Porn Stars

Re:exotica200 looses money for the client, in it for themselves
dogbone 60 Reviews 8484 reads
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I can’t believe these people. You call and try to make an appointment and they actually hassle you when you request a very small discount for multiple hours.

Example: LA Mann while touring was visiting my city so I called and asked of her availability. I was told she was wide open from 6:00pm until the end of her evening. OK great I was then quoted $1500 for the hour. So I counter offer $2750 for two hours. I don’t think I was being rude or insulting as it was 5:30pm and I wanted 6:00pm. Well let me tell you I was treated very rudely and abruptly told “OH NO, she is the most popular girl and we could never do that.” So I got upset and said fine maybe next time and hung up. Having had this problem in the past with exotica2000 I called a friend and asked him to call at 6:15pm and see what she had open. Well low and behold she was still available. He called again at 6:45pm and still free. 7:15pm the same thing.

I think you get the picture that Exotica200 is horrible to deal with. LA if you read this let me know if you would have seen me for the $2750 for two hours instead of sitting in your hotel room with no one. They never even said let me call her and see if that’s OK.

NO more with them ever. I refuse to call this agency no matter whom I want to see or how bad I want to see them. They are in it for themselves not the girls and certainly not me the client. To bad because they handle all the majors but Body Miracle and a few others do as well and I hope the put them out of business some day.

Body Miracle is so much easier to deal with and they treat the client, me with respect.

This is just a hunch but I think LA would want to know why she was lonely for two hours when she could have had company with a simple phone call to request a mere $250 discount for the appointment.

To bad I’m sure a lot of girls go unseen because of these jack asses.

boulous 8433 reads
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You know something similiar happened to me yesterday.  I went to buy gas at a gas was completely empty, I wanted the super octane...I offered to pay the base gas price...they told me no.  Everything has a price, if you want filet mignon you have to pay the price.  If they give you a $250.00 discount then the next person would want a $500.00 discount.

colhogan 7 Reviews 6839 reads
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carlspackler 7968 reads
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I think I  understand where Exotica is coming from by not discounting you.

Sure they lost out on some money by having her coochie sit idle, however they still have price integrity for all her future bookings.

Had they accepted your offer to fill her time they would have made a few hundred bucks now but word would get out that one could haggle them down to a lower rate and nobody would be willing to pay the higher rate in the future. Ultimately they would lose a lot more than what they gained by accepting your offer.

hr8675309 1 Reviews 8911 reads
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At the last minute there really wouldn't be much chance for them to do much screening - one of the main reason the ladies use the agencies.

But he did make a pretty good offer considering she was available - it's not like he offered $300.

singleton 5 Reviews 8013 reads
6 / 20

i can't imagine a "retail" bizness anywhere in the world, regardless of the sale item, that would treat customers like that when transacting business to the tune of $$$$/hr!

it's like the guy behind the counter at Tiffany's yelling at the customer: "hurry the f**k up and make up your mind already!"

ga_kosh 22 Reviews 9930 reads
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Exotica maintains price integrity now and in the future.  They may even hold a higher price standard for PSEs, but I can respect them. Obviously, some guys can afford to pay full price.

I'm not saying you're wrong for trying dogbone, and I don't know you from Adam, but....

With GFE, I pay full price once or twice and establish a good rapport with the provider.  Then I MAY inquire about a lower fee b/c I'm 'a repeat client'. She might say yes and I'll see her more often. OR She some say no and I see her only when I feel like paying the higher price. Sure, a lower fee gets more visits but whether that's worth it or not is up to the provider or the agency with which she associates.

In any service industry, there are fees that are negotiable.  The folks who are nice, respectful, and deserving may get a price break for a lot of service.  Assholes get charged full price or may even double.

I imagine I'd treat PSEs the same as GFEs, but will only see a provider for the amount of time I deem of value. If it's $1500 an hour, 3000 for two hours and I have 2750, then I pay for an hour, build my rapport, and so on.

Feel free to disagree.

2sense 7185 reads
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There are other economic models that might be applicable.

If you are flying commercially and look around at the occupied seats, you will find widely disparate prices paid for the seats. It's in the airlines' interest to maintain a high "load factor", even if some of the seats have to be discounted. After all, once the plane has left the gate, the value of any unoccupied seat to the airline is just $0.00. So the airlines engage in multiple discounting schemes, but don't widely advertise these practices.

There are some analogies to the provider's economic situation. Ideally, she would like to maintain a high load factor at premium rates. In this case, her agent (i.e., Exotica-2000) would rather have a "zero" load factor for those 2 hours than accept a ~10% discount. Since it is unlikely that the client would have been announcing his discount from the tree tops and the provider could have still maintained her premium rate, it would have been win-win-win for all three parties. Instead, it was lose-lose-lose, particularly for Exotica-2000 since now there is a disgruntled potential client going public on a popular board.

But hey, who wants to be logical these days, anyways.

jldick50 8964 reads
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This is one of the few things that LOTR and I can agree apon and we don't agree about much, but always try and book direct and every thing in life is negotiable and if they don't want to negotiate walk away, there are plenty of fish in the sea.


Lord Of The Rings 7268 reads
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As popular as we might think this and other boards are we don't compose any threat to these agencies. The corporate king pins are the ones maintaining these agencies and they can care less how much any agency they chose would charge them since it isn't their money.

Book Direct, avoiding the hazzle and B.S. and always practice safe sex.


obviously 9593 reads
12 / 20

Unfortunately, you have no leverage in this transaction.

Same principle as walking into a Las Vegas casino with only $1000
expecting them to wait on you hand and foot. Won't happen. But,
if you regularly play $1M or more, then certainly they will
accomodate you.

If you consider that maybe the girls are not fully booked any
way, and that maybe they're only 60% busy, then you are
just a part of the of the 40%.

Business is business.

colhogan 7 Reviews 9264 reads
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It really suprises me that so many people on this board are being narrow minded. he offered them 2750.00 for 2 hours .
many of the pornstars discount there rate starting at 1100.00to 1300.00. the economy is not actually booming  people have to make concessions every body needs to help out   i am sure that porn star would have accepted 2750.00 rather than not making anything at all i have talked to many un happy that have tried to deal with erotica2000  they are plane rude on the phone after all we live in america and have freedom of speach and the right to fair trade the best thing to do is try to book direct always

col hogan
USAF ret.

fasteddie51 9337 reads
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Most pornstars would be happy to give a small discount (which yours certainly was) for a two hour appointment rather than sitting on their butts.  And truthfully, it may smart for the agency to occasionally offer a "deal", but you have to talk to the right person.

It's possible that if the owner of the agency was taking the call, she might have been willing to consider a reasonable discount.  If a girl sits around with little or no bookings, she's less likely to want to continue to tour with that agency.  So it's sometimes in the best interest of the agency to negotiate.  Actually, most will.

You didn't mention what city, but keep in mind that NYC is a cash cow for most of the girls (although it's not what it used to be).  So if your city was the Big Apple, the phone girl probably figured that she wouldn't have any problem filling the spots at full price... as it turned out she was wrong, but it's may be that not being able to fill those hours were the exception, not the rule.

Also, usually the phone girl gets a comission on each booking she makes... She might get a reduced or no comission for a discounted booking, hence her reluctance to negotiate.  If you're going to make a counter offer, always try to speak to the agency owner... you won't always be able to do that, but if you can, you're talking to the decision maker, and are more likely to be successful.

Another thing you might have done was to give the phone girl you number and tell her if she doesn't fill the time slots and wants to accept your offer, to give you a call... conversely, you could have called the agecny back at 9 or 10 and made the offer again.. with less hours left to book, they might have been willing to take something rather than have LA go "blank" for the night.  Something to consider in the future.

MBB 13779 reads
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If we're allowed to haggle for lower fees should we be upset if the provider wants more when we show up?  I'm not being a smartass, I would like to know what people think.

Lord Of The Rings 9587 reads
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The provider is under contract with the agency for the time agreed. If you are able to negotiate a lower rate with the agency, it should be considered as final and irrevocable. You can still tip the provider if you think she went the extra mile for you but you are not obligated to do such thing.

What some of the guys do that I occasionally also do is to bring them some gifts that they might like such as perfume, chocolates and others that they might have in their wish list.

Again, always try booking direct, avoiding hassles and incompetent phone girl robots that all they are doing is their job while hustling for their small commission.


fasteddie51 9508 reads
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It's not a valid comparison, because any "haggling" should be done before the meeting takes place.  You don't show up at the girl's door and say, hey, I know we agreed to $1500, but would you take $1200?  Negotiations need to be done in advance through email or phone contact with the girl... at that time she has the choice of offering a discount or standing firm on her price, at which time you have the choice to say yes, no, or make a counter offer.

So to answer your question, yes, of course you have the right to be upset if upon arrival she tells you it's going to be more money... you also have the choice to turn around and walk out the door, and if the little head isn't thinking for the big one, it's what any intelligent person would do.

colhogan 7 Reviews 8265 reads
18 / 20

These hi priced agencys should remember if it wer not for the FANS these women would sit around i have been told by providers erotica gets 500 per 1 hour booking  why not be happy with 250 after all the agence only answers the phone and screens big deal that takes 5 minutes  a lot of these porn stars are wiseing up to what the agency does behind closed doors  and booking direct
i think that LOTR has the best plan go direct when possible
you will get a better deal and will less likley to be rushed
i have no problem with a provider getting 1200.00 for the hour but the agency is getting greedy

col hogan

Number 6 124 Reviews 8318 reads
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The caddymaster is dead on. Just because you won't pay $3K for two hours doesn't mean someone else won't, nor does it mean E2K can't get it.

Tovarich, it's not personal, just business.

Lord Of The Rings 8820 reads
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Can NOW be booked direct, the rest of the most seeked ladies should follow suit.

Ladies, gives us a chance to prove that you are better off w/o an agency. If you want to screen us, there are companies that can do this for you for a minimal, only if you don't have the time or a personal computer.


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