Porn Stars

RE Belladonna
colhogan 7 Reviews 5079 reads

I have used them a couple times and The owner is a great guy they are very honest no bullshit there and that is rare for agencys most tell you what you want to hear. Hats off to bella donna keep up the good work

kikid6151 reads

I have asked and asked nicely, now I am asking again.PLEASE QUIT CALLING ME. I do NOT book directly any more PERIOD. I don't care who you use as a reference, it isn't going to work so don't bother. Not even Fast Eddie was able to see me without my agency and we all know how little he likes agents.  I will not continue to be nice about this. I keep my rates at a third of what most porn stars charge as a gift to you guys. Respect my wishes and go through the agent or see another girl with my blessing.

fasteddie515561 reads

Believe me, at Kiki's rate she is a steal.... I didn't mind one bit paying the agency rate, and I'll do it again the next time she gets to Philly

(Kiki, please make that trip soon)!

I had inquired with Kiki's agency regarding another lady who is currently associated with them. After reading her reviews I realized I might have seen her before-she was an escort before she went into porn. Since her service has apparently improved from highly marginal to YMMV (read somewhat marginal), I asked the phone girl a few questions, all of which were answered in the affirmative.

Rarely do you get an upfront, honest response from an agency where one of their girls might be a liability. I haven't forgotten it and will book with them as soon as possible (like when back on the east coast).

As for Ms. D'Aire, friends of mine have seen her and report a most positive experience.

Note for singleton: they're in your back yahd.

Faster Eddie6532 reads

it's true ... Belladonna (the agency) is very reasonably priced and has a solid track record back east  ... not ALL agencies are morally corrupt and/or financially bankrupt!  LOL


Fastest Eddie5028 reads

How about financially corrupt and morally bankrupt?

Your in luck - schedule says she's due there soon.

She is great fun to see and the agency is no problem.

I think its wonderful for you to stick to your guns Kiki, I have a hard time dealing with agencies since they all seem to be the one your referring to: a good one....honest,takes care of girls, any info would be appreicated. also let me know when your in DC, i owe you dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have used them a couple times and The owner is a great guy they are very honest no bullshit there and that is rare for agencys most tell you what you want to hear. Hats off to bella donna keep up the good work

kikid4147 reads

Hey Sam,
  I'm very happy with BD, they don't tell me any bullshit and they strive to treat the guys well. If you'd like any further information feel free to email [email protected].

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