Porn Stars

Re: Pornstar Fees
The Moose 26 Reviews 1166 reads

Mr French said: "More so in the US than in other countries, we "worship" celebrities"...

Just a quick comment on the aspect of celebrity....I recently returned from an LA trip....One of the PG activities (the XXX activities are in the evenings) i did this time was see a temporary exhibit @Science Center on Pompeii....It displayed artifacts/relics discovered after the catastrophic volcanic eruption that buried the city...Some artifacts on display were items relating to the gladiator games, ie: helmets, swords, etc. (the games weren't exclusive to the Colosseum in Rome)...And it mentioned how some of the gladiators were revered like star athletes of today..The fascination w/celebrities, whether they are star athletes. movie stars, royalty, etc. goes back to early civilizations and encompasses all societies..

Why do Stars cost more than double to triple in the US vs say the UK?
I've seen many US star that visit the UK and charge about 500 Euros an hour

it is what the market will bare..

Big difference in exchange rates comparing USD to GBP to EUR.
500 Euro is about 650 USD
500 GBP is about 800 USD

On top of that, higher legal risk in the USA has to accounted for in the price.

The question about the fees that Pornstars charge comes up every couple of months.  You should probably do a search on this board for other threads on the subject for more information.

There are three main reasons why:

1.  As someone else said, it's what the market will bear.   There are more people in the U.S. that can afford the higher prices so they charge higher prices because they know there are people who will pay it. That seems a rather simplistic view though.  

2.  You are paying for the "celebrity" factor.  More so in the US than in other countries, we "worship" celebrities.  How many news/gossip programs about celebrities are there on tv right now?  How many programs featuring celebrities dancing, singing, or doing other things?  How many celebrities or pseudo-celebrities have their own shows?  Think about it for a second.  People in the U.S. worship celebrities.  We also pay more money for clothing that has a celebrity name on it.  Buy a pair of Levi jeans and you pay about $30.  Pay for a pair of Calvin Kleins or a pair of jeans with a celebrity imprint on it and you can expect to pay $100 or more - I've seen "celebrity"-branded jeans for as much as $500!  So, the fact that you are scheduling an appointment with a "name" means you are going to pay more because she is a "name".  If you don't think that "celebrities" charge a lot of money, try running a convention list Comic-Con and paying for the celebrities to be there to sign autographs.  The celebrities charge a LOT of money to show up... and then you have to pay a LOT of money to attend, and a LOT of money for an autograph.  Don't you think porn star "celebrities" don't want a piece of that action?  Guess again.  Attend an Exxxotica convention and see how many of them charge for autographs and how much they charge...  We pay for the "celebrity" factor in the non-escort arena so why wouldn't they expect us to pay for the "celebrity" factor when seeing them privately?

2.  IT IS ILLEGAL HERE.  Think about that for a second.  Things that are illegal, things that you have to get on the "black market" *always* cost more.  There are risks involved, you can't advertise openly, and there are other problems.  When something is illegal people will pay more to get it.  

Add to all of those reasons the various secondary reasons like how much it costs these stars to LOOK like stars when you see them - hair, make-up, nails, clothes, etc., the cost of hotel rooms, the cost of plane fares, and all those other expenses that come up when they tour, and you can understand why the costs are so high

Mr French said: "More so in the US than in other countries, we "worship" celebrities"...

Just a quick comment on the aspect of celebrity....I recently returned from an LA trip....One of the PG activities (the XXX activities are in the evenings) i did this time was see a temporary exhibit @Science Center on Pompeii....It displayed artifacts/relics discovered after the catastrophic volcanic eruption that buried the city...Some artifacts on display were items relating to the gladiator games, ie: helmets, swords, etc. (the games weren't exclusive to the Colosseum in Rome)...And it mentioned how some of the gladiators were revered like star athletes of today..The fascination w/celebrities, whether they are star athletes. movie stars, royalty, etc. goes back to early civilizations and encompasses all societies..

I think mrfrench and numpty88 have already covered the key points.

I also think prices are held down by the huge supply of alternatives from Eastern Europe.  

Many European porn stars come from Eastern Europe, so £500 an hour probably sounds like a great deal from the provider's point of view.  That was the sense that I got from the Czech porn star (Jane Darling) and a Slovak porn star (Angel Dark) I've seen while in London.

Getting to low cost supply is also pretty convenient.  A flight from London to Prague takes only 2 hours and you can easily get a round trip ticket for £100.  I've met lots guys in New York that go to Prague to binge on the providers available at ridiculously low rates by US standards.  So I have to assume the same thing happens in London.

@ mrfrench
With all due respect.  I don't worship any one. I've seen plenty of Hollywood stars in public and don't bat any eye at them. I am not a sheep in the masses being led by media.
Prostitution is also Illegal in the UK. Where as " Modeling" is not. A little loophole in the law.

I guess I'd agree with " the close proximity of Eastern Europe as a factor " I 'd gladly pay 800-1000 USD for a date with fave. stars. I could extend the time at UK rates.

But my actual curiosity is how much am I paying to a booker VS the Model ??  
I know girls that are on Pam Peaks site, that have given me prices of 1/2 of Pams $1500 minimum for A listers.  I think the girl deserves the Bilk of funds but the booker puts meeting out of reach.
I have had actual sessions with xxx stars and even hung out with some as a friend. The incite I've been told that some girls make 700-1200 a movie.  So for me a booker ups the price over the top.  
Also why doesn't PP update that old information All Over Her Site  lol

Prostitution is not illegal in the UK.  What is illegal in the UK is being a streetwalker, or running a brothel.  But, the single women in apartments who make themselves available like you find in SoHo, and the escort services - those are legal.  At least they were the last time I looked into it about a year ago.  

Second point: how much you are paying to a booker vs direct: depends on the escort and the agency and what deal they have.  That varies by agency and model.  I'd say, in general, you could be paying anywhere from $100 to $1000 to the booker.  

Last, while *you* may not "worship" anyone, there are plenty of people out there who do, and who want the "bragging rights" for having "dated" Big Name Star.  The models know it.  The agencies know it.  And the price is higher for those names.

Thanks for your input Beautiful.  
You are 1 on my Dream Dates list.
For the last year I have been looking into meeting you for a couple of days Together.
I just haven't figured where to stay or what part of Europe I would like to see.
DM me any time.

SharonPink938 reads

Hello Luky,  
thank yo for your interest. I travel everywhere so don't hesite to contact me via my mail or contact form from my pages.  
Have a good Sunday and CU soon

SharonPink816 reads

Hi and thank you a lot.Please send me mail( check my webpages)  - I have basic membership here only. And we can  deal directly.
Hope to See you soon

Posted By: luky7
Thanks for your input Beautiful.    
 You are 1 on my Dream Dates list.  
 For the last year I have been looking into meeting you for a couple of days Together.  
 I just haven't figured where to stay or what part of Europe I would like to see.  
 DM me any time.

SharonPink1152 reads

1.) coz US market is different than UK market...bigger and the mostly BLACK MARKET

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