Porn Stars

Re:I hate to disagree
Sinnamon Love See my TER Reviews 9623 reads

But there are many ladies that charge rates much higher than myself anf others like me, without ever coming "above the radar." But I do understand your commentary. I don't look at what I do as simply taking someone's money... if I (& those like me) did we wouldn't receive such "stellar" reviews... Agin, you mention the lack of taking this one indidvual seriously, but you are here on a fairly regular basis... but to the person that just joined toda, would they view the thread the same way?


I finally got fed up with the flame war on the Thread about Doc. As long as you guys kept it just on Doc I had no problem, Doc can take care of himself. However it started to spread, so I have killed the whole thing.

If you people can't play nice I will just have to be more proactive about the personal attacks.


You know, once upon a time in a flegling internet kingdom called TER, there was a comment on the front pae of the site that simply stated that flame wars and negative comments would not be tolerated... As the site has become more commercial, Staff has opted to turn a blind eye to negative things said against providers, (porn stars or otherwise,) on the basis that the statements could be construed as "a negative review," and therefore a necessary evil to this site. I hope that they (Staff) as well as gentlemen posters realize, that vicious untruths and unwarranted attacks will one day make it to where not only will star providers no longer allow themsleves to be reviewed, but that they will start turning away gentlemen that even profess to be apart of such a community - making this site and others like it inconsquential once again. Soon, I believe I will indulge in one of my greatest fantasies; to build a website like the European based, - where providers are able to publicly warn one another about gentlemen that committ any number of offenses, from foul breath to stiffing the lady in question. Perhaps if our American lady firneds were to start utlizing such a public forum to bare their grieivances, gentlemen will start to think twice about what they say, truth of no, about the fairer sex...

Not that I'm planning to do such mind you, but I always thought this site was a Fabulous idea, and am just waiting for the opportunity to be brought about by someone...


A Spectator8695 reads

provider only sites available.  You can choose to participate in those places.  People will go where they are best served.

Some sites chose to have a provider only board.  A few hobbyists in other regional TER boards have been complaining about being wrongly placed in a blacklist by ladies.  There was also a post from a well known TER member who got the words back that a lady had been badmouthing some of her clients befind their backs.  That doesn't create confident for any of those ladies' potential clients.

If a lady doesn't want to be reviewed, it is her right.  Staff already accomodates that.  If inflammatory remarks or false accusations are posted, there is a moderator to clear things up.  So far, I think it has worked quite well in TER.  Generally speaking, in other regional boards, members have been able to post freely without much hand holding.  MichaelCA has done a good job as far as I can tell.

I think there are several reasons why this board is more combative compared to others - the stakes are higher for ladies in this board; the amount exchanged is bigger; the needs for maintaining public images are supreme; the info distributed national wide; admittingly most of the porn starlets publicly available have been in the industry for quite a while.  Many members have questions about their current looks and state of mind, hence the frequent questions about them.

I am not sure statement like this "if our American lady firneds were to start utlizing such a public forum to bare their grieivances, gentlemen will start to think twice about what they say, truth of no, about the fairer sex." gains you any friends in TER.  Most TER members participate here to get the truth with the help of being anonymous.  It is up to members to decide for themselves who is more credible.


I agree that people will go where they are best served. My comments were made as food for thought. Flame wars against providers don't gain any friends either. In fact, I rarely see gentlemen anymore, choosing instead to allow the ladies my agency represents to gain from my vast contact list instead. However, seeing as how we represent some of the premiere ladies of color in the industry, (that can not be found elsewhere, independently or through other sources,) I tend to think that means something... (Of course, I could be wrong.) Simply put, I really wanted to evoke thought. There are often things that are said by reviewers & posters, (yes, I recognize the difference in the two,) that are simply untrue - and from chatting with several ladies (of various racial backgrounds, industry status or not,) the change in the boards intended usage has become more frustrating that beneficial to many of them. To respond to your comments that, "I think there are several reasons why this board is more combative compared to others - the stakes are higher for ladies in this board; the amount exchanged is bigger; the needs for maintaining public images are supreme; the info distributed national wide; admittingly most of the porn starlets publicly available have been in the industry for quite a while..." You must recognize that other national porn star boards are not necessarily as ombative as this one. No person should be allowed to repeatedly attack another starting a flame war: whether that person is a client, provider, porn star or of any other ilk. There are unspoken rules that no provider should/ will be allowed to post personal information of a client - yet it took our current mod to get gents to see that posting a ladies direct information without her consent, (or it being listed on a public ad site,) is simply not ok. I agree that those that read my comments for the first time and did not already know my reputation might not want to become friends, however I believe that a lady reading this and other boards for the first time might not want to become friends with certain gents as well. There is a rule that says advertising ladies must place a TER Banner on their website for the right to link, but there is no regulation that says a gent must identify himself as a TER user in order to utilize either in the for of post or review the same site...

A few years ago when I first found this and other sites like it, I rejoiced. Here was a way for gentlemen callers to find out information about a lady he has interest in that no self-respecting agency or independent would reveal over the phone out of fear of LE. However over the years, the face of the boards have changed. Now, not so gentle men use the boards as a way to coerce or force ladies into submitting to certain acts that they deem a "must." Women that work in the skin trade are often referred to (and treated as imho,) as chattel for pleasure, instead of as lovely courtesans willing to please.

I met a man once that had a specific vision of what he wanted, and how we would achieve it based on his overall view of adult vids. After 2 visits, I realized that I was not giving him his fantasy because he had already laid a road map that for me made it impossible to physically to make this particular fantasy so. I implored him to lay his vision to the wayside and allow me to guide. His fantasy was achieved, and as a result I have now seen him over 30 times, (including 3 separate 2 girl experiences.)

When you say that Staff does a good job in moderation, tht is subjective. I personally have contated Staff about my profile and have never once received a response. There are thngs stated in my profile that are simply untruths. Things stated there that I would NEVER do with a gentlemen that I meet in a professional setting, current information about me, as well as information stated in reviews that are very well embleshments on the meeting (perhaps made to make the gent feel a sense of power or perhaps made to make him look special when another doesn't receive those same treatments.) While your comment about anonimity rings true, has anyone every thought about the damage one can do through such a cloud? A few people have said I swallow, (which I do not, & when asked by email I will & have said so,) but when a guy shows up with a copy of a review in hand expecting a play by play, it does more harm than good. I've actually spoken to other ladies that feel the same way. When a reviewer posts that he received special concideration yet doesn't note that he managed to go around the worlD and back again because he spent 3 or 4+ hours with her... another will walk through the door expecting to rush through the same paces in merely an hour, (AND OF COURSE WHEN THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN A FLAME WAR ENSUES!)

True it is up to TER members to determine who is more credible. But let's not forget that there is a new member (and lurker,) everyday (both potenteial client & provider) that does not have the benefit of your experience here. If a first time visiting lady saw you bad-mouthing another lady here and determined that she would never see you based on that one thread alone, would you blame her? No... the same train of though should be applied in reverse. After all, this is not a "clients only" board my Love... Anything can happen.

As for using providers' only boards that currently exist, we already do that and more. We backchannel one another for our safety and mental well being. I hope that the thought isn't that we aren't bright enough to do that! ;-)


Sinnamon says.........."I implored him to lay his vision to the wayside and allow me to guide. " ...................

Now this woman knows what I want!!!!
This is how I like it , no pain of course.

-- Modified on 6/5/2003 7:56:55 PM

Sinnamon, I'm really disappointed. I thought you knew better.

In this business, you sometimes have to take the bitter with the sweet. If not for TER, TBD, and the like, you (and most others) would be fortunate to get half your asking rate. Unfortunately, in a public forum the moderators are unable to prescreen the posters. Moreover, you have a problem with one guy-and it's not clear he got the right girl, not that the group at large is taking him seriously anyway. So, why the stress?

As Madam Alex liked to advise her charges, "You got the money, who cares what he thinks (says)?

But there are many ladies that charge rates much higher than myself anf others like me, without ever coming "above the radar." But I do understand your commentary. I don't look at what I do as simply taking someone's money... if I (& those like me) did we wouldn't receive such "stellar" reviews... Agin, you mention the lack of taking this one indidvual seriously, but you are here on a fairly regular basis... but to the person that just joined toda, would they view the thread the same way?


cocolicker11756 reads

There is an underground site that I came across that providers report about clients that don't show, are trouble.... It was based in the mid-west but can not recall the name.

jldick508657 reads

Gee whiz Michael you spoiled all our fun.

REFORMED9424 reads

Put the blame where it deserves to be, on Doc, we just responded to being attacked. It amazes me how YOU killed the whole thread and what a coincedence, Sinnamon Love complains about being reviewed. Michael CA, if someone has a terrible experience with a porn star IT IS NOT A PERSONAL ATTACK! I'm sure you've had some also, just because the porn star happens to be your friend should not affect the way you moderate this board.

I made the mistake of allowing Doc's post to stay on the board. Mistakenly, I thought that we could vent some of the aggravation on the board from those that thought LOTR is Doc. A little give and take with Doc, who can easily defend himself, would help vent some steam that was appearing in some of the threads and in private TER mails.

However, you along with a few others thought it was time to drag out some other things that had been discussed to death on previous threads. Your experience with Sinnamon was only one of the personal attacks made on people not mentioned anywhere else in the thread.

If you or anyone have a problem with my moderating of the board, I suggest you TER mail either Staff or Girl Next Door. They will gladly discuss any problems you may have.

I was a) surprised that Doc posted, and b) surprised that you let it stand. I don't think your thinking was faulty, but surely you understood what mischief this could cause.

Men see providers as a form of therapy, to a certain extent. Providers surely understand this, but to insist that all their clients be 100% non-dysfunctional emotionally is reaching. To suggest we are less because we're paying them to have sex with us is disingenuous and offensive. Particularly here, where this board has only helped them create a more inefficient market than it should be.

Problem with your moderating the board? I thought I was a funny guy, but I can't touch that.

I used the same argument (contact Staff or GND) and the whiners still whined and cried.

Finally, I got to the point where I ignored them, or laughed at them.

Often it seemed that the loudest people complaining were the ones who liked to create the most trouble, and were often in need of moderation.

Sounds more like Mike CA is making a decent attempt to satisfy all the parties concerned. And it is his time to waste, as he is this board's MOD. MfSD.

FYI Reformed, a formal review has yet to ever be posted by you on this site of anyone, including myself. You post, but a post is not a review.


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