Porn Stars

Re:Caramel....too badconfused_smile
BIGPOPPA21220 25 Reviews 8716 reads

A person who has posted on here many times before has met Caramel a few times before and said she is incredible

So after all this time I finally got a hold of Caramel and she quoted 1k per hour, which is in itself very steep but hey, she has been my favorite porn star for a while.
She did want to meet at a restaurant in which I replied for 1k an hour I do not want to go to a restaurant but want to have a "play" session only.
So she replied "We will have to meet up for lunch or dinner first, so I can get to know you better. If not then forget about it."

So I told her to forget about it...Even if I could afford it I think that's pretty fucked up, 1k for a lunch.

Very sad. But I guess good for her, she obviously does not need to do this or she would be a little more customer friendly.

I'd still like to know if anyone else had any experiences with her.

i don't even know who Caramel is, but just reading your post, it sounded to me like she may have wanted to meet for lunch before doing the nasty and not in place of it (possibly with her having the option to back out?) and not that lunch itself would be on the clock. did she actually say that?  or was she insisting on charging for lunch as well?

if it was the latter case, then yes that's a bit ludicrous (never heard of providers doing that outside a specifically arranged multi-hour "dinner date"). if it was the former (as i suspect) then is that really such a bad thing? and if it's free?  especially if she's one of your favourites? frankly, i'd LIKE to spend some vertical time with an ATF, just talking or goofing off, whatever

dunno, maybe there's something i'm missing here


sometimes i actually insist on something like this with a high-end GFE  ($500+/hr) just to make sure she's not a bitch or that we lack chemistry or whatever.  it's usually over a drink (or perhaps lunch) and frankly the $20-$30s you pay to find out is well worth it. however these little "get-to-know-you" deals are definitely OFF the clock ... and then of course there are days when you have no time to waste and just want to get your freak on and do it quick and unfettered by [cough] niceties  ;-)

I would not mind at all getting together with her for lunch or dinner if it's not on the clock (actually I would love that)and in my reply I asked about that but the dinner would have been on the clock which means I would have had to spend at least 2 k....and that's just not cool.

ps you said you don't know who she is here's her web site

so in effect her rate is $2K/hr (for one hour of sex) ... uh huh ...

[Dr. Evil-esque] Rrrrrright !

was she a "legend" alongside Ginger and Amber and i just happened to miss it?  


That is nuts charging you 1K for meeting over dinner. Besides i never heard of her  there are many others out there

jldick508607 reads

Mr Singleton in your post you stated "Sometimes i actually insist on something like this with a high-end GFE ($500+/hr) just to make sure she's not a bitch", interesting choice of words coming from a man who has accused me of insulting women, you have never heard me use this word regarding women and you won't, why because I find the term degrading, but thats a story for another day. My real question is this, you have five reviews and you gave the ladies in question the following donations, Fantasy 300, Ada 200, Logan 500, Samantha of Washington/DC 250 and lastly your ATF (thats all time favorite) Samantha Sterlying 1200, now only two of these ladies are in the ($500+/hr) group, Logan and Samantha Sterling, so which of these lovely ladies did you give the bitch test to, Logan or Samantha Sterlying and did they both get your bitch seal of approval or did one of them fail?, please tell us, inquiring minds want to know, my guess is that you never took any of these lovely ladies out to lunch or dinner or you would have mentioned it in your review. Let me ask you Singleton, do you ever read any of the stuff that you post?, or do you just make it up as you go along. (ROTFLMAO)

since you posted a reasonable query in a civil tone, i will be happy to answer you (though i think just about anyone can already guess and predict the answers i'm about to give -- because they are so obvious)

1. the use of the term "bitch" is not demeaning to women (or at least not as much as you're trying to make it sound). its male equivalent would be "jerk" or "asshole" and these are individual traits and their use does not typecast the whole gender. afterall women call each other "bitch" (in fact some women on TER boards have used it in variuos forms, including in its joking sense: "bitch betta have my money" and so on  (believe me there are many examples on other TER boards i can cite, like "Ann Coulter is a bitch" or "Gloria Allred" etc).  bitch can mean many things (see dictionary) a female dog in heat or the more common or colloquial definition: a woman who's a ball-buster, rude, has a "bitchy" attitude or generally comes across as odious (to both men and women) ... now "whore" is another matter entirely, but i think i've already made it clear what my view of men's use of that term is

2. frankly, i really don't understand why this dinner business is so hard for you to grasp, in regards to my TER reviews. do you think the 5 providers i've reviewed in the last 6 months on TER is the sum total of all the providers i've seen in 15 years?  you have NO reviews (i believe your excuse was "i don't kiss and tell" so is that any different from me not telling?), what else can one assume about you? ... but to answer you question truthfully, i took none of them out to dinner (though one did say she'd be glad to go out to dinner with me the next time she passed through town, off the clock). to be honest even if i HAD taken any of them out to lunch/dinner i wouldn't have bothered mentioning it in a review anyway cuz it's not pertinent IMHO   (plus not every provider likes it to be known that she's willing to do this with just any old Tom Dick and Harry)

3.  as to whether i read what i post the answer is yes (to check for misspelling, awkward syntax, punctuation and whatnot -- you might say it's what i do for a living, writing that is). btw i have noticed that your posts seem to have an unusually high number of read counts.  do you know why this is?  do you  have lots of friends here that only click on your posts in a thread? cuz you see there's a natural tendenccy for the read counts to decay (exponentially) the deeper one goes down a thread (it must be due to folks' attention span fading).  whenever one sees a deviation from this pattern, one has to wonder!


now since i did you the courtesy of answering your questions and hopefully cleared up my attitude towards providers and women in general (that you questioned), would you care to clarify what YOU meant by the comments you made about Samantha Sterlyng?  ... did it ever occur to you that saying or implying that a PSE is worth less than she's (currently) charging may be insulting her?  implying that at some point in time she was so desperate as to be "happy to get $400" and comments like that directed towards an established pornstar(let) with over 300+ movies to her credit? ... or that referring to her (now ex-) husband may be hurtful to her (after the dissolution of the relationship and the difficulties of divorce etc)?  is this any of our business? does it add to the knowledge base?  

fasteddie517601 reads

A little off subject, but this brings up something that I always found ummm.... interesting.  Not so much in PSE's, but in internet providers with websites.

Most have their hourly rate at just for example, $400/hr, two hours for $700, then a four hour  "dinner date" at $1200.  Now unless you're going to a restaurant in her hotel or near her in-call location, dinner is at least an hour and a half affair, more likely two hours if you take her to a nice place... and even if it is in the hotel, it's a good hour.  So in essence you're paying her a minimum of $300, and more likely $450 to $600 PLUS the cost of the meal just for the privilege of having dinner with her.

I love to get to know a lady before the session gets hot and heavy, and I will usually ask her if she'd like to have dinner before our SCHEDULED private time, not PART of it.  But I wonder just how many guys actually choose the "dinner date" session as their preferred booking arrangement?

oh yes ... what a privilege indeed ... now remind me again, which is it that one actually has to pay for, a "privilege" or a "right"?!  LOL

in ~15 years of hobbying (going way way back before there even was a TER and web pages with fanciful rates and presumptuous wish-lists) i've never _once_ paid for a gal's time during lunch/dinner/etc  ... and don't intend do start now (sorry, just don't see the logic of it) ... and if they decline because they say they could be using that time to "work" and earn money, i simply say, by all means go ahead and earn that money (and feed yourself)

so to answer your question ... NO, never have booked dinner dates (never will) ... and yet YES, have been on many of them, off the clock  :-)


since i'm so quick and handy with links today ...

jldick507761 reads

I always schedule lunch or dinner after our session, and about half the time, the ladies pick up the check, so its never a problem.

Which caramel is this one, if it was the ebony one, that would really be interesting, as I met her last week at a strip club in Bellflower, she just started there. I am attaching a picture of the one I met. If it is her she has a web site maybe you can hook up at the club to get to know each other then proceed from there.

yep that's the she's at a strip club...hmmh.
which club?

btw a quick update I got another email back from her.
my question: "a thousand dollars for lunch?"
her reply: "No lunch is going to be $300, then once I get to know you better we could set something up for $1,000.

so it looks like two meetings, god this is so simple, get a refference from a provider you know and on with the show.
If someone would have seen her and given a good review I probably would do it but with all that bullshit I'm afraid that the session would be terrible.

if you watch some of her movies you'd agree that's she's amazing (if you like black women I believe she's the hottest one out there).

ritchie7467 reads

Yes she is fantastic! I was thinking about setting something up with her but now I am not so sure. I refuse to pay for a dinner date $300. I will meet with a pornstar at a restaurant of her choice and have dinner/lunch and it would be my treat to see if we click but I will not pay you for the "pleasure" of having dinner with you. Give me a break. Are we that hard up?

There is only one strip club in Bellflower, that is Fritz, It is on the corner of Artesia blvd. and Bellflower, off the 91 freeway.  She told me that she just started there and that she was working at Stars proir to this.  Instead of meeting her for lunch find out when she is going into Fritz and meet her their, that way you can save somewhat on the lunch, and maybe neg. a better price.  This is the same Club that Mercedes Ashley use to work at for years until she got too busy with her stripping company that she runs.  You may want to hook up with mercedes she is a lot less expensive at 4$.

I'll probably check her out at fritz. Thanks for the info

PS I did meet up with mercedez and had a fun time. I just didn't post a review since she got banned from ter a while back and I figured it wouldn't be published anyways but she was fun

A person who has posted on here many times before has met Caramel a few times before and said she is incredible

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