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Re:Moderator's Rant
jldick50 3514 reads

I thought the number of mean spirited post were way down, in fact posts in general seem to be way down and without a little conflict this really is a boring place.

as always


This is getting really stupid and boring guys. You should all take a look at the words under the title for this board.

I was hoping that by eliminating the name calling, things would calm down. It appears I was living in a fools paradise.

So congratulations, I am going to be the real asshole on this board. Posts that I consider to be trolls or just mean spirited will be deleted. If you have a complaint, email Staff or GND.

Well thats why they give you the big bucks michael. No but serious you should Eddie posted a thread a few days ago about people starting flames. I for one am happy that you are cracking down too many people are being attacked by a few nameless assholes. I am sure you know who they are. I am happy I dont have your job. well actually i wish i had your job for 1 week. so i could act as the exterminator


carlspackler4395 reads

When the first moderator felt the way you do this place became very boring.

The name calling and bickering is better then deadly silence. Most of us work our way through the crap and find what we are looking for.

Consider stepping down as a better alternative to silence.


I am not interested in silence Carl but I will keep your statement in mind. The feel for the board wil be a bit uneven at first as I get an idea on how stringent to be. I encourage discussion that is why the board is here. However the personal attacks just for the sake of attack are coming to a grinding halt.

I appreciate the opinion.

Michael, you were very courteous and professional in your PM to me when I complained about the Troll problem.  Yes, "Moderating" is a difficult task. I, for one, have seen no evidence to indicate that you have any desire to stifle to free flow of ideas.  

None of us are perfect. I'm sure you'll stub your toes a few times, but remember, if everyone used common sense and looked out for each other we wouldn't need laws or police. Sadly, we need both.

Happy Holidays,
Humboldt're a loving guy, but you have a job to do and you're going to do it.

For those not familiar with MichaelCA, he has been around since the beginning of escort discussion boards in LA, dating back to 1997 (or was it '96?). I trust his experience and he will do what is right.

jldick503515 reads

I thought the number of mean spirited post were way down, in fact posts in general seem to be way down and without a little conflict this really is a boring place.

as always


My dad used to have a CB radio in his car.  It had a button called "squelch" that would block out a lot of the extraneous noise on the band.  We all would appreciate if you did the same, and kept the idiots from scaring away the nice providers.

jldick504979 reads

The "squelch" button can be very selective depending on the individual, as I have said in the past, if you don't like a post or a particular poster, dont read the post, move on to something you do like, I dont need someone to edit what I read, I like to make that decision myself. There is room for all opinions on this board, even the ones I dont like.

as always

Happy Hunting

fasteddie514202 reads

Opinions, yes, grudges and personal attacks, no.  I enjoy a nice flame war from time to time as long as the parties involved have a sense of style and wit and keep to the issues.  

But when any person has an agenda who's only goal is to attack and goad peope they don't like with innuendo and insults, it goes beyond the scope and purpose of this board.  Freedom of speech doesn't include the right to shout fire in a crowded theater, and an open and public forum doesn't give leave to personal attacks and hidden agendas.

It's easy to say that if you don't like a particular poster, don't read the post, particularly when you're not the target, but when he's attacking you personally you're compelled to read what he's saying, if for no other reason than to defend yourself.  You above all people should understand this after you're litte exchange on my yahoo group.  And despite asking nicely, begging, threats and warnings,  the ultimate solution was to ban the offending member.

jldick503587 reads

Having been the butt of many attacks, I can still say that I dont wish to have anyone moderated or banned and regarding the incident on your Yahoo site, as much as I dislike the person in question I never asked you to ban him, that was your decision, I still think there is room for everyone, even the most offensive among us.

as always


fasteddie514140 reads

I understand what you're saying, and believe me, I don't like to ban anyone... He was the first and only person I've ever felt it necessary to kick out of any group I moderate.  And unlike many people, I've always said that flame wars aren't the worst thing in the world... I think in many ways they're very informative... you get to see who the morons are; sometimes it's one, and sometimes it both, but you can get a sense of a person's character when he's bickering... he either does it with class and makes his points with wit and intelligence, or he can't handle the debate and starts getting vulgar.  Unlike you, however, I do think that there are lines that should not be crossed.  In the real world, where you're exposed and accountable for what you do, some of the things that have been posted her would be considered slander and would lay the offender open to legal action.  And if it's illegal out there, it shouldn't be tolerated in here.

But all philospphical disagreements aside, there are practical matters that must  be taken into account... not to sound geeky, but as Mr. Spock once said, "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few"

In the case of my yahoo group, people got so fed-up that the group began losing members.  That's exacerbated here, because this site's primary objective is to turn a profit, and losing members means losing money.

I don't usually post but, in repsonse, I'd like to state that I find TER in general and this board to be a good place particularly compared to other sites I have viewed on occasion.  I generally feel TER contains very useful info from generally good people who are not consumed with anonymously or semi-anonymously splitting others' cheeks.  Perhaps this is really due to the work of the moderators, I don't know...but if so, thanks for all you are doing.

This is one on the only countries that you can call the president or congressman an asshole or quee.

Some moderation should be aplied but not censorship.

I have to agree with eddie and the others that a flame is nice at times but when people are just plain insulted or calleed names then thats not good

then like the other poster said you can quit Which would be a bit extreme.
well good luck and happy turkey day
col hogan

jldick504299 reads

Hogan you cant have it both ways, you say it isnt nice when people call others names, but how many times have you called me names?, youve called me a whore, a pimp, and a horses ass just to name a few, but despite our differences, I dont believe I have ever called you a name, I think you are being a little hypocritical.

as always


sure you can have it both ways. This is america when i called you all those things i was only following others.
However it was not politicaly correct because all it did was clog up the board

fasteddie514574 reads

This has nothing to do with whether I agree or disagree with TER's decision, but I'm sorry Hogan, you misunderstand the nature of the guarantees granted by the U.S. Constitution regarding freedom of speech.  The ONLY guarantee connected to the freedom of speech is the assurance of not being arrested or prosecuted for speaking your mind.  That's it, period.

If you're a racist, you can't be enjoined from using ethnic slurs... you can call someone a n*gger, k*ke, sp*c, et. al. to your heart's content.  But if you're a radio DJ and you do it on the air, the company that employs you has every right to kick your racist ass off the air and out the door.

If you're the National Security Advisor, and you make a public statement that ridicules a policy of the administration, the President has every right to ask for your resignation.

If you're a lay teacher teaching in a Catholic School and you march in a pro-choice rally, you can be fired.

And if you post on a forum like TER or Big Doggie, public or not, you're bound to abide by their rules... it's their party, and they can invite or univite anyone they want... freedom of speech has nothing to do with it.

But making up the rules as you go alont is not right.
If there are rules in place then you should enforce them all the time
not from time to time. I dont like when people insult others with racial either.

this is a open forum and in line with freedom of speach and expression.

Michael does not need to warn any one
if there are rules he should just plain enforce them

I know he has been trying to be a nice guy he even warned me and I stopped

But remember nice guys come in last.

If he decides to be super strict he has to be the same with everyone I am sure he is a person of intergity and wont be selective.


colhogan, keep in mind that even our Constitution (i.e. The Rules) has been ammended many times. Why? Because things change. No one can forsee every situation. That's why some laws are changed, some laws are modified, and some laws are repealed.  The "Rules" of TER are no exception (but let's not confuse posts to a Private For Profit forum with the U.S. Constiution).


Why does everybody that feels abused on a message board start quoting the Constitution?

The First Amendment does not apply here.

You are not a publication being closed down for criticizing the United States government.

You are a private citizen making comments on a public message board.

TER is PRIVATE PROPERTY! You have no rights here. Only privileges. If they ban you it is the same thing as throwing a drunk who is pissing in the punch bowl out into the street.

It isn't censorship.

It's you paying the price for not behaving in someone else's backyard.

The rants on this board would be far fewer if folks took a little more responsibility for their actions (and words)...


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