Porn Stars

Re:Janette Littledove currently at MSC in SF
blues traveler 3701 reads

Wow! That's a name from the past. I have Hustler layout autographed. Didn't ask about private shows.

I remember her being a playfully-bitchy, Greek-friendly, Native American hottie.  Before I make the trip to Market Street Cinema, I just wanted to see if anyone has had any extracuricular experience with this late '80s porn star.

blues traveler3702 reads

Wow! That's a name from the past. I have Hustler layout autographed. Didn't ask about private shows.

Phil, I have not seen her at MSC, however be aware that the SFPD have been raiding the strip clubs in SF and busting both the dancers (for prostitution) and the managers (for operating a house of ill-repute). They hit MSC last week and NCT the week before. I can't be in SF to see Littledove, but am curious as heck about her. If you visit MSC, I'd love to read a report. Just be cautious.

This is bad.  I lived in the Bay for years and had many hot encounters to completion with such stars as Alicia Rio, Kim Chambers, Alexandria Quinn, Raquel Divine and Jessica Jewel, not to mention others, in both MSC and NCT.  If they shut down the fun in those places, I guess it won't be long before I can't smoke a doobie at the Fillmore....FREEDOM NOW!!!!!

It is time to be careful, but there is no reason to "panic". A good deal of what is happening in SF may well be "political". The new DA has asked for "life" rather than the death penatly for an accused Cop Killer. She (the DA) is under a lot of heat. Also, there have been many, many complaints about ROBS at both MSC and NCT. These are legit complaints that management of these clubs have ignored.  There IS a lot of politics involved in all this, but rather than hijacking this thread about Littledove, let's just leave it at that. If you are really interested, PM me and I'll pass on what I've learned. In the long run, San Franciso would rather have ladies working "off the streets" than "on the streets" where they hurt tourism.


I stopped by the ole' Market Street Cinema to see what I could see and guess what? Jeanette Littledove wasn't there. Apparently, she did a few shows on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and decided she didn't want to finish the engagement (which was to have lasted through Tuesday, May 25th).

I'm not sure if she bounced for some undisclosed personal reason or if it was because to the low turn-out (likely due to the police raids that you guys referred to earlier). Either way, it was a disappointment.

I did see some recent photos of her posted in the place however. According to a bio of hers that I read, she'll be turning 37 in September (which makes me a few months older than she is) and she looked very good. She's rockin' blonde highlights now and her complexion is as deep and dark as ever. Very nice.

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