Porn Stars

Re:Sports and Porn...Got your attention?
justin169porn 5338 reads
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In 2002-03, the average salary in the NBA was $4.5 million. The minimun salary was a little over $1 million. Kevin Garnett made over $25 million.

You must remember that Seymore Butts comment and like others in the original post, referred to tape sales, rentals, hotel pay per views and so on. That's basically saying the same thing as how much money is made with fans of the NFL. Super Bowl Sunday alone brings in roughly more than $1 million per 30-second spot. I guess I stand corrected to a point, but I feel that his comment is still ignorant. Come on, your average porn chick gets paid what...I have no idea? While Vin Baker last year made $12 million for half a season and a trip to rehab, with the Boston Celtics. There's no comparison! This is just a stupid arguement and I wanted to get one more say in it. I mean do you realize what all the various sports franchises are worth? What's VCA and Vivid worth? They can't even compare to any professional franchise...not even the small markets. So to make a comparison like that is irrational (I believe). You need to look at the whole picture. Prior to the 90's I don't think that porn made a whole lot of profit. I don't know since I was just a little too young, the NHL, MLB, NBA and NFL have been a success for a whole lot longer. This is an interesting debate and we'll have to see what happens in years to come. The NPL (National Porn League) should be founded, Vince McMahon, George Steinbrenner and Larry Flint should all become partners. Thank god for porn starlets!!!

A Spectator 4508 reads
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good measure.  See my post below.

However, with regard to Vivid, there was a LA Times article about 18 to 24 months ago that estimated that when Vivid went public, it could be worth several hundred millions to a billion in paper.  Vivid is by far the most profitable porn company since it catered to the married couple/hotel viewing crowd.

The European company Private is listed in a foreign exchange.  According to Fidelity's info: , with the closing price of $2.12 in NASDAQ-NMS, its market capitalization is $101,704,200 with 49,855,000 outstanding shares.  They have the distribution channels in Europe with Pay-TV to support the revenue stream.  (I just saw a private pay-per-view movie in Radission SAS hotel in St. Petersburg, Russia 3 days ago.  It cost $12.50 USD which is included in the hotel package.)

Similarly, Vivid is in the position in US comparable to what Private Media, Group (PRVT) in Europe.

Not all the hype about porn revenues are smokes.

fasteddie51 4114 reads
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I think you're missing the point... Salaries, the value of a NFL franchaise, etc. have nothing at all to do with the subject....

Seymour was referring to the gross revenues of the porn industry compared to that of major league sports.  That's all he was referring to, and while you may not like it, the figures are accurate (well, not entirely... Seymour understated the porn industry's gross revenues).  Sex outsells sports.

But that really shouldn't be a suprise if you just think about it... The sex industry is an on-demand, 24/7, 365 day per year business.  On the other hand, Professional Sports has a finite number of games played with a finite number of seats available for each game, and (depending on the sport) a one to three or four hour duration in which to derive monies from TV advertising.

And your arguement about comparing tape sales, rentals, pay-per-view etc. to how much fans spend on sports isn't really valid either.  All of those things derive revenue DIRECTLY from the adult industry's product... people fucking in front of a camera.  But other than purchasing tickets and/or cable packages, fans who spend their money on Jerseys, Ball Caps, etc. are spending it on ancillary products, which you shouldn't figure into the actual revenues of the sports team itself.  You might as well also count the number of beers sold during the game, or the number of hotdogs, the price for parking, etc.  But if you do that, you'd lave to count the sales of Kleenex and Atroglide, as well as the number of dildos and blow up love dolls sold plus the revenue generated by pornstar escorts, since without their roles in the videos they wouldn't be able to get the outrageous rates that they do.

BUT, even if you do include the sales of sports clothing bobble head dolls, toys and such, I still think porn would win.  Sports may earn more dollars per capita, or more dollars per hour, but in the long run, sex is always on our minds, all of the time... even while we're watching sports!  The only time sports are on our minds when we're having sex is when we're trying to delay our orgasms! - lol.

colhogan 7 Reviews 4306 reads
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Most pro athletes do make more money the top porn stars
Derek Jeter yankees 10 years 189.9 million + bonus and play off games

manny rameriz redsoc 5 year contract left 100.00 million

andy pettit seeking 52 million

not to mention all the endorsements these athletes get plus comp products
show me a porn star that makes 20 million a year

col hogan

justin169porn 3634 reads
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I think Jenna Jameson is worth roughly $30 million...or so I've heard. Some players make close to that each year. What's the average contract star's salary?

justin169porn 4279 reads
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I think Jenna Jameson is worth roughly $30 million...or so I've heard. Some players make close to that each year. What's the average contract star's salary?

lordjack1 2 Reviews 4373 reads
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Interesting topic.  My .02:  No doubt the incredibly high salaries of athletes support the notion of sports franchises working with huge gross revenue numbers.  Imagine however if the porn industry is able to gross anywhere near an equivalent amount, their bottom line would be so much more profitable.  No star in their industry cuts into their margin to the tune of $375,000 a day as Kevin Garnett does to his employer.

fasteddie51 4477 reads
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Col Hogan, you missed the entire point of my post....

How did we get onto the subject of Pro ball player's salaries vs. pornstar's salaries?  And how does it apply to the subject of this thread???  No offense, but this is a ridiculous subject.  

It's patently absurd to compare the salaries of pornstars to ball players.... The only thing required to be in porn movies is to be fairly attractive and be willing to be photographed having sex... and some would argue the point about being attractive as a requirement.

There is a very limited number of positions available for ball players, and those positions are filled by men who have spent most of their lives honing their skills to be among the best athletes in the world.

In porn, there is an almost unlimited number of women who are willing to do porn.  Read some of the interviews with Jim South, owner of World Modeling.  Women beat a path to his door on a daily basis.

And this has nothing to do with the revenues of Pro Sports vs. the revenues of the Porn industry.  There is no correlation between salaries and revenues.

-- Modified on 11/11/2003 7:57:16 PM

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