Porn Stars

Re:A Microcosm of our society...(or - My Career Suicide)
Ayana Angel 10518 reads
1 / 20

Hi gentlemen just a little note to keep you posted on some of my travels!

October 24-25 Denver, CO
October 29-30 Dallas, Texas
Nov. 8-11 Manhattan

I would love to meet some new friends and have some fun!

Ayana Angel

REFORMED 12290 reads
2 / 20

Your beloved publicist Doc is gone so now you will have to face the music. Just because you charge $1000 an hour it doesn't make you a pornstar. The reason those ladies get those rates is because they are famous. I haven't seen 1 scene of any adult movie ever with you in it. You went from being an escort from Atlanta that charges $300 an hour to the WORLD to a an exclusive courtesan and XXX model film star that only caters to upscale gentleman with distinguished taste in less then a Year? Adult Stars Close Up has the newest and hottest young talent never seen you on it, went to to see if you have your own adult ring, NOTHING? did a search for Ayanna Angel guess what 330 matches none were of you? From now on I'm President of the United States, I know I wasn't elected but if you can call yourself a pornstar then I'm President and by the way I want my 250,000 a year, thanks.

RAIDER9876 13399 reads
3 / 20

Just curious. What is the criteria for a porn star? Is it number of films? Marketing clout behind the name? I'm sure it is varied, could someone clue me in??


MfSD 39 Reviews 9411 reads
4 / 20

Good question. My criteria would be an appearance on a pro or amateur box cover(pic or name) within the last year, and a minimum of ten films.

Ayana's reviews are very good, I have a friend from Atlanta(now in New Orleans) who saw her over a year ago, and was very pleased. Unfortunately in my case, after I had e-mailed her and requested time, I made the mistake of calling her on the phone.

While my intent was merely to make some initial, more personal contact than e-mail(something I usually do), Ayana wasn't interested in who I was or why I was calling. She did ask me if I had any idea how many crank calls she got each day(my answer was no). None of my attempts to prove myself as the solid guy and good client that I am, including dropping my aforementioned friends name, could convince her.

So I rang off, then e-mailed her and cancelled my request. Maybe just a bad day for Ayana, I don't know, but after that phone call, I was not going to try and find out. MfSD.

-- Modified on 10/19/2002 2:26:45 PM

apollo1 11 Reviews 10948 reads
5 / 20

I think the definition of a porn star is way overblown.I agree with the $300 and then they go to $1000 and say I am a porn star.What is the determination 1 film 2 films several etc ? I also find it amusing that she said you wouldnt believe how many phone calls she gets a day ? There are ALOT of people in business who get several phone calls a day that dont make $1000 an hour.You do need to look around some because she has done several scenes.Just my 02 cents worth

MfSD 39 Reviews 15173 reads
6 / 20
mikalshy 1 Reviews 12310 reads
7 / 20

I've never much cared for Seth and his ramblings. I've always taken what he had to say with a grain of actually, a whole shaker of salt. Does the bitterness with this guy run so deep that we have to attack ladies that he has a thing for?

I'm no expert on the Porn Star experience but I'm told that most of it is in the eye of the beholder. The satisfaction derived is based on the reverence one holds for a particular actress or entire the genre in general. To summarize?......what is a star to some could not be to others and vise versa.

Her film credits are not as numerous as most ladies that are discussed here but significant is the fact that most of them were done in the last year. Hard work in anyone's book!!!!!

In closing, I would like to say that I'm not Ayana's shill, agent, or whatever. Hell, I've seen her several times and I don't even think she likes me very much. But I fault no one for reaching for the brass ring. She presents herself and we can take it or leave it....the choice is ours. Ayana is not responsible for our perceptions.

Michael of Alaska

GirlCrazy 10351 reads
8 / 20


MfSD 39 Reviews 12737 reads
9 / 20

You think that she doesn't like you very much, but you have continued seeing her? Forgive me, but I have a hard time understanding that rationale.

I think Ayana is largely responsible for the perception that each of us individually has of her. The gent who wondered why her rates have climbed so dramatically, when she hasn't done any film work recently that he could find, may have chosen his words a bit more carefully perhaps, but his point was well taken. Having said that, if she can get whatever rates she's asking, more power to her.

I'd also take issue with your blanket statement that "we guys are a tough crowd". I posted an accurate description of my interaction with Ayana, nothing more, nothing less, and made note of her good reviews and my friend's positive experience with her. Maybe she was having a bad day when I called, I don't know, but the "perception" that I got was that she couldn't have cared less who I was, or what I wanted. MfSD.

mikalshy 1 Reviews 11866 reads
10 / 20

Ease up MfSD, it's a message board, not your life!!!!....or is it? You have a great Saturday night. I will!!!!

Michael of Alaska

MfSD 39 Reviews 10152 reads
11 / 20

Bologna. You took the time to post a statement like, I see her but I don't think she even likes me, then wonder why you're taken to task for it. You posted a long defense of Ayana, and then when you get challenged on the points you were trying to make, suddenly you act aloof, as if the whole thing doesn't matter.

You're right, this is a message board, where we discuss the hobby, and we were doing just fine with this thread until you decided to lecture us all.

We don't know each other, so save your get a life innuendo for someone else. MfSD.

-- Modified on 10/19/2002 7:48:51 PM

mikalshy 1 Reviews 9297 reads
12 / 20

Let me ease your troubled mind MfSD:

1. My rapier wit does not translate well to the keyboard. You seem to be extremely disturbed by my ...'doesn't like me very much'... statement. Strictly tongue-in-cheek my man! We get along very well. Atlanta's a great town and we both love to play!!!

2. Ayana's filmography is on her site with the lions share being completed in 2002. If anyone would like a consolidated list, I'm sure she would be happy to provide one.

3. Now to the point that really appears to fuel your ire......your infamous phone conversation with Miss Angel. I can't help you there big guy. That's between you and her (which is why I never mentioned it in my first post). I'm sure that a brief contact with her would straighten-out any misunderstandings that you may have as I've never known her to be anything but reasonable.

I hope this clarifies my position and allows you some feeling of comfort.

Any further discourse with on this subject can be accomplished by backchanneling me at [email protected] We've bored everyone to death and wasted enough bandwidth.

Michael of Alaska

MfSD 39 Reviews 8452 reads
13 / 20

Save your patronizing tone and your comfort for someone who gives a flying rat's ass about your opinion.

I relayed my experience with this lady, nothing more or less. I'm not the least bit upset by what she did, my hard earned cash simply went to someone else in Atlanta.

You felt the need to defend Ayana by posting your positive experience with her, fine. But my negative experience is just as valid, and might save another hobbyist from getting an earful from a lady who seems to think every call she gets is a crank call. I've recently heard from another hobbyist who had a similar phone experience with Ayana..........

So now your, she doesn't really like me comment is tongue in cheek, dude, you need to get your stories straight. MfSD.

-- Modified on 10/21/2002 9:00:59 AM

-- Modified on 10/21/2002 9:01:35 AM

AlwaysLaughingEd 4 Reviews 19053 reads
14 / 20

I can't believe this kind of ragging on a beautiful lady like Ayana. You can pay her rates, or leave her alone. I saw her at her escort rates, and at her PSE rates, and I think she has gotten better. Must be the experience she has picked up in the past year making her movies. And yes, she has made several movies, and if the qualification for calling oneself a Porn Star is to be on a box cover, then the producers of her movies had made a big mistake if they haven't put her on one. She is beautiful, inside and out. You will see that I have a review of her, and it is my only review. I use TER extensively, but I don't review, as most of the ladies I see have many reviews already, and I wouldn't add anything to it. But Ayana deserved to break my review cherry, as my experiences with her have been great.

And, Ayana, if you read these posts, I was diappointed you didn't call me when you were in L.A. last week. Please don't let that happen again ;-). Thanks.

Ayana Angel 10328 reads
15 / 20

Well one you spelled my name wrong it's AYANA with 1 N.:) I am on with the correct spelling:) If you have been to my website on the new releases page you would have seen all of the videos I have done to date and magazines etc. I have been in the AVN magazine etc.etc. so you must not have looked too hard. I did not make up the title porn star I have videos with major companies and magazines. Next time research. But for you I will post a few because at this point I have done so many I can not keep track:)

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-- Modified on 10/22/2002 10:42:06 AM

Ayana Angel 10965 reads
16 / 20

Here are some of my video titles just to show you spoke too soon and I am on the boxcover of every single one.
Not to mention I will be signing for at this years AVN Awards in Las Vegas so check me to see if I am real then:)!

DO YOUR RESEARCH. Yes I began as an escort and then started to do films. My reviews then and now have only gotten better!

Video Titles:
Liquid City/Hustler Video
Interracial Sorority Bash #3/ Rain Video
Cock Smokers #44/Xtreme Video
Premium Black Pussy Search/Wildlife Productions
ButtFaced #6/West Coast Productions
Nasty West Coast Porno Girls/West Coast Productions
Booty Talk 23/West Coast Productions
Black Beach Patrol #11/Heatwave
Blaxk Beach Patrol #12/Heatwave
Girlfriendz #4/Heatwave
Black Maids #4/Heatwave
Nurses of the Inner City Unit #8/Heatwave
Shane's World 30, Keepin it Real/Shane's World Video

Just to Name a Few!
And the list goes on so I have the credentials to claim. Thank you!

-- Modified on 10/22/2002 8:55:05 AM

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-- Modified on 10/22/2002 10:38:07 AM

sweetsable 10260 reads
17 / 20

I'm not a Porn Star...I'm "just" a provider. I participate on the National Board on a regular basis. I'm known for speaking my mind, so here goes...

I find this whole discussion "interesting". IMHO the "flames" are symptomatic of what is STILL wrong with our society. Unfortunately our industry is a microcosm of our society. While no one here has said anything about "racism" (AND I AM NOT ACCUSING ANYONE HERE OF RACISM)...I wonder if that's not what we are REALLY talking about here.

Issue has been taken with Ayana's rates. In this industry we ladies have the privilege of setting our own rates...from $20.00 to $10,000.00...

What I find "Interesting" is that I seriously doubt that ANYONE would ask a WHITE provider to justify her matter how many movies she's made. It was asked, "What makes you a porn star"...are we really asking, "What makes a BLACK woman a porn star"?

On the National Board there was a thread about "The Truth". A bitter retired provider made sweeping generalizations about the industry...when in reality she should have been speaking only of her own experience in the industry. I have my own frustrations with the industry...none of them are related to "The Truth" in that other post.

My frustrations are related to race. I'm in no way, shape or form jealous of White providers who make tons of money...I say, "you go girl". I am in a situation right now where my roommate (a stunning brunette) makes more than I do. Why? Because she is white. Period. When she gets a phone call the gentlemen rarely balk at the rate. They are happy to pay it. Her rate is at least $150.00 more than the average provider in our city. When a gentleman calls "me", he is expecting me to quote him some ridiculously low rate because I am Black. When I tell them my rate I can hear their "gasp" of disbelief. How dare I charge so much? I'll get some guy who is used to telling his wife he's going to get a pack of cigarettes  (then pays an African American SW for a $20 BJ) he'll call "ME" and get angry about my rates. What do I say? "Stop Slumming"! You get what you pay for! If you are used to paying $60.00 then you need to go back to the street corner you came from and find someone there...that is YOUR issue, not mine.

I've got my own Top Ten List of frustrations:

10: Unwillingness to write a review.

I had a LEGION of happy repeat clients (97% white males), yet only a handful of reviews. I finally realized that to review me they would have to admit they were with a Black woman...still Taboo in our society.

9: Tired of hearing the statement: "Oh, You're not FAT!"

Okay...if you thought I was fat why did you come to see me? I'm Creole, Hispanic and Afro American...I'm going to be Voluptuous and I don’t apologize for that. If you want a stick figure I'm not the girl for you.

8: Tired of hearing the statement: "WOW, You're really pretty!”

Again, if you thought I was unattractive, why did you book an appointment? I have dark skin, which does NOT automatically mean that I am unattractive.

7: The statement: "You're so articulate".

Of course I am articulate! Why is it assumed that "I iz uneducated" just because I am a dark skinned black woman? There are uneducated women of all races out there...don’t assume I am uneducated just because I am black. STOP SLUMMING!

6. The statement: "You are really clean"


5. The question: "Why is your rate so high?"

Answer: Because I'm worth it!

4. Assuming I am a DOMINATRIX (or Kinky) because I am black.

I don’t want to SPANK YOU, TIE YOU UP, BEAT YOU, YELL AT YOU, TORTURE YOUR NIPPLES, PISS ON YOU or do ANYTHING even remotely related to those things.... so STOP ASKING.

(4a: Assuming I will "do it" anywhere - I will NOT do it in a car, I will not do it in a bar, I will not do it in a truck, sorry guy you're out of luck, I will not do it on a train, I will not do it to the point of pain, I will not do it on a log, grab the leash and call off your dog...I will not do it on my head, I'll only do it in a bed!)

3. Assuming I do DRUGS just because I am black.

I DONT do CRACK, CRANK, METH, POT, COCAINE, HEROINE, ICE, EXTASY...NOTHING! Not only do I not do drugs, I don’t even drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes.

2. Assuming I have children.

Contrary to popular belief, black women are not mindless baby machines. I have no children...why is that so hard to believe?


1. Assuming that just because I am doing this I cannot do anything else.

I actually had a career before I became a provider. Not only did I have a career, I actually ran my own business on the side. Shocked? I have never been on welfare, my parents were college educated and my sisters went to college as well.


I have had SO MANY WONDERFUL CLIENTS who did not make these assumptions about me and had a great time. I had a legion of wonderful regulars in Las Vegas who treated me like the Nubian Queen that I am. Unfortunately it's the one or two creeps who call and ruin it for everyone. I don’t blame Ayana for wanting to weed out the creeps on the phone...white providers cannot even fathom what I am talking about.


Back to the original premise. If Ayana had been a WHITE provider/porn star, would the question of her rates have even been asked?

my .25 cents worth


six one seven 7 Reviews 9819 reads
18 / 20

First, let ME say, I have seen Ayana.

As a PSE, She was a wonderful experience. But what made me wanna see her again, was how down to earth she was, how smart she was and how we could have talked about the NFL and music for 4 hours and none of us would have gotten tired or bored.

In my book she is my all time favorite. bar none. and yes..she IS a porn star. when i saw her she had only 3 vidoes. I saw her in March of 2002. Look how many she has now. yes, she IS a porn star.... and a very beautiful one at that.

so her rates have gone up. what do you want her to do? REDUCE them? come on. Get real. Stop Dis-respecting the lady.

Ayana, just do what you been doing and don't let none of this stop you. And oh yeah, come to Boston again...will ya? :)


regarding what SweetSable wrote...she is also right....I wish people would stop discriminating againts the Ebony ladies.

If they are NOT your type, then don't see them. simple.

better for those of us who DO appreciate them.

have a nice day.
six one seven /  in Boston

KingRajah 39 Reviews 11775 reads
19 / 20
OleStogie 4 Reviews 3214 reads
20 / 20

I'm in Atlanta and I go to a local adult toy DVD shop and whose poster do I see all over the walls?  Ayana Angel.  I've never met her but would like to.  She is all that she says she is.  She has many videos that she has done and frankly dude you are being a jerk!  (I would use other language, but I'm a gentleman!)  

Next time you want to present so called facts, do some actual, educated research so you don't look so stupid!

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