Porn Stars

Re: Thanks Sinn
BIGPOPPA21220 25 Reviews 5239 reads

She was an incredible woman and a joy to be around, I was very upset at first, but that was soon replaced by sheer anger and the feeling of a deep need to get my hands on the guy who did it, now I just remember her for her smile, laugh and how wonderful she made me and everyone she came in contact with feel.

Guess who called me for a 10am tomorrow?! Chris G. 917-XXX-6696. Says he works at a law firm... :-D. Iwould love to have him book an appointment, welcome him in the room and have you walk out of the bathroom... Wouldn't that be justice?! I noticed on your Eros ad you are scheduled to be in town until today. if you could manage to stick around...


this must be divine intervention! ...  everybody keep quiet, evidently this scum-bag hasn't gotten wind of the news on this site

SL, go ahead and book this joker ... i'll be glad to send over some relatives with an autographed baseball bat to greet his kneecaps!  

actually that would be cruel [cough] yea right ... better if you just gimme his full name and then have someone hide in the room and take some snaps and then we'll track down his lawfirm ... see if he EVER makes junior partner!


Hey hey hey, if you know anybody with a camcorder, maybe you can find a way to take pictures!!!

Actualy I always travel with my camcorder and digital still camera... but I think I'll pass. Just the look on his face would be satisfaction enough!


Never go anywhere with out a camcorder, If I had a motto that would be it, that or "does she book direct?"

Maybe it would be better if a few of us fellas wait for him in your wait being cramped up in a bathroom with a couple other guys from this board ain't my idea fun :(

Now that's an vision I don't want to think of... But hey, if there were a bunch of guys waiting in my bathroom, I'd hope they'd be waiting for me!


SL .. all kidding aside, are you really seeing this guy at 10AM tomorrow?  PM me with follow-up if you want to

He did really call me and suggested a 10am. I spoke to him and verified his info - then called back to confirm a time. After I hung up the phone the light bulb went off. I haven't called him back  yet because I wanted to offer Sam an opportunity to seek justice first, (I even called her agency and left a message for her - I don't have her direct # on me...) Either way, I have NO intention of putting my life in jeopardy by following through on an appointment with him at this point. I know, I've been a brave ass in the past - but after reading a post from a girl that this guy tried to rape a girl recently I'm in no way going to risk that...


fasteddie516384 reads

Hey, why not just flake on him... Don't call him to cancel, but don't anwer your phone when he calls in the morning to confirm.  Then he can post a message here about how all pornstars are nothing but undependable bitches who think nothing of not showing up for an appointment!

I thought of that too... but I'm really thinking of just letting him get to the corner of blank & blank and when he calls for my room number & location tell him I can not see him because I've been reading about how he's ripped off several of my porn star friends. Think he'll be shocked?


Eddie's suggestion is really best i think ... hang him out to dry ... better yet, give him the endless run-around:  "sorry Chris, last night they moved me into another room, just gimme another halfhour to get all dolled up for you, etc etc etc"  and totally inconvenience him by making him wait all morning

but it sure is tempting to teach this guy a lesson, if nothing else just by intimidation only, no physical harm ... believe me, if i was in NYC it could be arranged in a heartbeat ... just some thugs to stand outside a hypothetical hotel room and give him a dirty look

Starting to sound like you live in Jersey... maybe know a few real life Sopranos. Lol! I don't know if we should ever meet know!


FUGADABOUTIT!  ... i'm a meek ol' pussy cat ... you'll see when we at last meet!

plus, i live in Boston and that's SO NOT a mob-owned town [cough]


Oh NO! And I was JUST thinking about planning a trip to Boston soon... guys keep complaining because I don't really tour anymore... Now I KNOW I'll have to stay away! *wink*


Right, it's Providence that's [cough] mob-owned [cough]!!!

Assuming he already knows about this board, don't you think he's reading this thread?


Obviously the guy DOESN'T know about the board... He showed up and the designated location this morning at 10:12 (apparently, rip offs like him also have no respect for a lady's time either.)

Here's how it went:


"Hi this is Chris. I called last night and booked an appointment for today?"

"Oh hi Chris? How are you?"


"Great! Unfortunately I won't be able to see you. I received an email stating that you saw a very good friend of mine a couple of days ago and ripped her off taking your payment with you and leaving her $5. I've also heard that you've been doing this to quite a few ladies lately... so I won't be seeing you. Sorry you wasted your time coming to meet me this morning."

"Oh, okay."

That was it ladies and gents... "Oh, Ok."


gimme that chainsaw ... i found my true love!  LOL

'Oh, Ok ... I'm a thief and a serial rapist. Have a good day!'

The Silence of the Lames !!!


Actually he sounded pretty bummed... like, "Damn, I guess I won't be getting any ass this morning. Back to the ad sites... gotta find someone that doesn't know my dealio. Oh well."


if this bastard tried to rape a girl, this REALLY has to be dealt with and dealt with "in-house" ... but i don't want to get you in any trouble ... so call it off and make sure you're safe  ... i'll PM you Samantha's direct # (look in your TER mailbox)

I don't have a TER membership any longer. I canceled it this summer after 3 emails to them to have information deleted from my profile that was inaccurate and have my contact info changed and they didn't respond - at all. You can email me directly at [email protected]..

As for the info about him raping/ attempting to rape another girl scroll down to the original thread on this topic and read the post near the bottom by "cumonme" Say so in the subject...


I was just getting ready to say that if you did really want to go through with this you should have some back up present. None of here would want to see either of you get hurt and no telling what that jerk off might do if you did that. A friend of mine by the name of Summer Breeze in DC was beat to death in her own home a few months back by a client, I don't think they have caught the guy yet, You have to be very carefull ladies

Oh God... I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. It's always sad to hear about things like this... People that operate on the fringe of society often go unnoticed and are viewed as "less important" somehow when things like that happen... I pray for her family and friends.


She was an incredible woman and a joy to be around, I was very upset at first, but that was soon replaced by sheer anger and the feeling of a deep need to get my hands on the guy who did it, now I just remember her for her smile, laugh and how wonderful she made me and everyone she came in contact with feel.

You got it, I'll get the shower going and see you in a few ;)

-- Modified on 9/25/2003 11:22:07 PM

::Jenn slyly eyes a can of Coleman's Fuel::...In all seriousness, I don't think a picture is such a bad idea....If you give him a fake room number, you can have someone (any takers in the area?) come and take a picture of him...He'll be pissed, but he'll also know someone has a photo of him and may be less likely to fuck with people in the future...Also, a license plate number wouldn't be too difficult either, and we could find out all kinds of info with that...I'm sure the MF wouldn't want us to know where he works, lives, etc.  xoxo  Jenn

Jenn you'r so cute... you can cum y my room even if I don't have a psychotic rapist & ripoff artist coming to fuck me and leave me with nothing... Are you going to Atlantic City??


I'll be signing at the Exotic Dancer Publications' Booth!  Will you be there?  Cum say hi!!!  You have to tell us what happened with that scary guy today....These posts gave me nightmares last night....

Hey Jenn, Yes, I'll be there. I'm in NYC right now so I'm taking a sedan down to Atlantic City on Monday night. I mentioned to Eddie that I wanted to throw a little party since I couldn't make it to Philly for his world renown bashes... :) I will definitely stop by the booth - I'll be interviewing girls for a new magazine. Hey, Want to play with me and capture it on film for our mutual websites??? I'm sure we can find [someone] to take the photos! *hint, hint*


I just happen to have a wonderful digital camera that takes 60 second video clips as well!!!  Let's have some fun...(remember, my website is free, though, so it'll be available to everyone...xoxo  Jenn

Hi Jenn, I have a kick butt camera that takes 30 sec mpegs wti haudio as well... I also have the video camera with me. We can take a couple of sets, one for your site one for mine? Hmm... Since Eddie's agreed to protect me from wandering pussy at the lingerie auction, maybe he can hold the camera? ;-)


fasteddie5114596 reads

As long as it can be held with one hand (the other being, uh, occupied), I'm you man!

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