Porn Stars

Porn Star's shelf life as an escort
LTS 3412 reads

Hey.. is there an upper age limit (however nebulous) at which you'd not consider seeing a porn star (even one which you were once crazy over?)

I'm interested in seeing an "older" porn star (I think she's 40 or so)

WOndering what your opinion are?

carlspackler3177 reads

Just like many pro athletes that gain a ton of weight after their playing days, some of these girls let themselves go after they are done working on camera.

My mantra has always been:

"You can't see ugly or age in the dark, but you can feel fat!"

NoBoobTooBig1793 reads

No doubt.  I came up on the wrong end of that deal once with a well-known ebony PS that has to be at least 50 lbs. heavier now that in her heyday.

If they haven't made a movie in a few years, beware.

Tracey Adams is providing through BodyMiracle.  Wasn't she a big star in the 80's?  Wouldn't that make her about 50?  NO THANKS.

If I had to do an "older" girl, I'd start with Stacy Valentine and Tori Wells.

fasteddie513629 reads

Actually Tracey is in her early to mid 40's.  At the end of her porn career she was what I'd call "zoftig" - a big girl but the curves were in all the right places.  She is still inthat same class, and she's a total sweetheart who is well worth seeing.

Newto2316 reads

If you are going to use yiddishy words at least get it right:  it is zaftig not zoftig.  Basically, another word for "plus size" model.

I don't believe there is a limit,as long as the girl is still in shape, attractive,and floats your boat.

Now I suppose anything over 70 might be another story.

Newto2203 reads

With the advances in cosmetic surgery, 40 is now 30.  I'll bet that a 1/3 of the PS listed by Bella Models are in their late 30's or early 40's.  The state-of-the-art is way beyond boobs and liposuction.  Spend 100K and you get a new face and body.

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