Porn Stars

Re:Hef get out of the PJs..............
Boner Appetit 11447 reads

from what I hear his so called 20 girlfriends are "paid girlfriends".  Think about it why would a 20 year old something go out with a guy like Hef, unless she is getting paid or using him and his empire to get noticed.

already! I saw a piece on TV the other day. Hugh Hefner was giving a guided tour of the Playboy mansion and surrounding grounds. While interesting to me, in the sense of, this is how a rich, famous guy lives, the closet full of pajamas and smoking jackets was a bit silly.

As much as I admire the guy for his ground breaking lifestyle, the image of this 75 year old cavorting with his cavalcade of post pubescent betty boops, is getting a bit tired. I mean really, what in the world does he talk to these women about, the majority of which are young enough to be his grandaughters.

I spoke with a gal who has visited the mansion and knows one of Hef's 20 something girlfriends. Her take was the mansion wasn't all that, Hef was downing viagra by the box, his "act" was a bit lame, but that he was basically a nice, generous man.

Hef get out the PJs, buy some dockers and top siders, stop insuinating you're the world's greatest stud, and date a woman who's only young enough to be your daughter ( : MfSD.

-- Modified on 10/31/2002 10:23:57 AM

Although I agree he looks ridiculous, Hef's image is probably the biggest factor keeping Playboy afloat.  With the age of the internet, porn magazine sales are way down.  Penthouse is just about done.  Without Hef, I think Playboy is also done.

Lastly, the PJ's are actually more fitting today.  He fits in with all the other 75 year olds laying around in their pajamas.  He just has better looking nurses!  LOL

LOL, good take on the PJs San, but truthfully, he's been the wearing the damn things for the last twenty five years. I did hear that Playboy was going to get in to the hardcore porn biz, and market that line of products to hotel chains. Apparently there is a multi million dollar market out there for travelers who want to enjoy more harder edged erotica in the privacy of their rooms, and certainly the advent of the internet has cut in to magazine sales everwhere..

I would certainly be interested to see what "spin" the folks at PB would put on hard porn. Airbrushing women in to goddesses has made Hef a multi millonaire, but getting some of his beauty queens to swallow on cue, may be a difficlut sell.............MfSD.

PB is already in hardcore porn.  They purchased the Hot Network from Vivid Last year for a bundle(after selling to Vivid a couple of years earlier for a song) The also own the Spice Network.  The Playboy channel is currently showing hardcore porn after midnight(just started)

obviously following the money, like any erotica corporation would. Interestingly though, they have purchased existing concerns, as opposed to starting up a new operation, with new actors.......MfSD.

Boner Appetit11448 reads

from what I hear his so called 20 girlfriends are "paid girlfriends".  Think about it why would a 20 year old something go out with a guy like Hef, unless she is getting paid or using him and his empire to get noticed.

Well, one would speculate that the 20 something playmates themselves, some of them anyway, would be willing to trade s$x for, feature lay outs, video work (soft or hard), acting roles etc. As far as Hef dropping straight coin for s$x, I suppose it's possible, I mean Charlie Sheen did. But lets be honest, Sheen ain't Hef, and Hef has all those babes hanging out at his crib.......

According to my source, that claimed to know one of Hef's GFs, Hef was picking up her colege tuition and all associated costs, plus he provided her with a car, clothes, etc. The only deal Hef sems to have is, no accumulated assets. IOW he doesn't give away money, stock in PB, or other assets. Oh, according to my source, the last time she was out with Hef and this girl, he couldn't buy her a drink, because she's only 20 years old LOL. MfSD.

I've had the pleasure of meeting Hef a few times and I've hun out at the Mansion (girlfriend's sister-in-law was a playmate).  The mansion is really cool - a bit aged (lots of 70's Houston Astros-colored pillows), but very cool.  He does look ridiculous dancing with a bevy of hot 20 year olds around him, but God Bless him for it.  And he has a very clear understanding of the image he presents and why.  We should all be so lucky.  As for paying them, Hef takes care of all playmates.  He understands that his empire is built on them and is very willing to help them out.

BlindGuy12509 reads

Playmate Tina Jordan said on the Howard Stern Show said she got paid over $10K a month plus expenses to be Hefner's girlfriend and she said she had sex with Hefner.

Some of Hefner's girlfriends are for show. Playmate of the Year Dalene Curtis said on the Howard Stern Show she was paid to be Hefner's girlfriend but she said she did NOT have sex with Hefner.

fasteddie5110978 reads

The bottom line is, I'm sure Hef could care less about what anybody else thinks... and the guy is getting more bush than a weedwacker....

If I was in his position, I'd be doing exactly the same thing.  While the Damm Triplets are licking his shaft, I don't really think he's pondering how much it cost him.

-- Modified on 10/31/2002 2:54:47 PM

Ultimaetly we pay for it, one way or the other. It's all a matter of degree I suppose. Still, Hef is doing his part, keeping the LA economy primed. Not to mention the drug company that makes Viagra LOL MfSD.

jldick509950 reads

Do I sense a little jealousy?, and all you guys will be 75 some day, provided you don't do something stupid in the mean time.

Of course I'm jealous. What guy wouldn't be. Hef's been stroking all that prime time for 40 years now LOL MfSD.

Bonerdacious11988 reads

god bless Hef for screwing those young hotties....I know when I'm 75 I wont be screwing any young hotties much less the women I'm with at the time.

Forget the box of Viagra....If I were Hef I'd have an I.V. drip of the stuff going 24/7 with that crew he's paying for.

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