Porn Stars

Lord Of The Rings 5883 reads

My process starts by knowing the provider via e-mails or a few phone calls. Once we have established a rapport, I then respectfully ask them if I can go into details of what I am expecting from the meeting. My success rate is pretty high but the amount of Pornstars that I have seen doesn't compare to others here.

The rest of what Eddie has mentioned in his post is the reality. The ladies do not know who is on the other side and might think for the worse as us being a LE representative.

I had problems when I went through the only agency I have used, NicisGirls, but after my first successful date, I was able to ask the owner what type of services the other Pornstar I was to meet offered without getting too graphical as my requirements are normal and are entirely done safely.

Establish a positive reputation and use your referrals, which will be one of your keys for success besides READING! READING! READING!

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


-- Modified on 11/25/2003 5:44:05 PM

What can I say... I know how to pick 'em. Sexy, sweet, nasty, fun... In NYC until Wednesday. email me at [email protected] for details.


Towel Boy4385 reads

You sure do know how to pick them. Her and Ice Lopez are HOT HOT HOT!  Any chance they'll tour outside LA and NYC?

Slanteater4812 reads

...can you deliver on this one? Or is it another case of Charmane Star? Still would love to hear back on that one.

All the same, this girl looks incredible.

I have delivered Charmane on numerous occasions. In your case, you asked for specific information which I do not normally ask of the ladies.... in fact, legally, no on does. That's why you gentlemen take a risk in seeing someone for the first time. I was not able to get an answer to your questins and therefore did not reply.... Pretty simple actually.

Now, if you insist on trying to get me to answer questions which legally I can not answer you'll never get what you're looking for. Not from here at least. In Courtney's case she is currently in NYC. So I suppose for the gentlemen that all got to see her today I have delivered just fine... for those that waited until the last minute to book her and didn't get to see her because she was booked solid I guess I didn't...

That's what happens...

Shall we continue to play this game of chess? It gets fairly annoying that just because I am also a porn star that gentlemen like you think you can get me answer questions that are not in the best interest of myself, the ladies I work with or my business. If you were a gentlemen that either myself or one of the others have seen before I'd gladly give you information you seek... since you are not you will just have to remain in the dark.


Slanteater4759 reads if you simply returned an email once in awhile then I would have had the answer (which you stated above) without having to ask over and over and over. I know, you're too busy and you're too popular -- but what it really comes down to is you're not very good at follow up. If you offer a service -- then have the ability to follow it up to the end of the transaction or don't offer it in the first place. end. of. story.

And now you talk about some fantasy that annoys you. WTF? I asked you a simple question that is asked and answered 1000 times a day on this website by guys like fasteddie and bigpoppa, and the like -- ALL THE TIME. I asked about what services Charmane provided discreetly. OH MY GOODNESS NO!

In the past, I have seen Miko and Sana Fey, and Kiana, and Friday and countless other legitimate Porn stars, but they never offered to set up an appointment with another provider. You did. I have a reputation as a reliable poster on this board. If you don't know why I haven't posted any reviews on TER lately, then you need to spend a little more time here. Oh, but that's right. You're too busy and too popular.

No chess game. In fact, no games at all. I just find it really annoying when someone offers a service and then drops the ball. And I find it especialy annoying when someone like yourself who openly provides the services that you do --TRIES to hide behind what is legal and not legal when what it basically comes down to is you're too lazy and disrespectful to respond to your email once there isn't dollar signs attached to your answer. BTW, you weren't too concerned about LE when you quoted me a price for Charmane's services even after I had -- in your terms -- blatantly asked about services that "most gentlemen would never discuss online" even when using the usual short hand.

So why don't you put an end to all of this by first admitting that you couldn't deliver and then follow it up by apologizing for being rude.  When that's done, read Carrie of London's post in the general section about common courtesy when corresponding via email and call it a night.


-- Modified on 11/25/2003 3:46:37 PM

I will point out that Eddie or any of the other posters mentioning services is in a completely different league from the agency, in this case Sinnamon, mentioning services. You will notice that even the ladies that post regularly are careful not to give specifics about what they will do in private.

Stating that you can get certain services for certain fees is an admission of pandering if you are not the lady and making a profit from the act. If you are a provider and do so, you are admitting to prostitution.

So I can understand why Sinnamon or any of the ladies refuse to be specific about what will and will not happen. If you word the question carefully , you may get an answer but most likely they will just avoid it completely.

fasteddie513975 reads

Unless the lady has seen you before, ANY emails asking for specific performances will simply be ignored, period.  This goes for the agencies as well.  When I first got into this hobby, I emailed an agency five times about a certain lady and what she provided.  I never got a reply.  Then I emailed them and asked why they were ignoring me, and they responded, telling me that my previous emails had been too explicit.  NO AGENCY will answer those questions, particularly if they don't know you, and NO PSE, (if she's smart will) either, especially by email where there then becomes a permanent record of their reply.  Things MIGHT be different by phone, IF they know who you are, but even then it's unlikely.  In this case, Sinnamon was acting in the capacity of an agency.

Escorting is not illegal.  Having sex for money is, and any reply to a sexual question can be used in court as proof that more than just social escorting is being offered.

What people post on this and other boards doesn't have any legal significance... it's hearsay, and isn't valid in a court of law.  What an agency or PSE says directly ins't hearsay, and they can be held accountable for it if busted.

Using code wores or acronyms doesn't change that either.  BBBJ, DATY, Cups of Coffee are in a legal sense just as damning as asking directly is she gives bare back blow jobs or if she allows you to go down on her.

That's why sites like TER flourish... they take the guesswork out of the process.  If the lady you're interested in doesn't have a review, you have three choices... Do some back channeling,  wait until someone does post a review, or take one for the team and go for it.  But don't blame Sinnamon or any other lady or agency for protecting themselves by ignoring an inappropriate email.

-- Modified on 11/25/2003 12:26:33 PM

Slanteater5033 reads

...perhaps those who disagree should read Carrie Of London's post in the general section regarding manners.

Lord Of The Rings5884 reads

My process starts by knowing the provider via e-mails or a few phone calls. Once we have established a rapport, I then respectfully ask them if I can go into details of what I am expecting from the meeting. My success rate is pretty high but the amount of Pornstars that I have seen doesn't compare to others here.

The rest of what Eddie has mentioned in his post is the reality. The ladies do not know who is on the other side and might think for the worse as us being a LE representative.

I had problems when I went through the only agency I have used, NicisGirls, but after my first successful date, I was able to ask the owner what type of services the other Pornstar I was to meet offered without getting too graphical as my requirements are normal and are entirely done safely.

Establish a positive reputation and use your referrals, which will be one of your keys for success besides READING! READING! READING!

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


-- Modified on 11/25/2003 5:44:05 PM

jldick504816 reads

Thats the best way to go, I try not to put them on the spot, by asking what they offer, rather I tell them what I like and then ask them if they feel comfortable with it.

as always


I once called E2K about Miko Lee and when I started asking questions about services they got really wierd really quickly  and all I wanted ot know is if she would allow video of the session and I was later told in a private e-mail from one of the girls that they are worried about LE with e-mails, and ever since then I haven;t used a ageny to book a session.

So it's not just the girls that won;t talk about services over phone or through e-mails, so as hard as it may be sometimes, you have to rely heavily on posters and reviews to find out what may and may not to a service they provide. I know sometimes it feels like pulling teeth or a slow death to need someones help, but that is after all what this board is for, for us posters to help and us to ask for help.


PacketInspector5369 reads

When you hang up on a telemarketing call, what message are you trying to send? Probably "No, and fuck no!"

When you get no answer to your email, what response did you just get? You got the "No way am I answering that!" response.

Try, like Eddie suggested, to rephrase your query. Or better yet, recognize that THOSE questions aren't going to be answered. You may have asked 5 questions that could/would be answered, but that 6th... sends your email to the trash.

Her trip has gone so well that numerous gents have asked to keep her another day. If you are in the city and would like to see her tomorrow please let me know right away... As you know we only confirm a handful of appointments each day so that the ladies can enjoy their time meeting their fans. Contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in getting together with Courtney...

We are considering setting up a tour of Boston, Philly & DC after Thanksgiving. If you are in one of these cities contact me right away.


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