Porn Stars

Re:Head into some of the downtown dance clubs...
fasteddie51 14075 reads

You can tell Nikki is REALLY bored when she's posting at 8:30 in the morning...

Darlin' , you must have gotten a really good night's sleep!  I usually don't hear from you until the sun is directly overhead or later!  

The times I've called before noon (and after the first time, there's been VERY few others), the phone was answered by Nikki's grumpy, bitchy evil twin, Pussy DeVine!

NikkiDiamond9517 reads

OH MY GAWD!!!  WTF is there to do in this city???  Someone please cum play with me before I lose my friggen mind, besides I just broke uo with my S.O. and I'm in serious need of a hardcore grudgefuck!!!  EDDIE, where the hell are you when I need you dammit!!  Bring LA LaMann with you while you're at it, and Sadie too, it's extra super boring up here!!!!

Stop sugar coating it Nikki, let us know how you really feel  :-)

toddcummings7437 reads

Are you kidding me?

This may not be Florida, NY, or LA, but there's lots to do in Minneapolis...

Go to the Mall Of America... Win the mall over with your enormous breasts! Hit the bars there and gain ten pounds in phone numbers given out by pasty men who'll adore you!

Hit the downtown area... The bars are clean, and there's all sorts of fun to be had.

See a comedy show at Acme Comedy Club.

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN is showing at the Eden Prairie 18 theater in digital projection this week... it's great!

Who doesn't love the Minnesota Zoo?

Walk around one of our 10,000 lakes!

Or offer a special TER discount for Mpls men, and I'll be there in 10 minutes!

Try to have fun...

NikkiDiamond9023 reads

OK Done deal... book thru MC and mention the special "nikki is bored outta her skull in Minneapolis TER" rate and I'll throw in an extra half hour for ya to come love me long time.  It'll be 30 mins. less I have to worry about filling otherwise with drunken cow tipping or other such exciting activities...
MOVIE?  They let you smoke and drink in movie theatres up here????

Tough to do a good moderating job with this horny blonde slut posting all these pleas to get it on. :)

NikkiDiamond10246 reads

Sorry Todd, I HAD to take the cowtipping jab.... it was impossible to resist...
thanks so much for your super suggestions, I actually walked around the skywalk thingy (very nice idea, no waiting to cross traffic before spending way too much money shopping, the wives up here must be so happy!!!) but you have to admit, it's not exactly what you'd call a late nite crowd... I'll remember the pasty admirers, tonight my hotel was full of shriners with the little fez things with the tassels on their hats, and I could only think 2 things when I saw them... 1.Hey guys wanna see a cool thing i can do with 2 of those tassels?? and 2. I really think Fred and Barneys waterbison hats in the flinstones were far less gay looking! hehehehe

RustNeverSleeps8564 reads

...where some players from the Minnesota Vikings will have a shoot out with the other patrons for you.

NikkiDiamond9815 reads

I noticed all the signs up here stating which places you can and cannot carry guns into, and immediately thought I should drag Miss Montana Gunns up here so we could make the obvious smartass remark "where do we check these bad boys????"
(sigh, the missed opportunity to be smart alec...)
way too much time on my hands, eh?

fasteddie5114076 reads

You can tell Nikki is REALLY bored when she's posting at 8:30 in the morning...

Darlin' , you must have gotten a really good night's sleep!  I usually don't hear from you until the sun is directly overhead or later!  

The times I've called before noon (and after the first time, there's been VERY few others), the phone was answered by Nikki's grumpy, bitchy evil twin, Pussy DeVine!

NikkiDiamond7596 reads

Hey Ed!
Miss Pussycat DeVine says you know that all you have to do is stroke her the right way and she'll be purring like a kitten in no time!!!  (probably not at 8:30 in the morning though...
Actually, someone had the nerve to get me up for a 10am appt and then no show on me... meeeeeeeeeeeeeow! (hisss pffft)
Thank god a fabulous Minnesotan took up the slack and kept me entertained for a good portion of the afternoon.  I also found out my girl Jenn Steele is here this evening so if anyone would like to risk cardiac arrest, a double the pleasure session would not be a totally bad idea.... BOYS??? Any Takers????

fasteddie518310 reads

OK, OK.... let's see, I can get a 11:15pm plane out of Philly, be in Minn. around 1:am CDT... Can you promise I'll be back for work tomorrow morning at 9 am?

Oh my!! Nikki, I have not had the pleasure of meeting you yet but can only magine the devastation you both would have on a man. I was barely able to walk let alone talk after I met both Montana and Jennifer together in NYC. Tell Jennifer her tiger from DC said hello. Now I am sure Eddie would agee that get you, Jennifer and Montana in a room and I am there with bells on in a flash. :) Hang in there up there in Mall of America land and hope to see you soon here in DC


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