Porn Stars

hjeffer 7157 reads

She went to the Dentist and was still working!?? Not likely.
She better give a full refund or face the TER wrath ! Her account although detailed is flawed. She should just make full restitution .... period

RichardT9798 reads

Guys, cavaet emptor regarding Ashley Evans.  I sent her $600 for a visit, then she never contacted me regarding where she was staying until it was too late for me to take the information.  I told her that the latest to call me was 530PM on Friday Sept. 5.  She calls two hours later.  I was in the middle of a very important detail at that moment (this is why I told her not to call me after 530) and could not take the information.  She told me that she had sent an E-mail at 1PM - it is now 22 hours later and the E-mail never arrived.  Perhaps she sent it via Pony Express.  She then said that if I was cancelling that she could not refund the fee I had already paid.  I told her that by not honoring my wish to be contacted in the time that I required that she had in fact cancelled.  She hung up on me.

Richard -She has your dollars, you're pissed off now because she didn't call you on time and ultimately blew you off. She's a solid provider with a good reputation.  My suggestion is that you call her --both lose the attitude that seems apparent in your email, and her reaction to it --and either try and work it out -or more likely -get her to refund your $. Just my opinion here, but it doesn't sound like you guys are going to find any middle ground and that means no point in trying to have a session.
She's a pro and I'm sure she will refund your $. If not, keep everyone posted --its about all you can do.

Yeah right Rick.  You're blaming RichardT for getting ripped off and making excuses for Ashley Evans.  You sound like a shill for Ashley, Rick.

I've never met either Ashley Evans or Richard T. Just think the guy is dumb to post a note saying she took his money BEFORE he's tried to find some middle ground or get his $ back. Ashley's been in the biz for a while and knows the drill-and her reputation probably mattersa lot to her. So before he trashes her publicly, I just think he should try losing his attitude and try reaching someaccord. As I said in the earlier post, if he can't --THEN posting is proper.
Desert -you are jumping down my throat for no reason.

I'll take his back anyday.  The man is just giving his opinion.

OK, if you're not shilling, my apologies, but I personally don't think that Ashley Evens will ever refund RichardT one penny of his $600 again for whatever reasons.  She probably just decided that she needed some money and didn't feel like providing a service in return that time.  That's the risk hobbyists take when providers require a deposit first.  Providers can make up all sorts of excuses regarding deposits, but I feel that many of them do it for the sole purpose of ripping hobbyists off.

-- Modified on 9/9/2003 4:53:39 PM

-- Modified on 9/9/2003 4:54:18 PM

lostronin10911 reads

I don't think he's shilling at all. He just trying to provide him the best option to get his money back. The comments about Ashley's reputation are simply to point out that she has built that rep and wouldn't want to lose it by being labeled a ROB or a thief. That's why Rick noted that he should keep us posted. Richard was wronged here (if this is what happened and there is no reason to doubt that) and if Ashley doesn't make it right then we should all know this. However, she deserves the opportunity to do so, and getting his money back should be first priority.

well this ain't my feud, but just wanted to (impartially) point out that 22 hours ain't exactly a generous window of opportunity for a gal to return a deposit

i recall several instances in the last coupla months where a guy waited a whole month before coming out here to post negative calls on a girl regarding lost deposits and whatnot

not that he doesn't have a right to complain about it mind you ... just that perhaps saying it was and out and out ripoff job is unwarranted at this early stage

I dont know any of the people involved, However i think 22 hours is a little early to post i think 48 hours would be more that enough time

Because after all when the deposit was requested i am sure it was sent prompt

the same should apply

Like LOTR said NEVER give a deposit especially if the provider is already in your town

RichardT6378 reads

Thank you for your opinion, but the fact of the matter is (I believe this was omitted) that she told me that since I was cancelling that I would not get a refund.  I told her that by not contacting me within the time frame I required that she had indeed cancelled.  It was then that she hung up the phone on me.  She only today (it may have been sent & posted earlier, but I did not read it until this morning) told me via E-mail & posted on this board that she would send me a $500 refund.  I find it interesting that the E-mail that she claims to have sent regarding her location, telephone number, etc. was never received and was not confirmed by my E-mail provider but I did get the one from her threatening slander.  I never asked for all the acrimony, I only asked to be contacted within a specific range of time, for reasons stated earlier.  The fact that Ashley did not adhere to this cavaet is an unimpeachable and undisputed fact.  I posted the "rip-off" statements after the hang up & before any statements by Ashley regarding a refund.  I hope that this clarifies a few items.

One must remember...these broads are whores by profession.  That means that given the chance, they will  screw you any way they can.  NEVER...NEVER...NEVER  pay money unless the other side is right there with the goods.

I learned that lesson with Michele Raven.  At least Ashley had the decency to call you.  Raven just took my money and ran.  When I called her I get complete run around like "I'll take care of that next week".  That was 2 months ago.  Agreed, never send a whore money in advance.

this kinda gutter talk always leaves me asking the same question ... if THEY are "whores" then what does that make YOU?  


jldick508072 reads

A whore monger.

ritchie6354 reads

I am not the type of person to insult anyone but the truth is the truth. If you sell your body you are a hooker/prostitute or whatever other name that is used to describe your chosen profession. All these women that say I have sex for money but I am not a hooker are just trying to convince themselves and do not want to face reality. Now the fact that they are hookers does not make them bad people. I have had relationships with a couple of providers and they have both been very beautiful, pleasant and wonderful women but that does not change the fact that they are hookers/providers/prostitutes or whatever. Its time for a reality check. If a woman or a man sells their body for money they are prostitutes they can tell themselves otherwise but that is their refusal to get a grip on reality and their inability to distance themselves from what they do.

i see the point you are trying to make, but only up to a point. beyond that i honestly think you are wrong and here's why

yes, as un-PC as it is, one can say that a girl who sells her body is a prostitute. one might even say that the escorting (non-PSE) providers on this site are "prostitutes" (frankly, some that i know wouldn't disagree, others on these boards have been known to say, i guess only half-jokingly, "i'm a whore and proud of it" but that must be a feminist self-assertive thing, so let's not go there).  i'll be the first to say that i dislike escorts that insist on usinng euphemisms like "courtesan" and such (though i respect them for wanting to call themselves whatever they want)

having said this much (that GFEs/escorts/etc are indeed selling their body) i would argue that the same CANNOT be said of pornstars.  they entered a business wherein they are "actors" and yes as absurd as that sounds (giving their lack of true acting skills, for the most part) the fact is the circumstances around it are not too different from acting per se (instead of dramatic dialogue they perform sex acts for our entertainment).  most of the time, pornstars work with the male talent they pick. unlike prostitutes who sleep with total strangers (because they have to), pornstars work with  a (rather small) circle of male actors ("stiffs" a i like to call them) and any pornstar would tell you that it's seldom all that fun!

if you've ever been on a set of a porn shoot (i have), you'll know how difficult and un-prostitute-like it all is, long hours of waiting (for the production guys to get their shit in gear, for the stiffs to be fluffed, etc) and then you have directors that get frustrated and yell at the talent and a myriad of other unpleasant crap ... no one in their right mind can say that anyone is really having fun, in the same sense as we do when we see escorts!

even when pornstars start escorting (going PSE) i would still take issue to the use of the term prostitute. i like to think of them as actresses who are using their god-given talent to meet with and please their fans (kinda like a professional actor  meeting with their fans, or acting students, amateurs, or press, etc) ... the fact that they would charge for this "service" is immaterial to your argument, it's simply a consequence of the fact that their time is valuable and if they're going to get paid for having sex in the industry why should they give it away for free when going on a city-to-city tour (which is tiresome work, has its own hassles, consumes time, energy and sometimes their own money upfront)

as for the term hooker, now THAT is derogatory and offensive indeed. it goes way beyond prostitute (which is a technically correct or clinical/scientific term). hooker is rightly associated with streetwalkers and whores and i don't think there's anyone here that would suggest the women on TER (whether GFE or PSE) are whores or hookers ... just because a few crass and foulmouthed individuals say so, doesn't make it so ... i would venture to say that even the pornstars who are ripoffs, drunks, drug-addicts, scam-artists, thiefs and whatnot are not hookers and whores, just troubled individuals (physically, mentally, emotionally and financially)

ritchie8167 reads

I never said that Porn Stars are hookers. I forgot to mention that this is their profession and I do not put them in the same category. But once they decide to escort when they escort they are prostitutes wether they admit it or not. That they make films is one thing because as I said before that is their profession but when escorting you are selling your body for the sexual pleasure of another and that is definetly being a prostitute whether they want to admit it or not. You yourself said it in your post above. You stated "Ilike to think of etc..." this is a way of justifying it. Also yes I have been on a porn set and I have seen all these performers go thru and I got to give them credit. But my point still stands outside of the movie making when escorting you are a prostitute by all definitions. It doesnt matter what word play or mental twists you put on it.

by insisting on this PSE/prostitution equivalence it may be you who's "twising" the truth ... even if it was entirely true (which i don't think it is) you come off sounding a bit like you have a self-righteous axe to grind

i guess you're right, you didn't explicitly say that pornstars are "selling their bodies" (when doing films) ... you said providers are but the fact that you made this statement on THIS board left little room for other interpretations as to what you could've meant

you're also right that i said "i like to think" that escorting PSEs are not the P-word (prostitution) but you seem much more inflexible in this regard. if i (and i'm not alone i'm sure) are willing to yield partially (that they MAY be), why can't you?  why and how is it that you are 100% correct and others 0%?  again, this statement comes off sounding a bit dogmatic (and you know what they say about dogma, it's seldom that clearly right-or-wrong)


Merriam-Webster defines "prostitution" to also mean: "to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes "  ... look it up

here's an analogy (as imperfect as it may be):  a police officer is a member of a very special and unique profession. there's not a whole lotta people who do what they do. it takes special training, hard work, long hours, risks and dangers (bodily harm), and many other parallels i could draw (ironially enough!)  ... when a "bad lieutenant" moonshines on the side as a film consultant, private dick/spy or equivalently retires from active duty only to offer his services as a security specialist/bodygaurd to drug-dealers and whatnot, couldn't you say that he's prostituting himself and his skills?  for that matter, what about a highly-trained Harvard Law School lawyer who represents mobsters on the side? (the ARE such examples you know! i'm not making this stuff up!)  

it's not a stretch to say that we, ALL OF US, when accepting to give something of ourselves in exchange for money are "prostitutes" (especially in less-than-ethical matters) ... in my professional life (and that of many others) i know of many people, myself included, who at times feel that they are "yielding" or being "exploited" in the process of doing a  job in exchange for money, MUCH as a prostitute does.  but somehow when it's a "fine upstanding citizen" who does it (like a corrupt cop or a sleezy lawyer) it's automatically NOT prostitution ... or is this all word play in your mind as well?


ultimately all the above is somewhat academic ... what (some) guys on this board seem to be deluding themselves into thinking or NOT thinking rather, is that if the ladies are whores/prostitutes/hookers/etc, then what does that say for us?  we're involved in an [cough] (il)legal activity ourselves just as they are (let's not forget donations are for their time and companionship only [cough]) ... and prostitution too can not exist without a "john" ... it's not a one-way street. since you're on TER, i can only guess you too are in this hobby like the rest of us (unless you're one of those religious nuts who joins boards like this in order to harass people, which i'm guessing is not the case here)

nothing in life is B&W ... there are no moral absolutes ... people who live with dogma are always quick to point the finger at others, while looking away from their own affairs ... i had expected more from this board given the nature of the hobby and the understanding that we're all in it together as, how shall i say, "free-thinking, enlightened and open-minded" people ... but increasingly i'm finding that boards like this disappoint me in more ways than i had even thought possible

jldick508613 reads

Singleton it is you who twist things around and you do it on a consistent basis in order to make your point, whatever that may be, but I have a copy of the Merriam Webster dictionary and the first definition of prostitution is 1: the act or practice of indulging in promiscuous sexual relations for money and Websters definition of prostitute 1: a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse for money : WHORE. Now this is Websters definition maybe they are the ones who are twisted and maybe you should argue with them, but we all know what these ladies are and we know what that makes us whore mongers and if you need a definition of that, I will give you your old buddy Websters take on it whore monger a man who consorts with whores, you know Singleton its like the old joke "we already know what you are sweetheart, were just negotiating the price", and everyone on this board both player and provider knows what they are, and we don't have to name call because we are in this together, but lets not pretend that this business is something better then it actually is and I might say less we lose sight of what we are engaging in, with the exception of a few counties in the state of Nevada, this is still an illegal activity.

as always

instead of answering the hard questions about yourself (re: your insulting comments to Samantha) you persist in taking cheap potshots at me (and half-assedly at that), first by picking apart my reviews (which didn't get you anywhere) and now via nit-picking my posts

but no matter ... see the thing is, YOU may not know what i'm talking about half the time, but i do (as do others) and your lack of comprehension is NOT my problem!  

for the record, here's the Merriam-Webster dictionary online ... look it up for yourself: --- type "prostitute" and look at the *alternate* (2nd) definition


or should i just do it for you in case you botch this up too ... whatever ... here it is (i suggest you read it carefully this time):

Main Entry: pros·ti·tute
Pronunciation: 'präs-t&-"tüt, -"tyüt
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): -tut·ed; -tut·ing
Etymology: Latin prostitutus, past participle of prostituere, from pro- before + statuere to station -- more at PRO-, STATUTE
Date: 1530
1 : to offer indiscriminately for sexual intercourse especially for money
2 : to devote to corrupt or unworthy purposes : DEBASE [prostitute one's talents]
- pros·ti·tu·tor  /-"tü-t&r, -"tyü-/ noun

-- Modified on 9/9/2003 10:17:23 AM

jldick507583 reads

You know Singleton I believe your problem is your unwarranted infatuation with Ms Sterlying (I know you call her Samantha, but I haven't swapped bodily fluids with her like you have, so I don't feel close enough to call her by her first name) I know she is your first PSE and you will always have a warm spot in your heart for her, but I believe your vision is becoming rather myopic, there are a lot of ladies out there and you should broaden your horizon and meet a few new ladies, but I know you are new to TER and despite your 15 or is it 13 years in the hobby(I'am not sure about the number of years, you keep changing them on me) you still don't know how to play the game, not only that, you don't even know what is available, so why don't you go back and sit in the corner until you learn how to play nice with the other children and then we will invite you back to the class and if you are really really good maybe I will put in a good word for you with Layla Jade, but then again maybe not.

as always

jldick508110 reads

Nothing is permanent my friend its closed until next time.

as always

ritchie8337 reads

The first meaning of the word says it all. I am not a high and mighty type person but the truth is the truth and no matter what they cannot hide the fact or say they are not prostitutes because thats what they are. Not that this is a bad thing but you cannot cover up the sky with just your hand. In the case of prostitution it is B&W. Any pornstar or a fashion model or whatever she is the moment she enters the providers world is a prostitute as her second job and they can call it any cute name they want but when it all comes down to it it is still prostitution whether they like it or not.

pinklips8711 reads

These boards were started so men and the providers could exchange information.  In doing so, this particular board has for the most part, contained "fan friendly" language.

This type of language contains all kinds of abbreviations for different things, which should tell you that the accepted way to speak, is in a "nice" manner.

For you to come on and post that "all of these broads are whores by profession", shows your true feeling towards women!

It gives one the impression that you are low class, or ignorant, or just a chauvinist.  I for one take your post as such.

I find it absolutely offensive, that you would make a blanket statement such as that.  I'm sure I am not the only PS who does, but , if I'm the only PS to post my feelings , that's fine.

I don't worry if I ruffle a few feathers, but I will not sit by,  and be thrown in to some idea that you have, that all PS are out to screw everyone, any way they can.

I suggest you take the time to actually do searches in the review section, and actually read them, I'm sure you will find that the vast majority of the reviews show quality ladies, who you obviously have no respect for.

I suggest that you spend your time with streetwalkers.

Ladies, take note!  

Kathy Willets

fasteddie518314 reads

Well said Kathy... These are the same guiys who complain that the girl didn't do the things for him that they read about in her other reviews... I wonder why?

RichardT9601 reads

Dear Kathy,

I agree, and may I add that throughout this entire controversy I must say that though Ashley & I see things from a different point of view & certainly disagree on this matter, there has been no name-calling, mud-slinging, or inappropriate behavior.  I appreciate your comments and whole-heartedly agree with you.

NeverSendaDeposit9311 reads

So sorry about your loss. Perhaps she'll refund you.

Ashley Evans6864 reads

Richard if I remember correctly you email me and told me to TRY to call you by 5:30 on Friday for our Saturday meeting at 10:00am -

As I explained to you on the phone Friday night when we talked at 7:15pm - I had dental work done in Philly that day and I had emailed you all the info:  My hotel address - the hotel phone number (incase you got lost) even stated that I was not registered under Ashley Evans so don't try to call my room - My cell phone number etc... because my mouth was very sore and it was hard to talk since I had dental work done in Philly from 9:00am to 1:30 that day (Friday the 5th).  REMEMBER?  You even questioned why my dentist was in Philly -  Remember?

I emailed you on Friday for our Saturday meeting at 1:30 pm when I returned from the Dentist with a swollen mouth and novacaine (sp?) filled gums.  I got a copy of the email in my sent files - you stated you didn't get the email til after 5:00 when we talked on the phone... so why now lie?

You emailed me a Pay Pal request for monies at 5:00pm stating exactly "It is nearly 5PM Eastern Time on Friday Sept. 5;  I must know the information regarding our meeting scheduled for Sept. 6 @ 10AM before 530PM today - after that you will not be able to reach me via E-mail or telephone until 9AM Monday, Sept. 8.  Please call (609)***-**** as soon as possible."  You were trying to make this an impossible situation for me to keep up with - trying to make me default so you can demand a refund - isn't just cancelling easier?  

As soon as I got up from laying down I immediately called you at 7:15pm that Friday evening, KEEP IN MIND THIS IS STILL 14 HOURS BEFORE OUR SCHEDULED MEETING, and I was still going to be in Philly til noon Monday before I went on to DC.  But you started acting very nasty, saying you did not know where the Philly Airport was, that you had nothing to write down my info with, that you could not take my cell phone number etc.. I explained there was no reason to take my cell phone number as I never block it and that it was in your cell phone because I just called you.  And the Philly airport, well that goes without saying you knew where that was.

You continued to act funny, if you wanted to cancel it is very easy to do, in fact you have cancelled before and I HAVE REFUNDED YOUR DEPOSIT BEFORE WHEN YOU SCHEDULED BACK IN JULY - but you are trying to get out of the cancellation fee which is clearly stated on my site.

And furthermore, I NEVER accept a full credit card payment for meetings, NEVER, but you insisted.  So now that I see how you are acting.. this feels like it was a set up from the get go.. a deposit on 8/14/2003 of $100.00 for our 9/06/2003 meeting, is standard, but to then insisting on sending the remaining $500.00 before I even got to town on your credit card??  Hmmm a little fishy.  

And to now say You Got Ripped Off!!  Please, there are lots of guys here that can stand up for my reputation, and I can provide others that I have refunded the deposit due to my change of plans.  

In fact you made a date with me on a prior visit paid the $100.00 deposit and when I had to move the dates you again went to Pay Pal with a notice "You changed your scheduled visit to Philadelphia from July 11 to July 18, a date that I cannot make"
AND WERE IMMEDIATELY REFUNDED THE $100.00 - payment was requested July 24th and was paid back to you in full on July 24th at 11:42:57 am

A RIP OFF?  NOT HARDLY - I think this is a case of a guy changing his mind, being a control freak and since I was not able to follow your directions exactly, you are now having a fit, trying to make a big stink over nothing.  Your $500.00 will be refunded - a $100.00 will be held due to the fact you caused me to have to lose other appts holding your time.  The monies were not refunded immediately yesterday, because I was giving you an opportunity to call me and reschedule since I am in Philly until Monday.

Have a nice life richard, hopefully our paths will not cross again.  Oh.. and by the way, this is not your "first" hostle controlling encounter with a porn star, just for the record.


-- Modified on 9/7/2003 4:53:33 PM

This is Deena Duos and you ROCK!!!! Love your response to a total jerk.Kisses and all my respect Deena

Thanks for spotting the review! I and no one else had noticed. It has been brought to Staff's attention. Vanian's posts will not appear on the board and I am notifying the other Moderators as well.

Once again thanks,


RichardT7552 reads

If memory serves, is this not grounds for dismissal from membership?

fasteddie518756 reads

There are always two sides to every story... a reminder not to jump to any quick conclusions.

Wow, this deal sounds wayyy too complicated. No wonder guys still pick up ladies on the steetcorner -lol! This is what happens when you jerk off the day before your appointment - suddenly it doesn't seem like its worth $600 anymore.

hjeffer7158 reads

She went to the Dentist and was still working!?? Not likely.
She better give a full refund or face the TER wrath ! Her account although detailed is flawed. She should just make full restitution .... period

She said she had been to the dentist THAT DAY and the appointment was for the FOLLOWING day, so I am not sure what is flawed about that. I have had a cavity filled one day and felt like crap and the next day, back to normal.
The Flawed explanation falls directly on RICHARD. He wanted her to call before 5:30 pm or he would not be able to WRITE DOWN THE INFO? WHAT? OK, let's assume he could not talk at 7:15......he couldn't tell her to call back an hour later or the next morning and then, when she didn't kiss his ass (and make no mistake, that is exactly what he's looking for) he says he's ripped off? It makes no sense.
I have never seen Ashley Evans and I don't even know what a shill is so don't start that crap. I am just an observer who is wondering why, if this guy wants to see Ms Evans SOOOOO bad, why is he making a major deal out of something so simple as WRITING DOWN A FUCKING ADDRESS???????
I guess I could be wrong.....
BTW - "Face the TER wrath"? Dude, sorry but that sounded really gay!

RichardT8715 reads

Does anyone here fly?  Why do I ask?  Well, if you did, you would know the importance of & length of time required to pre-flight your helicopter for a three-hour flight.  This takes about two hours, in this instance from 6PM to 8PM.  In running this pre-flight operation, taking your mind off of your checklist for one instant & running the risk of missing even the smallest item can cause the most dire of consequences.  I have been flying for over 20 years, and have over 7,000 flight hours, over 800 of these in combat conditions.  Should I have put aside my years of experience & training which tell me NEVER divert your attention during such an important task?  NEVER!!!  The flight was for three hours, from 8PM to 11PM, followed by a 1 hour debriefing session, which would then be followed by 30 visit to a steam room to relax and then a drive home of another hour.  The math tells me that it is now 130AM, and I am not talking to ANYONE, short of a bird colonel, at 130AM.  Do you now understand why it is that I told Ashley to contact be before 530PM, and why I could not talk to her at 722PM?  Look, perhaps I come across as an arrogant jerk, but these are the facts; believe who & what you will.

RichardT8318 reads

I never received any such E-mail indicating Ashley's telephone number, hotel, etc., and I never confirmed receipt of any such E-mail.  It is now Monday - three days after the date this alleged E-mail was sent, and still I have not received it.  The reason I paid the full amount in advance is the following, a copy of an E-mail I recaived from Ashley Evans on August 29, after I asked her when she needed the full amount for the visit dated Sept. 6:

Sweetie my sweetie I am so looking forward to seeing you on Saturday honey - If you can sent it before 7:00 on the 3rd so I can retrive it before I leave for Philly that would be great.  I have a flight to Dulles at 7:00pm on the 3rd and it goes into an account that I must pull the funds from...I will actually be in Philly the 4th about 11:00am but coming from Dulles redeye - then train to Philly not sure what time I get into Philly and I am going to be a little tired!  haha

Waiting to see you sweetie!


I sent her the money via PayPal early because, simply, she asked me to do so and I trusted her, being that I have seen a friend of hers (who I will not name here) and felt secure in sending the money as a gesture of my good faith.  If something smells fishy, well, it is not coming from me.  Perhaps when she called I should have just stopped what I was doing (for the record, and not that it matters, I was pre-flighting a helicopter that I was taking into the air later that evening).  I think not.  Am I a control freak?  Readers, you be the judge.  What if the circumstance was that I am married (I am not) and I asked her to call me when my hypothetical wife was not present but she in turn called while my hypothetical wife was there.  This obviously is all speculation.  There is no grounds here for slander, and anyone with even a bit of legal knowledge knows this.  And in regard to my incident with Deena Duos, well, I think that was already well covered months ago.  The list of those providers that I have seen is a long & distinguished one, from porn stars such as Keisha, Sara Jay, Kat Kleevage, Blake Mitchell, & Pamela Stacks to other great providers like Adiva Adore, Cynthia, and others too numerous to name here.  I have been threatened with a slander suit.  However, until I receive my full refund, I will post to the world what happened.  Thank you for providing me a place to air my side of this issue.

This make you wonder who is telling the truth on one hand you have a provider that no one has come foward with the same complaint

Now on the other hand you have a client who says he has a good track record

personally all this crap is nonsense who do we believe

really makes it hard for people in the future

results from folks who are not privy to all the facts jumping to conclusions and those who are airing their laundry in public (you remember that episode with Rita and BellaDonna on Boston board? -- not to mention your own recent plight [ugh])

i think the parties involved should make every effort to resolve these matters in private and after exhausting all options and perhaps only then let the board know (at which point they really are doing others a favour)

case in point this post (from exactly a month ago) about Dayton.  it was an out and out ROBBERY but the dude _still_ waited a month and a half trying to get to the bottom of it before coming out  here and posting it ... and you didn't see anyone coming to her defense cuz there can only be one conclusion, especially given that she's a known flake (as opposed to Ashley who has a solid track record from what i hear)

fasteddie519142 reads

I've always found that the REAL TRUTH usually lies somewhere inbetween the two stories... both parties might experience the exact same circumstances and interpret it differently.  While Ashley thought it unreasonable that an address couldn't be written down,  Richard felt that he was in a situation that made it impossible for him to do so.  Both agree about what happened, but they disagree on the validity of each others position.

I don't think Richard posted this message out of malice... in his view he was slighted... Ashley sees it from a different perspective, valid from her point of view.

I do feel that disagreements like this should try to be resolved first privately, to be posted openly after exhausting all reasonable attempts to do so.

Just MHO

Ashley Evans9109 reads

Per your pay pal request you have been refunded $500.00 at this exact moment.  As per all the slander, I have NEVER EVER, robber or stole from anyone EVER.  I would appreciate an apology for jumping onto the board while in the "heat of your moment" and slandering me, but I will not hold my breath.

I am not in this "business" to put up with crap, control freaks or the like.  I actually enjoy what I do, and do it to meet my fans and friends.  I have a real job, and a real corporation, and don't need drama queens in my life.  

You have been refunded, this issue is over, please take yourself in the other direction and try to do something constructive with your time.  


-- Modified on 9/9/2003 3:52:48 AM

RichardT7404 reads

Ashley paid a refund of $500.  While I paid a total of $600, and I also paid the PayPal service charge of $14.80, I feel it is well worth the $114.80 to put the matter to rest.

stud39281 reads

This girl has more money than all of us together, I just can believe the even after being exposed here as a hustler, she still want o keep the $100. like it measn so muchto her.
If you realy want the guy to get lost and forget about you, give the guy ALL his money. Have class! don't hussle the guy for misserable $100 bucks..
even more , give him the service charge fee $14 and show him how much class you have. I'll bet you after that, everyone will see that you are the classy one here and the guys is nothing but a loser. otherwise, keep the $100 and show how right the guy was...
Be a lady.. give the guy his money
and THEN tell him to go f'k him self.

ashleyevans7875 reads

Oops did we leave out the fact that Ashley took a hit too?  How about the fact I stayed in my hotel to accomodate our visit for $189.00 + Tax, and that I could have filled that time, if you would have been thinking logically

so I am out of pocket 200 + plus 600 = $800.00

Plus was labeled a thief and a robber?  Hmmmm are you thinking logically?

stud37876 reads

If thats her answer, Richard: you got hustled for 100 bucks..

RichardT7165 reads

Like it was said so eloquently by The Who, "we won't get fooled again".

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