let say at the Beantown Jazz Festival in Burke Street and we settle things out. Is about time someone shows you what a pest you are and that no ones needs jerks like you providing stupid opinions from most of the posts here and on Fast Eddie's group.

Before you ask, anything that has to do with wise Asses does concern me.


-- Modified on 9/28/2003 8:49:43 AM

singleton 5 Reviews 9014 reads
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Eddie, i don't doubt it, i mean with the seniors leaving and all ... but i guess what you seem to be saying (by way of induction at least) is that it's the god-given right for the senior "bullies" to piss on any (perceived) "punk" that strays into their turf just because he/she is different or for any other "personal" reasons ... you'd think they'd be "man" enough to take a few pot shots, no? LOL  ... if only to stand their ground and not relinquish the reigns to who they view to be their lessers -- god forbid, ignorami should run this show  

btw, if that "yahoo" reference was to me (if only indirectly by way of proximity in this thread) that's fine, i understand completely ... believe me, i'm nary a popular guy most places i go (i wonder why) ... perhaps because i don't let just any old fart piss on me and i don't cower in the corner at the drop of a hat ... it's like, if you've never walked away from a fight in real life, why start in the cyber world? it sets a bad precedent i think (especially for others who are cowering in the corner)

either way the senior PSE hobby hegemony is secure, where ever it may reside


fasteddie51 8191 reads
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Actually, the yahoo reference was directed at no one in particular...

I can't speak for others, but I don't piss on anybody... I've always been respectful of others unless they've attacked me personally, and even then I argue with common sense and logic, not emotions...

In fact, I've taken to ignoring people who try to start flame wars with me... I've found that it doesn't do any good arguing with anybody, since you're not going to change any minds.

singleton 5 Reviews 8592 reads
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spoken like a sage ol' (Pimp) Jedi Master ... now if we only had a "Clone Army" of little Eddies running around 365/24/7 helping out newbies then these boards would be in tip-top shape

of course, if *I* had cloning technology i'd use it for my own greedy self-serving purposes -- screw the rest of you!  

i'd clone Belladonna nineteen ways to Sunday and have myself a "menage-a-vingt" reverse GB!  

aredsoxfan 9 Reviews 32841 reads
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For what it's worth I'm a very inexperienced in the PS world and I've recently inquired about a particular lady.  Both Jl and fasteddie helped me out with some information I was looking for.  It was done just to help a fellow hobbyist out and it was appreciated.  Hell, JL was kind enough to PM me the information without a direct ask.

I also enjoy Singleton's off beat humor and most of the Colonel's shenanigans.  I see value from the different points of view.

The great thing about this and any other discussion board is you don't have to read posts if you don't want to.

singleton 5 Reviews 6776 reads
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Ared, then grab on to your jaw cuz it just may hit the deck when you hear this ... there was a time, many moons ago, when JL and i actually saw eye-to-eye (at least regarding a certain "fear factor" on these  boards) ... heck, i still have a few of the friendly PMs we exchanged saved in my TER mailbox in which he kindly answered some of my questions -- i kid you not!

but somewhere/somehow (i think i know where/how) i must've done something to piss him off -- but frankly, in deference to his seniority i backed down on that first accidental rub (even erased the post he mistakenly thought was directed to him)

thereafter things changed ... he must've thought i was yet another cowardly newbie he could intimidate and ridicule ... and  that's when it all went awry ... cuz, sorry i'm neither


BUT IT DOESN'T MATTER --  in the grand scheme of things, these misunderstandings are meaningless ... they happen a million times an hour all over the (cyber) planet ... just par for the course really (i love golf analogies) ... and with that I WILL LEAVE THIS ALONE ... as a "Mulligan"  ;-)

in the end, what really matters is the next piece of nookie you're going to bag -- and THAT puts everything into perspective and focuses out the other crap in the background ... so happy focusing! :-)

singleton 5 Reviews 7215 reads
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jldick50 5907 reads
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Hey Singleton, just a question, is it hard to breathe when you have your head that far up Eddies ass?, every time Eddie posts you kiss his feet like a little puppy dog, I hope he throws you a bone once in a while, oh and I mean that in a good way.(ROTFLMAO)

as always

jldick50 6347 reads
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Eddie I couldn't have said it better, even though I tried earlier on the yahoo group.

as always

jldick50 7304 reads
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Mr Hogan Iam truly sorry if I offended you, but in all honesty I don't remember saying "wort wild" I think what I might have said was Singleton never contributes anything worth while, and I stand by that statement, he never contributes anything worth while to this board and neither do you Mr Hogan, I hope that clears things up.

as always

jldick50 7261 reads
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Singleton you said "i don't cower in the corner" and maybe you don't, but you are cowering behind your computer screen 2500 miles away so its easy to talk tough, so I'll tell you what, you save your nickels and dimes(I know you dont have two bills to rub together at the end of the month after paying your mortgage) so save those dimes and when you have enough scratch, you buy a bus ticket, are you listening?, A BUS TICKET and come see me, you know my name and you know where I live, and I will give you the opportunity to what did you call it? "bitch slap you around", but Iam afraid it wont be so plesant for you when this old fart turns you every direction but loose(ROTFLMAO)

as always

jldick50 7566 reads
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colhogan what did you say "go play in traffic some where"? what are you in the third grade?(LOL) ok I will play your game, Iam a good sport, so take this colhogan, why don't you go take a long walk on a short pier, how was that?.

as always

Asian Fan 6874 reads
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singleton 5 Reviews 9190 reads
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let me come down to your town ... it's a warmer climate, no?  ;-)

A Spectator 7325 reads
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singleton and a number of other members have posted more messages in recent weeks than I do.  In fact, I have not been actively checking messages in the past 2 weeks.

I think this is really not about me posting many messages on TER boards, it is more about your dislike of me which is fine with me.

I am not going to change much the way I act because of you.  I hope you won't change your way of do things because of me.

Life is too short to waste energy on things like this.

Happy hobbying to all.

A Spectator 6076 reads
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to TER community should ignore some of the arrows that threw at them from time to time.

Quite often, message boards mirror the outside world.  There are good and bad elements involved.  Both serve meaningful purposes though not necessary obvious to most observers.  Things change all the time, especially in these high turn-over business.

For example, I have posted many reviews, submitted many problem reports and posted many messages.  Sometimes I got frustrated by other members' unwillingless to post reviews or my warnings about ROBs being ignored.  During those times, I always remind myself of the reasons for my participation in TER.  As long as they are still valid and my efforts are still deem beneficial to others, I will keep doing what I did before albeit with some modifications.

I wish more members are like you who stayed in the Arena and doing what you believed in.

Take care.

A Spectator 8797 reads
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your post.  Then again, now that you live in Boston, you might have caught some of the revolution rhetoric up there.  :-)

Thanks for giving TER boards much needed humor and energy.

Take care and have fun,


A Spectator 8739 reads
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singleton.  To be fair, I think many TER members found singleton's posts on filming very worthwhile indeed : .

To use a blanket statement like "he never contributes anything worth while to this board", in my humble opinion, is a big exaggeration in the least.

singleton 5 Reviews 7644 reads
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at least you're more of a challenge to joust with !!!

but hey, let me ask you a hypothetical question ... if you had your choice:

1. having your head up Eddie's ass
2. having your head up someone else's ass

who would you pick?

i'd go with #1 ANYDAY ... remember that advice i gave your friend?

"stick with the winners" -- Alcoholics Anonymous

i don't see you launching ... but wait, that's right, there are hardly any pornstars left that call you friend


jldick50 8603 reads
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Hey Singleton, Eddie is a great guy, well liked by most of the people on this board, its you that we all have a problem with.

as always

singleton 5 Reviews 5740 reads
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at least that's who i thought he meant by the "Omnipresent one" ... oh well, silly me .... and here i went sending him a PM which i'm sure he's now scratching his head trying to figure out  :-)

i was telling him how in the 7 months that i've been on TER, i have ~100 problem reports on the database (approved), have a TER inbox with ~400 PMs about 90% of which are helping out newbies as well as regulars (sometimes with difficult personal problems), how i post RIPOFF alerts whenever and wherever i can, how i answer questions on the newbie board on an almost daily basis, how i try and post reviews and encourage others to do the same -- heck, just to justify my presence on this board, i even went and saw one of my ATF PSEs so i could post a review eventhough i'm not as fixated on PSEs as some folks on this board, not to mention what i do most (to my own detriment i'm sure) trying to inject some levity into threads with humour (as "offbeat" as it may be)

but then you know all about this ... take away a few details and i could be describing YOU  :-)

just between us, some of the ones criticizing me have only been on this board a 7-8 months longer than me and their sum total contribution to this "community" doesn't even stand up to the same scrutiny

Asian Fan 5712 reads
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Single@ss, I wanted to comment on some of your statements on the previous post, and I quote:

"but hey, let me ask you a hypothetical question ... if you had your choice:

1. having your head up Eddie's ass
2. having your head up someone else's ass

who would you pick?

i'd go with #1 ANYDAY ... remember that advice i gave your friend?"

-In theory, it means that you would rather stick your head up Ed’s ass instead of any of your family members or real friends. No wonder your former companion dumped you the way she did. Ladies and Gentlmen, we have ourselves here a new TROLL that has come out of the closet.

Another statement:
"i don't see you launching ... but wait, that's right, there are hardly any pornstars left that call you friend"

-Why would I launch or promote that site here for if I haven’t seen any of the ladies but Raquel Devine, who no longer is there for OBVIOUS reasons? In addition, I would like you to quote me were I’ve said that I have Pornstar friends? Unlike others, a PS is just another provider that I pay to spend a good time with and when it’s all over I move on to the next one.

You're certainly loosing it exceedingly fast.

Yours truly,

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 9/28/2003 10:17:41 PM

singleton 5 Reviews 8344 reads
41 / 48

am i the only that sees the irony of this thread being started by a TER user named "happy endings" ?? LOL ...  that's ok, he really meant well. he had every right to say what he did ... in fact looking at how some things played out, one should really thank him and think of this as a much-needed catharsis (release/purification)

but for whoever cares (and i fully realize that's a precious few) i can't help but think of the many ironies (not to mention hypocrisies) that abound on this TER board

* people who spend their entire days porn-surfing for links, industry gossip and "insider info" to go post on other message board(s) are telling others to get a life and stop posting so many messages

* let's face it, this board is half-dead, it crawls at a snail's pace ... and when people complain about being "forced" to read other folks' flame-wars and arguments, what they're really complaining about is the board not moving fast enough and there not being enough new material posted to keep them entertained ... if there were enough ISOs and announcements streaming in, they wouldn't have TIME to read the flammage and arguments of other groups of individuals ("that which does't concern them")

* i half-jokingly offer the mere threat of physical harm towards a scum-bag serial-rapist THIEF for having robbed a woman and i get labeled a "Mafioso" thug ... yet as of now at least 2 "senior" members of this board have threatened me with physical harm for essentially no other crime than being "different"  than them

* the "seniors" on this board (with a few notable exceptions) are so steeped in their own testosterone-soaked machismo that they continually set poor examples for clueless newbies that lookup to them for cues on how to behave on this board and how to interact with the talent ... that all providers are "whores", drug-addled cum-sockets, emotional cripples, women who NEVER EVER deserve a deposit and so on

* the greatest travesty, of course, are seniors who attempt to destroy a pornstars PSE career  for  no other reason than the fact that they were denied BBFS and/or threaten (if not physically harm) women in their encounters because of their own sick-n-twisted selves

pardon me, but where i come from, what a man does to a man is one thing ... but when a man harms a woman, that's an entirely different thing (and deserves "special attention") ... but i'm sure i'm alone in this ... this board is already on a slippery slide towards a moral sewer and there's nothing i or anyone can do to stop it ... if it wasn't for the few women who bring a ray of sunshine to it by posting here, i for one would not be here


anyway, just some Sunday morning cup-o-jo thoughts ... go ahead, say that he couldn't resist getting in the last word ... he's a smart-ass and yada yada yada ... no matter ... you can debate this nine ways to Sunday (or six ways from Sunday) if you want ... rest assured i'm done with this thread ... if  you have vitriol you wish to spray in my face i suggest you save it for future threads, cuz this one is getting old fast

Asian Fan 7669 reads
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Your quote:
"... if it wasn't for the few women who bring a ray of sunshine to it by posting here, i for one would not be here"

-Do us all a humongous favor and LEAVE!

Yours truly,

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 9/28/2003 10:59:28 PM

jldick50 7540 reads
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Singleton if this board is half-dead as you put it, than it is because of people like you, I thought Eddie explained this to you, the contributors have quit posting on this board because people like you continually dump on them at every chance and thats a shame, because there are many senior hobbyist who no longer post here, who have a wealth of information to share with all of us.

as always

jldick50 7863 reads
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Singleton, you think he was talking about you?, youre damn right he was talking about you and he is one of the senior hobbyist who seldom posts on this board now, because of the abuse he has to endure from people like you, so make no mistake, HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU SINGLETON, now do you get the hint that there are more than a few people on this board that dont appreciate your peculiar sense of humor?.

as always

carlspackler 6246 reads
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I was just using you as an example to illustrate your own point of how some people chase others away. I was not trying to engage in another discourse with you. My opinion is well known.

You won - I gave up for the most part.

TER changed dramatically when you moved from Frisco. In my opinion you tried to make TER more like Redbook where overparticipation is encouraged and posts are counted and worn like a badge of honor.

I tried hard to hang on to the TER that I enjoyed for a couple of years but I finally recogonized that this community is a living organism and has a life of it's own and it is way larger than any of us.

TER is still the best resource for what I like to do, which is Nailing Hot Chicks - I just don't participate publicly as much anymore.

It really isn't personal. I actually get the feeling that you are a good guy. It's just my opinion that your clinical approach has taken the personality away from the discussions.

Be good!


NYCDOMSTUD 3 Reviews 5063 reads
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After readin this entire thread and coming upon the statement

"... this board is already on a slippery slide towards a moral sewer and there's nothing i or anyone can do to stop it ... if it wasn't for the few women who bring a ray of sunshine to it by posting here, i for one would not be here"

I thought "wouldnt it be a better board if this self absorbed asshole left?" and conlcuded, YES, it WOULD!  Why? Becuase I  prefer an amoral sewer filled with graphic and candid and even critical reviews and opinions!

If ken singleton doesnt like graphic sexual descriptions, WHY the FUCK is he slumming around a porn star escort board in the first place?  To upgrade its moral fibre and disseminate the gospel that it is a mortal sin to take the name of a PSE in vein?  Hypocrite!


jldick50 7695 reads
48 / 48

I could not have said it better, even though I have been trying since May, when Singleton first arrived on this board.

as always

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