Porn Stars

Re:ATTN: LADIES IN NYC Samantha Sterlyng RIPPED OFF>>smell's through out & see below!!
HO_DUDE 7671 reads

i have a friend who is now one of the top porn star's who also tour's. she told that some of the men smell or have bad breath. i advised her not to even see them or through them in the shower with a tooth brush. i was not kidding her, there is no reason you should even have to put up with it!! now put the shoe on the other foot, if the provider had the same as i listed above i would turn around & just plain old leave!! thank God you are ok, for it was only money & not you!!

I am now in NYC and my first private meeting didnt go as well as planned and I WANT ALL NYC girls to read this. A gentleman by the name of [edited by moderator] a 6ft tall dark skinned MIDDLE EASTERN MAN, more details if you wante me for them. he laid his donation down on table, I checked it to verify all funds, after the meeting i jumped into the shower to clean up after the messy romp and he LEAVES with HIS $$$$$ and left me $5 in $1 bills. I tried to get out the door to see him, and nothing. He now wont answer his phone of course and left me dicked!!! PLEASE BE WARNED LADIES PLEASE!!!!! ANY ADVICE?????

-- Modified on 9/23/2003 6:25:01 PM

I'm glad you're safe Samantha and I appreciate the need to share this info with the other ladies. However, you can't out this person on TER. Ladies, as Samantha suggested, you can contact her directly for more information.


the rat-fuck son-of-a-bitch deserves a face-lift with brass knuckles ... if only i was in NYC !!! ... the important thing is you're safe

but thirsty, she can always give out the last 4-digits of his cell or something (this has been done before on this board) and it's a lot faster and way more efficient than Samantha contacting the dozens of providers one-by-one by herself ... i'd like to think that's precisely how this board can be of help in situations like this

Samantha I'm so sorry that this happened to you! I think it sucks that guys would even say, "At least you're okay." I know what you're going through... there's nothing more violating that giving yourself to someone for a period of time, allow them to use you for their personal pleasure and then be ripped off. As if we do this for the pleasure and thrill alone... I also think it sucks that you can't post his screenname, first name or some identifier to help others instantly. If you were a guy and he was a porn star you could post his name, site and email address with no problem... But then again, the boardsaren't really for us it was said a couple of weeks ago...

There was a ring of guys in Boston that used to pass counterfeit on a first visit with a traveling provider in order to case her & her hotel then have a different guy book an appointment on a latter appointment and steal her computer, money, anything of value you a girl might have...

Come to think about it, there was also a guy in D.C. that was on a personal crusade to help girls by stopping a rip off artist in the area by posting his info on that board to spread the details to as many girls as possible...

Boy, whatever happened to the good old days...

I hope you can recover from this and feel okay enough to continue your trip.

if you need me shoot me an email... I'll give you my private number.

love, Sinn

Both you and the guys are right Sinn, We are of course happy to hear Sam is allright, but also to think some jack-off would do that makes me sick to my stomach, God I would just love to wrap my hands around his neck a choke the crap out of him, It's assholes like that, that ruin it for the nice guys. Please Sam don't think that everyone is going to treat you this way, I'm sure you have met enough nice guys in the hobby to know better :)

I hope whoever did this is reading this thread and you know that Sam is going to tell every provider she can about your little dicked ass and it's kind of fitting that you left $5, because after this you won't be able to see anything except some $5 toothless 65 year old crack whore on the street corner, you worthless pile of shit. Sorry that the Mod won't let you post his name, thats the least of his worrys, Maybe me and Singleton should start a posse up a hunt this guy down. So Sorry that this sack of snot did this to you, even though I'm sure that don't help you right now

well, i'm gonna go out on a limb here, but had this happened in Boston i could easily settle the matter with a phone call and a couple of bills (and his ID)  ... some members of my "extended family" in the North End would be more than happy to see to it that this individual doesn't "walk" for a couple of months!


and lest this point was lost in all the "noise" ... THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT SAMMANTHA WAS NOT HARMED AND IS PHYSICALLY OK!


The original post contained full name and phone number but your suggestion is fine. I didn't save the info so Samantha, if you repost the phone number, I'll add the last 4 digits into the original post.


kikid7054 reads

Wow, this guy gets around! Something very similar happened to me my last trip in DC.

jldick508970 reads

Iam sorry Samantha thats awful, the important thing is that you are safe and he only took your money and didn't harm you, did you call the police?.

as always

David4539710 reads

Ring ring..911...

"Well, you see I'm only in town for a few days and I had a friend of mine visiting me in my hotel room he was supposed to leave me $500 for a gift he was supposed to buy me, but left only $5, can you help me?"

 Calling the police doesn't sound like much of an option unless it is a dangerous situation. It sounds like Samantha just ran into a deadbeat/conman. Sorry to hear that happened to you Sammy.

pinklips8644 reads

To jldick50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,What planet do you live on???

-- Modified on 9/24/2003 7:20:26 AM

-- Modified on 9/24/2003 7:21:15 AM

Kathy, you'll have excuse jldick50  ... on his planet all providers are "whores" and all cops rush to their rescue!


jldick508381 reads

Singleton there you go again using the W word again and it was you who called a woman a whore, I just corrected your definition, so if you are going to dump on me at least get the story straight.

as always

nice (but pathetic) try ... you must really think everyone else is an idiot to be back-pedaling like this all of a sudden ... Mia i hope you're paying attention ... this (below) is what i was talking about on Eddie's Yahoo group

(C) jldick50  9/9/2003 9:37:52 AM

'WHORE: a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse for money [...] we all know what these ladies are [...] you know Singleton its like the old joke "we already know what you are sweetheart, were just negotiating the price", and everyone on this board both player and provider knows what they are' -- jldick50


jldick507476 reads

Singleton, not everyone is an idiot, just you man and you are a real piece of work.

as always

fine, i'm an idiot, let's move on ... also let's move past the fact that you have some gall to come putzing around in this thread like the usual ass-clown that you are, given that you've already insulted Samantha TWICE in the past already (both times in her own threads)... if i had to rip you a new one everytime you deserved it, you'd be an 18-hole golf course by now! and i'd be doing a disservice to all the juniors here who can't afford more than $400 for a girl (your legions of admirers)

frankly, i'm tired of bitch-slapping you around on every board (let alone trying to reason with you) so out of respect for some of your gal pals i'm gonna try to actually HELP YOU (and them) for a change, although this too may be futile

it's great that you brought Mia Domore on board, she's a darling and i've always said the more women the better. but what you can't understand is that not only are you NOT helping her, you're actually HURTING her (and her future career) ... i wish her all the best, but let's be mindful of the fact that she's relatively new to the biz (if not "escorting" per se) and has to settle into TER proper ... not to mention that she has about coupla years, coupla hunderd movies, coupla awards, coupla TV network/cable appearances, coupla side-franchises and coupla columns SHORT of being mentioned in the same breath as Samantha -- let alone some of the more senior and respected porn STARS on this board, like Kathy with whom you're also putzing around in this thread!

if you acted your age (53?), were truly respected by men and women alike, behaved like a gentleman, had an air of dignity about you and could converse with others like an intelligent and erudite man, THEN, you could pull of "promoting" Mia, Cumisha, Lena et al,  and actually do them a service ... but as it is, you fall pitifully short of the mark and come off as just another "low-rent pimp" LA Loser(TM) and by way of association you denigrate those around you.  sure you're quick-n-dandy with securing them quick bucks by giving out their info at the drop of a hat (even when it's not requested), but ultimately you're NOT helping these girls with a (respectful) PSE career one jot

this week alone i had two virtual strangers PM me telling me what an assinine jerk you are and how your incessant and childlike promotion of these girls is hurting their business  (if you want a hint of how it's done right, look to GL) ... and you may THINK Carrera is in love with you, but her friends and well-wishers would really prefer it if you would just butt out

so go ahead, be yourself and see where that get's them ... and i'll stay the idiot that i am

jldick507269 reads

Singleton at least we are in agreement on one thing, you admitted to being an idiot"...and I'll stay the idiot that i am", I hope I got that right. Singleton it is you who are in LOVE with Samantha and I have told you over and over, you are looking for love in all the wrong places, Sam is a working girl and she doesn't even know you exist. Now as far as Carrera we are friends and we have mutual friends and we help each other out, I dont know who you were talking with, probably Vegas Bob from the Sox Board I mean Sports Board I mean Boston Board, and he is no friend of mine. Now as far as hurting the girls, every time I mention their name or I get some one like you to do it for me, their number of privates, goes up, go figure, I guess the rest of the crowd doesnt think like you or maybe you don't think at all, just a thought. While you brought up private mails, I had a well known producer of Fetish Videos PM me wanting to know "WTF is Singletons problem" acting like a player and an expert on Porn Stars when every one knows hes a newbie. So take it easy Singleton, you seem so tense these days and that isn't good, the TER is supposed to be about entertainment. Oh by the way, I haven't been 53 for years, but if you take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid(that will be the hard part) you will be as old as me some day(ROTFLMAS).

as always

I haven't been here very long and I'm already tired of reading about this private war. Am I the only one here who feels this way? Why don't you take this outside or to email.


-- Modified on 9/25/2003 11:17:09 AM

David4539056 reads

Why don't the moderators start doing their jobs?

jldick507744 reads

Maybe he should start by ejecting you David453, what have you ever contributed to this board?.

as always

I like to leave people unmoderated and let them settle things themselves as adults.

Maybe you're right...more people should be moderated...come to think of it, didn't I just unmoderate you (in Boston) in the past week or so? ;)


David4539659 reads

You did?

For what?

I'm sorry, but public forums are no place for personal attacks of any kind vis a via what is going on in the Yahoo PSE and has spilled onto TER.

"I like to leave people unmoderated and let them settle things themselves as (civil) adults." If people behaved as civil adults you would not need moderators. Since there are indeed moderators on TER then someone must feel there is a need for them to moderate the postings.

You are not and idiot and neither is Jim.  I can sure tell you two do not get along.
What started this???

Even though I agree with you on the "whore" subject, we don't
need to say it outloud.

I sure am paying attention.
I am neither surprised or offended.  It is true, we all know what we are no matter what you call it.
Even though Jim is my friend, business is business.  And we all know what that business is ;)

jldick508303 reads

Oh I forgot were committing an illegal act here.

I don't think they realize you are being a smart ass Jim.

**I spoke with Jim earlier and his concern was only for Samantha's safety.  Cash is replaceable, but Samantha is not.

frankie2003a8276 reads


Sorry to hear about this.
Please post this on the NY board so more people will see it.


Oh, also wanted to ask you to do me favor and E-mail my friend Ava Devine at [email protected] (just tell her Big Poppa from the TER board asked you to contact her) the info on this guy, she will be doing her first tour soon with E2K to NYC and I don't want her to get screwed like you did, Then she may think its allways like this and not want to tour again. Or you could just mail me the info and I could pass it on? Thank you

pinklips7055 reads

Although I do not know you, I am very sorry this has happened to you.

I of course do not know how you were contacted by this asshole, or how he was verified, either by you, or someone else acting in your capacity.

I feel as though I should  give you, and any other provider out there some advice, although, I'm sure this is no secret.

Unless your gentleman friend is a regular,, there is no way any girl should leave the room, where your donation is, and jump into the shower!

This type of behavior is why it is imperative, that us girls do a complete verification on a potential client.

One more thing, if you can find him, this is what you should do:  go to my yahoo group, click on the files, click on"Kathy's answer to deadbeats mpg.  I would send it over, but I do not know how to do it.  My groups is this:

And to add fuel to the fire, REQUIRE DEPOSITS, if you had a deposit from him, it would be impossible for him to steal that, which has already been deposited into your bank!!

I hope you are able to track him down.  Kathy Willets

-- Modified on 9/23/2003 11:28:32 PM

-- Modified on 9/24/2003 8:13:53 AM

Kathy you make some really good points.Im sorry to see this happen jerks like that can ruin it for everybody.Hang in there Sam we are not all like that.

I normally am VERY careful about my $$$ however due to his BODY ODOR i had no choice but to get into the shower, the smell was on my sheets/blankets/skin so i had to remove it. As far as deposits go, i like them if they are paying credit otherwise i like cash, no records, no nothing and in this case no NOTHING. He was screened but all of the #'s he is not answering after sevreal attempts to contact him. And as far as calling the POLICE, i may be a blonde but i am not STUPID, i guess I have to take the loss and move on with it. HIS NAME: Chris G. his Number was a (917)XXX-6696  please watch out. I am sorry to hear about all of hte losses of the other girls--kiki, sinnamon, kathy but do hope that we can all BAN together to fight things like this, EMAIL ME [email protected] for his info thanks

pinklips7356 reads

Perhaps you just assumed that I should have been included.  I have never experienced ANY type of problem in the 3 years I have been doing this. Because I have strict requirements, and I never waiver from them.

As for deposits, the easiest, and most secure method, is to require a money order, it's the same as cash,and there is NO PAPER trail on the hobbyist end.  Money orders have a place for the purchasers name.  The purchaser can put any name on it that he wants, i.e., Bill Clinton.

I request that deposits be made with a money order, if the hobbyist wants to send a cashiers check, or cash, that's his decision.

I don't want to kick you when your down, but no matter HOW BAD he smelled, 5 more minutes would not have made a difference, other than you not being ripped off. If you feel it was necessary, take the money with you, NEVER leave it out of your sight, TRUST NO ONE, unless he is a regular. Next time shove the smelly ones in the shower first, and tell him to wash his camel! No one deserves to have to put up with that type of crap.

Remember ladies, cell phone numbers are not enough, all that a cell phone number tells you is this:  who ever answers the phone, is alive, nothing more!  Good Luck

Actually, Kathy, it depends on the money order.  For example, the money orders you can buy @ the post office have places for both the purchaser's & recipient's names.  However, Travelers Express money orders (available @ Wal-Mart & some pharmacies like Brooks Drug or CVS) ONLY have a place for the name of the recipient, a line for the purchaser to sign (NOT print) his or her name & purchaser's home address.

pinklips7006 reads

Your wrong.  I guess you always follow what your told, or asked do to.

It doesn't matter what type of money order you purchase.  When you buy a money order, be it at the US Post Office, or at Wal-Mart, no one has you sign it in front of them.

You simply put any name/address on the money order, or leave it blank, and let the girl fill it in with whatever name she wants to use.

Money orders are the same as cash!  You won't get arrested by the money order cops, if you put a fake name and address on the money order.

The examples I was referring to would be for when I use a money order to pay a bill and I would NEVER carry around a blank money order  for a long period in case I lost it, I'd have to go buy a new one if I didn't keep the receipt to get a replacement money order.  As for cashing, the name on it better be the name on the bank account or whatever name the girl uses to cash checks or she'll have a humdinger of a time getting her money.

As for your comment "I guess you always follow what your told, or asked do to.", I'm in the Army Reserve, it's expected of us.

pinklips9245 reads

I thought the discussion, and my advice was directed towards the girls, and how to enable the hobbyist to safely send a deposit, WITHOUT a paper trail.

I wasn't giving you advice on how to pay your water bill!

I didn't suggest you carry around a blank money order for weeks on end, if that was the case, I would surmise that either your water bill would be late, or you would miss out on the time frame a girl had required her deposits to be in to her.

Once again, this is not rocket science; you purchase a m/o, you put "Tom Jones" name on it as the purchaser, with an address of 12 Canal St.  West Elephant Breath Montana, send it to the girl.

She now , Of Course , has to deposit it into her bank, and of course she has to use her name/or a name that she has on an account.

Once again, a money order is the ONLY way a hobbyist can send a deposit, and not leave a paper trail, except of course,,,, cash

-- Modified on 9/25/2003 12:35:33 PM

jldick508291 reads

Ok guys you know the mantra, once again ALWAYS BOOK DIRECT AND NEVER EVER GIVE A DEPOSIT.

as always

pinklips7574 reads

You never cease to amaze me.  This discussion is related to a girl getting ripped off.  If she had a deposit, she would not be out ALL of her fee.

You can rant on and on about deposits, but the plain and simple truth is this:  If a man is sincere, and has done his homework, that means checking reviews, doing searches, and back channeling, he has nothing to worry about.

And if, for some reason a girl who has been checked out by you to the max, screws you over.  You have the perfect vehicle to slam her, again and again, each and everytime she posts, or if someone asks about her.  That is your revenge, and payback.

The plain fact is this; the hobbyist has the advantage, he can find out just about anything, about a girl, to the degree he can have info as to where her next appearance will be.

As a provider, we have nothing to go on,  as you all change your names/handles/e-mail names, sometimes daily!

David4538550 reads

Hmm, let's see. The escort has the money and the jilted client gets to leave nasty emails. So he can be attacked online by the girl's sycophants. Hmm, I wonder who comes out ahead on that one? Or even better yet, you can show up at her next apperance, raise a ruckus and get your head introduced to the wall by a 300lb no neck. If it was me, I'd stick with the nasty emails.

 You can rant on and on about deposits, but the plain and simple truth is this: All the girl needs to do is make sure the money is given and counted before the date starts. Then if she feels the need, simply say, "I think we would both be more comfortable if I put this someplace safe". If a client objects to any of this a red flag should go up.

 As far as using a deposit to make sure the client shows up. I'd say the flake rate is about even on both sides of the fence.

 I personally think an escort should set any rules she'd like. The market will tell her if it's acceptable or not. But this business and the internet in general is full of scams and cons. Part of the formula of the price fee you charge is risk. You are simply just asking to limit your liability without offering anything in return.

pinklips7691 reads

I believe you'll find that most of the senior hobbyist on this board would disagree with your statement that; "the flake rate is about even".

Once again, if a gentleman is sincere, and truly wants to spend quality time with a PS, then he should realize that he is underwriting her appearance.  Much like the escort company does, when they charge you 1500.00!

As to the idea that you don't have an advantage, is a total bunch of crap.  The power of these boards is much more than you realize.  If you were wronged, then sing it loud and clear, and if you think that would be a waste of time, your wrong.

Any thing negative, reflects in a girls booking ability, and if it had something to do with a rip-off, I doubt that she will be busy.

If you don't believe in the power of this board, then why did Exotica-2000 come on this board, to defend their actions today?  The agencies monitor all of the boards., because it can affect their business.

For your information, part of any girls fee, is made of her self worth, market value, time, and expenses.  Never is that part of the risk that we take.

As for your last line. Once again, if your smart enough to do your homework, you'll find out what is being offered!!

I couldn't agree with you more, the interenet is full of scams, they are faceless and nameless, a luxury us ladies do not have.

Curious2Know7788 reads

Arent ceritfied bank checks better? M.Os and cashier's checks can be cancelled or reported stolen and with a phoney name on it as the signature, the bank would probably side with the gentleman. Does anyone know? Thanks!

HO_DUDE7672 reads

i have a friend who is now one of the top porn star's who also tour's. she told that some of the men smell or have bad breath. i advised her not to even see them or through them in the shower with a tooth brush. i was not kidding her, there is no reason you should even have to put up with it!! now put the shoe on the other foot, if the provider had the same as i listed above i would turn around & just plain old leave!! thank God you are ok, for it was only money & not you!!

Samantha I am so sorry that this happened to you, but I am sure if you ask it has happened to all of us at least once.
Thanks for the digits, that will help.
It happened to me in NYC too: 917-XXX-5966,not exactly the same way but happened never the less and for a 2 hour visit. And yes, he was verified and I had seen him 3 times before so I trusted him. I now count it and put it directly in the safe immediately. It's a shame it has to be that way.


P R I C E L E S S  !!!

WARNING: deadbeats may find this footage offensive ... the rest of us can laugh till our dicks fall off!  LOL

-- Modified on 9/24/2003 8:56:08 AM

Cell phone numbers really aren't enough...Kathy's right...but then again, when clients need to act with discretion, sometimes there's understandably only so much information they're willing to give.  And if we knocked out all the "discreet" guys, most of our clientelle wouldn't exist.  No here's the question....even if Samantha had this guys driver's license in her hand when the guy walked out the door, what legal recourse would she really have?  You've been violated Sam, and I'm so sorry this happened to you....While there are probably a ton of things you could have done differently that you're probably beating yourself up over, I'm sure most of us have holes in our verification protocol that leave us open to this.  Hell...I've been in situations where I didn't even count my money first...(now all you hobbyists understand why I'll always count my money first, and I'll always drop it in a safe spot)...As it is now, I've consider myself trusting, but if someone violated me, I'd call myself stupid. I myself have gone into the bathroom to wash up or (God forbid) have to pee between pops.  So sorry this happened to you, and all you hobbyists, don't be offended when a girl seems untrusting with the money you just gave her.  When I've counted my money before, I've actually had people say, "What, you don't trust me?"  I'm so sorry that from now on I'll have to say "No."

BTW-Great idea with the money orders Kathy...I never thought of that...


Gabrielle778557 reads


I am sorry that you were subjected to this jerk.  I am up here in Boston and I had a rip-off artist about a year ago.  You really do feel violated and for a while, you will be checking to make sure the pile stays the same height, and you will be loathe to leave the room unless you have stashed your donation safely away.  It does pass, and this idiot is one in a hundred good appointments you will have, as I am sure you know.  

Most of the guys are great people and you got out unscathed physically.  Both are things to remember when you feel the pinch of your monetary loss.

The guy is a loser and a coward.  Don't let him hold you back for long...have a drink, a bath, shake it off and get back on the saddle.  After a few appointments of being pampered and adored, he will be a distant memory.


cumonme7026 reads

I was given the same cell number and description as well as name of the same client.  
As he entered her room she asked for her donation, before she knew it he had her on the bed trying to rip off her clothes and try to rape her.  Fortunately she kicked him hard enough that he just ran out of her room frightened.
The funny thing is I posted on the othe board for ladies to beware and to contact me privately in which I have only had one provider e-mail me????
Ladies let's stick together and post these type of things so that we can remain safe.

obviously7485 reads

Bottom line ...

[1]  this is NYC. deal with strangers at arm's length

[2]  consider doing outcalls to reputable hotels (and verify
    that the guest is registered there) rather than receiving
    guests in your apartment.  (where's he gonna run?)

[3]  if you are receiving guests, check the door peephole before
    you let someone in, and make sure they leave and go down
    the elevator before you retire back to your shower.

At this point, count yourself lucky that all you lost was some
money. If you had surprised him by coming out of the bathroom
too soon, it could have been a much more unpleasant scenario.

Look after your own safety first.

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