Porn Stars

Re:GreenLantern, you're missing the point.
GreenLantern1973 3327 reads

"If she loses it over such a simple question she is probably a flake."

Look, we all (providers & hobbysits) hate to be labeled & objectified, correct?  Well, that's what ritchie has done here & he should apologize.  Also, everyone reacts when asked the "Do You Provide" question differently.  We should respect that all adult film stars have a right to an individual opinion and not say because they weren't quiet & polite that they aren't a good person.  I hope this makes sense.

Calling someone a flake because she doesn't escort or has a bad reaction to the inquiry if she escorts is VERY ill-mannered & disrespectful.  How do you know she wasn't having a bad day?  I met Lisa Ann twice when she featured in my area & she was totally gracious to me.  I don't know what Lisa Ann's email address is now that she has retired from the biz but if I did, I'd send it to you via PM for you to send an apology to her.

When you're in here, please honor everyone's right to participate/not participate in this hobby.  It will reflect better on all of us.

Lisa Ann was not called a flake because she doesn't escort.  Her response to a simple question as to whether or not she escorts was way out of line.  If the answer is no, it's no, end of discussion.  She didn't have to blow up at the person asking.

Her so-called "tough East Coast attitude" was no excuse, the way she responded to the question was innappropriate.  People like her are why I left New York over ten years ago and headed to greener pastures out west.

"If she loses it over such a simple question she is probably a flake."

Look, we all (providers & hobbysits) hate to be labeled & objectified, correct?  Well, that's what ritchie has done here & he should apologize.  Also, everyone reacts when asked the "Do You Provide" question differently.  We should respect that all adult film stars have a right to an individual opinion and not say because they weren't quiet & polite that they aren't a good person.  I hope this makes sense.

You're entitled to your opinions, but if someone gets huffy with me for whatever reason, your comments would be the last thing on my mind.  I personally don't go around shilling and making excuses for people who behave badly.  The fact that she doesn't escort isn't the issue, her negative attitude is.  We all have bad days, but that's no excuse.

-- Modified on 12/15/2003 2:59:10 PM

Dude, I'm not shilling for Lisa Ann.  She's retired from film work and feature dancing & doesn't escort.  HTF is that shilling?  I'm trying to defend someone who isn't here to defend herself.  Devon doesn't escort either, are you going to call her a flake for not providing?  If a girl doesn't provide, don't rip her a new one for not being all cheers & smiles when asked!  Some girls have a negative attitiude due to religious upbringing ref providing & nothing you will say can change that ingrained attitude.  That's my final word on this.

ritchie2249 reads

OH the mighty Green Lantern has spoken!! Did you read my response?

You're allowed your opinion but name calling isn't allowed here per the rules.  Besides if you want the right to your opinion, you must allow Lisa Ann the right to hers.  Respect is a 2 way street.

ritchie3659 reads

Are you the moderator? Have the moderator contact me if there is a problem with my post. You dont have the authority to correct me. I did not call her a name. All I said was that if she reacted that way she was probably a flake. Because it seems childish to react that way from a simple question. If you spoke to her and she is a nice person like you said then that is fine but I still stand by my opinion. Why dont you just relax and stop trying to correct everyone when they say something you dont approve of. No one can teach me anything if I choose not to listen, especially you. Again have the mod contact me if there is a problem but you can go where  you know. If you are friends with a PS provider or know them or whatever remember that they are your friends and that not everyone will have the same opinion of them. Defending ones friends or aquaintences is silly cause no matter what people still have an opinion and can state it when they want. If there was a problem the moderator would have not allowed my post to go thru but he did so please mind your own business and stop your moderating, we already have one.

DEENA DUOS4073 reads

I have to say that not all east coast folks are rude and I find it insulting that you suggest that we are the reason you left N.Y  When I fist came to Vegas I found that many folks from here felt that same way,till they got to know me that is,then they found a true friend and one that would never let them down.So watch how you put it dear because it hurts my feelings and maybe some others to think that you think that way.Happy Holidays

ritchie4256 reads

Even if you gave it to me she would nevr get an apology from me. I am allowed to my opinion and will stick by my response. Anyone who becomes rude or huffy because of one question needs to calm down, grow up or be on medication. Never will you hear an apology for my response.

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