Porn Stars

JR Carrington coming to DC -- any recent experiences?
kprede 12082 reads

There are reviews -- but they are dated.

Her reputation as an escort is not good. There may be some who have had positive experiences with JR, and they may show up here and comment, but the positive encounters that I have heard about, have been few and far between.

When Seth was moderating here, and prior to that on TBD, he had mentioned seeing JR, and his experience, according to him was a nightmare. A lot of talk about a psycho ex-marine husband making harrassing phone calls, or something to that effect, and a generally unenthusiastic level of service from this lady. Of course many of us know that Seth had exceedingly high standards in not only his expectations as a mod, in terms of our "behavior" on his porn boards, but as a client as well. Mi dos centavos....MfSD.

I think some of the reports even mentioned the husband showing up and threatening physical harm, etc. A real shame though, I've always thought she was drop dead gorgeous!

Trying to predict her behavior is like trying to predict volcano eruptions in eigth century B.C.  Her personal ALWAYS seems get involved somehow; businesslike, husband (or ex-) problems, etc. etc. etc.  I think the general rule is with her that unless you want to fulfill that PSE experience and JR is the only one you ave wanted for years and years in that regard, find someone else.

I heard through the grapevine that JR just had another child. I think she has four kids now.

The other posts are exactly right about JR. At one time, she did good private shows. Since she married the ex-Navy man, she has LOTS of rules, which make her sessions less than desirable. Her husband is VERY jealous and has been known to travel with her. Personally, I wouldn't see her as long as she's with him. Why bother with the hassles....

why any man who had this kind of personality, would marry a woman in the adult industry. JR has always struck me as attractive, great body, but I haven't seen her in any work lately, films, lay outs, etc. Only those older, air brushed agency photos that are essentially worthless anyway.

My bucks are too hard earned, and there are so many other PSE choices out there for me to ever take a chance on this lady. MfSD.

fasteddie5112076 reads

I met JR about a year and a half ago, and while she looked fantastic and was generally acommodating to my requests, she was all business.  No DFK, everything covered, and an "hour" appointment with JR is 45 minutes max... one shot and done.  I can't say it was a bad experience, since she looked great, was friendly enough and did try to please me within her very strict rules, but she had been a big fantasy of mine, so the best I can say is that I fulfilled the fantasy, I have no regrets, but I wouldn't repeat.

Sad thing is that I've heard from more than one source that three or four years ago it was a different story, and JR was a lot of fun to party with...

She hasn't been touring for quite a while now, so maybe she'd split with the husband and is back on her own, in which case things could be different, but I wouldn't take the chance.....

I met JR a few years back it was a memorable experience back then because I had not met many PS. She is very beautiful but since I have seen much better and would probably not repeat.

I saw JR a couple of weeks ago.
I've been wanting to hook up with her for a long time.
Many of the guys will not agree or even believe my experience but I will definetely repeat. The only inconvenience was to book a hotel app an hour from my location because she is based in Orange County CA.
Anyway, I took a bottle of Dom (she requested champaign/she finished the entire bottle/I do not drink champaign)
She was in a very good mood, arrived promptly. I spent app. 3 hours with her.
Her husband is away in the Gulf until May (no worries about someone breaking down your door)She told me her marriage is not strong.
She looks great. BBBJ, French Kissing, back door was extra (I declined)email for more info.
I had a great time.

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