Porn Stars

it must have taken you hours to click on it that many timesteeth_smile
Steely Dan 3775 reads


fasteddie517692 reads

Without mentioning any names (we all know who they are) there are a number of people here who NEVER make a positive contribution to this board.  Their only reason for being here is to denegrate other posters and to start flame wars, becuase the enjoy the attention they receive.  They make references to the pornstars they've seen (many of which i find doubtful) without ever posting a review to help other members.  What's worse, I suspect several of "them" are just one or two people using different aliases to hide behind their pettiness.

From now on, my suggestion would be to follow the lead of the Amish, and "shun" them.  NO responses to any of their posts, no matter HOW much they try to bait us or how vitriolic their rant is.  Don't even open their posts... don't give them even the smallest satisfaction of seeing the view count and knowing someone has read their worthless tripe... (of course, I'm sure they'll start furiously clicking on their own posts to give the appearance that people actually care about what they have to say, but we'll know that it's just a pathetic cry for validation)  Just take glee in knowing how frustrating it will it become for them to see a post that's read five hundred, six hundred or more times, with their response garnering four or five views!

This board is being cp-opted by a VERY small number of people who feed off of making people angry.  Why?  Who knows? and more importantly, who cares?... maybe they can't afford to meet these ladies or maybe they're jealous of those who do, but for whatever reason, it's time to end it.

Of course, I'm sure they'll start adding new aliases, but they can't really disguise who they are... it'll quickly become apparant by their petty actions.

So from now on, to me, they're ghosts.. it's as if they don't exist.  I will not read nor respond to any of their rants.  So take all the shots at me you like; it'll only expose you for the pathetic people you are.  I hope others will follow my lead en mass, and maybe we can make this board a lot friendlier than it has become.

Asian Fan5087 reads

I know I’m one of the persons you are referring to, but I’m going to tell you something, you aren’t the only person in this planet that can afford Pornstars. I might not be catalog as a "SENIOR" as you have self-proclaimed yourself, but I do live in an area were these ladies are very accessible and affordable. Although, I don’t have the money you seem to have, I can afford this hobby at my swiftness and without utilizing an Alias, and say that I’m a member of such and such board when booking them through agencies, or direct as others do. Fortunately, I don't need to kiss any self-proclaimed "SENIOR" hobbyists Butt to partake in this hobby as others have clearly shown here.

Because I haven’t and never will post a review, does not make me be one that has never seen these Pornstars. From what I’ve read here, several members who actively participate on several boards and groups don’t post their meetings. It comes to my mind two being jldick50 and carlspakler. Many more have restrained themselves from posting reviews do to TER not accepting them because of them not being too graphical, something that once happened to me.

On one of your recent posts, you mentioned that there are many fake reviews done by members here that do it for many reasons, primarily to maintain their VIP status; I won’t ever be one of those. Different from you. I don't need to post a review were the privacy of ones meeting is disclosed, which could be of dislike to the pornstar.

Regarding me throwing "Cheap Shots" at members of this board including yourself, you may have one slight point but not truthful. If you don’t have thick skin, then I think you should be looking elsewhere.

You on the other hand, should show a little more class and respect to the Moderator, one that the majority here acknowledges that he is doing a terrific work by allowing everyone express themselves with very few limitations. I’m currently being moderated and don’t have a problem with it, because I know if I weren’t, the board would sink with my posts and rants at the cheap shots that are taken at me as well, something I consider NORMAL as part of being a member and don’t have a problem like it seems you do have.

If you don’t appreciate and RESPECT the way the Moderator is conducting himself, I then suggest you go and create a new board or broaden the ones your currently moderate so you don’t have to cry any longer and ind doing so, disrespect the Moderator.

Finally, if I see fit to express my opinion on any topic, I will do so until the Moderator or the owner of this board thinks I don’t deserve to be here any longer.

NOW Fast Eddie, how about apologizing to the Moderator?

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 11/22/2003 11:33:03 PM

i had a whole string of Amish jokes ready to blast ("go away English") but what i'm reminded of most -- and i'm taking a risk here revealing both my age and my nerdly origins -- is that old Star Trek episode called "Wolf in the Fold" wherein this "alien entity" (an ancient form of evil dating back to Jack The Ripper no less) finds its way to the sexually liberated planet of Argellius II, famous in all the galaxy for its hot belly-dancing providers (i kid you not!) where Kirk and company go for some much-needed R&R (translation: "getting it on") where eventually Scotty is possessed by the evil force and driven to slaughter the local babes ...

i won't spoil it for you too much [cough] but suffice it to say that the episode ends with the evil entity (now lurking inside the ship's computer) vanquished by having to solve for the last digit of "pi" (naturally!) and Kirk and crew finally realizing that the only way to defeat the evil entity who quite literally FEEDS ON FEAR is to chill out and ignore it with laughter and merriment, brought on with the help of a hefty dose of tranquilizing narcotics administered by the good ole country space-doc McCoy to the entire crew (except for Kirk and Spock)


my point being that the minute you stop feeding "the evil ones" what they crave (in this case ATTENTION) they shrivel up and die ... or at least fade away until the next episode where the writers run out of ideas and need to spice up the plot --- except in our case there is no plot and there's no need to spice things up ... we're just saddled with a few (very "few") individual(s) who thrive on confrontation to fill in the empty void that is their self

wolf in the fold people ... just a wolf in the fold


[ok computer, bring up Holodeck program #42 ... singleton's reverse gangbang with 19 Belladonna clones ... and ACTION!]

I agree with you Eddie,We need to Boycot those who cause redderick and are spiteful to others.
There are people here that do that I my self have been a target.
Count me in I have a few in mind we should stand shoulder to shoulder

Sea Ya!4710 reads

It is real easy to pick them out for they alway's use an aliases name! Almost all there post are ment to go after some one, such as BIGPOPPA getting all those fake email (there even TRING to take it into our home's let alone the board)!
Let's use my aliases name for it tell's them what we desire for them to do!

-- Modified on 11/22/2003 2:30:05 PM

Asian Fan4977 reads

Since you "could not agree more" with the above post, I then suggest you stop disrespecting other members of this board like you have been doing recurrently when Greenlantern posts about Leeanna Heart.

I don't want to NOW hear that this is different to what Fast Eddie is saying nor I want to see you backpedaling either.

Asian Fan

Hey, Asian Fan, the shoe is on th other foot where I post links to threads where YOU were less than cordial to me.

Asian Fan4680 reads

I'm just stating a facat that Hogan has mostly slammed you and called you a shill when in fact you are one of Leeanna's acquaintances.

Asian Fan

You need to explain.  I know your secret, bub, so don't think you can play games with me.  Feel free to privately email me if you like.  You know the email address.  You've had it since August.


That was an amazing piece of literature!  I haven't posted in a long time, but this made me shit my pants laughing.  I happen to be a writer... morality stops me from telling you what studio I work for, but YOU GOT SKILZ!  Thanks man.

Im with you on this one. And so true. by the way, did anyone hear a buzzing noise in this thread??? I didnt think so;)

fasteddie514869 reads

A very faint buzzing.... but:

He's so vain, he probably thinks this song is about him (Don't you, Don't you, Don't you)

... With thanks to Carley Simon.

-- Modified on 11/22/2003 10:09:35 PM

Rapid One, the problem is that the PSE thing in general is really about the guys. You hit the nail right on the head, but my response is unfortunately, so what? I mean, can you ever recall when it hasn't been about the ego?

There are many fantasy aspects to the PSE experience, but one reality is that, when all is said and done, you're buying a license for bragging rights to tell your cronies you boinked so-and-so. Another reality is that we do define ourselves somewhat by who we fuck. Some people can't deal with that.

I'd love to see Miko Lee, Kianna Dior and others, but it's outside of my bankroll at this time, and may always be. But because someone has the wherewithal to do so and share the experience, my hat is off to them, and not in the Odd Job way, either. The easier it is to exchange any kind of information, the better a place this makes this community of ours.

fasteddie513500 reads

Your point is well taken, but just because you can't currently afford to meet your fantasy ladies doesn't make you critical of those who can.  THOSE are the people I'm talking about, and they make it harder, not easier, to exchange information.  

You are 100% right, it is all about the ego.  I'm man enough to admit it, and I've admitted it before.  But for the majority it's the healthy display of the ego of accomplishment, of conquest, of fulfilling a fantasy and wanting to shout it to the world.  In the case of the others, it's really low self-esteem hiding behind the bravada of ego.  The false humility about not being a SENIOR hobbyist, the feigned concern over newbies or the moderator are smokescreens designed to hide an intense bitterness that they can't conceal in their vitriolic posts.  

Our "friend" above and others like him like to deflect the issue by talking about my disrespecting MichaelCA when it's very clear with every post they make that it's really always and only about themselves and their desperate need for attention - they don't give a rat's ass about MichaelCA or anyone else on this board; they've shown disrespect  to every hobbyist here by their constantly negative and mean-spirited posts and their disrespect to MichaelCA by making a mockery of the very purpose of this forum, which is to share information and be helpful to their fellow posters - They share nothing, they help no one.  A prime example of their disrespect is the very fact that they have to be moderated.  They cannot be trusted with something as simple as to follow the spirit and guidelines of TER, so the moderator must spend time reading, editing and deleting their posts to make sure they conform... I wonder how many of their rants are SO nasty and negative that they never reach the board.  If that's not disrespect, I don't know what is.

And again, trying to divert the spectre of neediness away from themselves, they accuse myself and others (usually anyone who happens to agree with me, who then are accused of being my "slaves" and "puppets") of intimidating members, when it is THEY who go out of their way  to intimidate anyone they don't like or agree with.  mrfrench's post below is a perfect example.  

When people ask for help or suggestions, they aren't looking to get ambushed and degraded about their job situation or their ability to afford to see a PSE.  They don't enjoy being told publically that they don't belong in the hobby... nobody would.

So many people, seeing the way others are attacked, decide not to post... not to ask questions, not to answer questions; to remain a lurker so they don't suffer embarrasment at the hands of the naysayers.  I get emails every day from guys who tell me that they won't post because of the atmosphere on this board, or that they posted once and got jumped all over and degraded, so they no longer post.

So the simple answer at the end of a long rant is that if you want the open and easy exchange of information to continue and grow on this board, then the atmosphere her has to change to become more "user friendly"... a very few people have co-opted the forum as a way to vent their frustrations at the expense of the others here, and the boycott is the only way I can think of, short of a permanent ban of the offending members (which I doubt will happen), to minimize the damage they do.. And make no mistake, they are damaging this board.

-- Modified on 11/23/2003 12:57:46 AM

Asian Fan5382 reads

If you have an issue with me then take it up with me but don't disrespect the Moderator and his style of moderating this board. It’s hard to have someone do it free or with limited benefits for you to come and tell the Moderator how to do his job.

Stop bullying and intimidating the boards and enjoy the hobby.

You sure don't have thick skin to partake in this hobby.

Reading your post it seems that you aren't ignoring my posts as it has contents of mine included all over, which goes against your principles of BOYCOTTING posts similar to mine. Face it, you can live without me.

Stop backpedaling and face the reality that this hobby doesn't revolve around you and never will.

Get over it dude, and PLEASE stop wasting bandwidth with your Novel type posts.

Last but not least, it seems that the majority of this board members are ignoring your pledge of BOYCOTTING posts similar to mine. Did you read the latest count?

Asian Fan

jldick505693 reads

I can't believe we are rehashing this subject again, we have talked it to death in the past, it is all very simple, if you dont like a poster or his posts, dont read them, move on to something you do like and as far as a permanent ban on offending members, what a vanilla world that would be and a dull one as well, there is room for every one on this board, even the most offensive among us.

as always


Asian Fan4478 reads

You are absolutely right! How can a few posters be hijacking a board if everyone can bypass their posts?

You don't have thick skin Fast Eddie! Shame on you to under rate the current Moderator's performance as if you were an expert.

You owe MichaelCA and TER a huge Apology!!!

Asian Fan

-- Modified on 11/23/2003 5:15:00 PM

Kill Bill5210 reads

Asian Fan,

I think you have it wrong, Your mom owes the world a huge apology


Kill Bill5035 reads

If that is true, I'm sorry to hear that


pillageguy4604 reads

Naturally. You of all people WOULD say something like that, wouldn't you? You yourself are not exactly "inoffensive" you know. Birds of a feather.

jldick503825 reads

I don't hide behind an alias as you do, Iam not moderated and I post by the TER rules, so if you have a problem with my posts, take it up with the moderator. You have never contributed anything worth while to this board, at least not under your current alias and the only reason you posted now, was to try and get a rise out of me, but its not going to happen and despite your little do nothing, tell nothing, contribute nothing posts, I would defend your right to post in the future, because I believe there is room for everyone on this board, including you.

as always


ohblah4480 reads

to be shunned by the "mall-rat" pack.

I think it is ridiculous to assume that other guys are interested in getting together with pornstars for their ego--or even more fantastic is the notion of bragging rights.  Let's just face facts: guys who think this way cannot understand guys like me any more than I can understand them.

I look at this board like a shopping mall.  I go to the mall to shop and buy what I want or to see what is available.  It is not a social experience for me to go to the mall.  I don't hang out down at the mall with the other mall rats.  I don't feel as though I have to talk about the things that I bought with anybody.  I don't brag about the price tag of anything I buy nor do I get any ego boost out of going shopping.

I understand that the mall-rats who hang out down at the mall feel a sense of entitlement and ownership.  It is their hang-out and their clique and anybody who isn't in their group is a potential target. It is all about fulfilling an empty void--of a desire for belonging and an barren social life.  I have no desire to hang out down at the mall with the other mall rats, nor do look down on them.

I really don't think that I was a target of this post (nor could I care any less if I was) but I despise bullies and bullying.  

The thing you mall rats don't understand is that more people come to the mall to shop and go on with their lives than go to the mall to hang out and practice shunning.  Feel pity on us "poor souls" who have a life if you want, call those of us who come here to shop and go home lurkers if it makes you feel better, wonder with annoyance why so many people are booking your favorite porn star but so few bother to post here about it, you will never see the forrest for the trees.

My point is that if I see somebody doing things I disagree with, I will continue to speak up and when a group of mall rats decide they want gang up and bully somebody, I will walk over and stick up for the guy getting bullied.

Agree with me or not, respect me or not, shun me or embrace me, respond to my post or ignore it, I really don't care.  I am here to go shopping and go home, not hang out with you mall rats.  But if you are looking for a volunteer to be shunned, please allow me to be the first--just don't think for a second it will ever stop me from speaking my mind or sticking up for the little guy you want to try to bully.

Excellent.  I'd suggested exactly this approach to Kathy Willets in this forum a few weeks ago when one of these, uh, "persons" kept throwing crap at her.

I see no reason to give credibility to anyone who makes nasty remarks about various providors or posters, yet has ZERO reviews. This is a sick person who gets his/her/its rocks off by insulting others and getting a reaction (attention). Let them pay a shrink.

As you note...this is supposed to be about assisting each other.

Let's Shun Again :)

Asian Fan6025 reads

You are absolutely right in saying that this board is mainly used for sharing information, the correct information not misinformation like Fast Eddie recently did when he said that Stevie was no longer booking through agencies when in reality she is indeed. What he did could have jeopardized Stevie's relationship with the agency and her income.

Now you tell me, is this not sharing information, the CORRECT information?

Stop kissing up and depending on others to get your share of the hobby.

Let's Continue Shunning The Misinformation ;-)

Asian Fan

Thanks to Eddie for starting this thread. We don't have to read the jerks posts; simply laugh that he's "responding" to his critiques...and I, for one, simply don't bother to read his latest insults.

Yeah, us fat middle aged white men (?) need to stick to our guns and not feed these guys egos, anyway I'm busy feeding my own...feeding it hot ass porn stars that is :)


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