Porn Stars

I kinda hear you, but.............................
jacksonlips 56 Reviews 8356 reads

Chloe is a breath of fresh air in some ways.  Chloe is out there hustling and promoting, and if you want a date with her, you can get one.....and I mean now.  Plus, she's the real deal when you do decide to contact her.  She claims to give the best BBBJ's on planet earth, and she likes to be challenged to prove it once you meet her.  Read my review and see.  That's the kind of playful sexiness this board needs more of.  

But, I AM with you on her using her name instead of all those aliases.  Been tricked myself into reading her stuff.  But they are enticing, don't you think?

Take care,


just put your name instead of an alias and we will read it if we want to.  i hate being tricked into reading posts based on misleading titles and names like yours.

PacketInspector8479 reads

Not bothered at all. I welcome her to our community. Our whole community. Her messages are a lot more fun than the average.

And I think that your viewpoint is constructive and welcome too.

I enjoy reading Chloe's ads. They usually add to the excitement of the week. If she "tricked" you then she probably has acheived her objective.

Chloe is a breath of fresh air in some ways.  Chloe is out there hustling and promoting, and if you want a date with her, you can get one.....and I mean now.  Plus, she's the real deal when you do decide to contact her.  She claims to give the best BBBJ's on planet earth, and she likes to be challenged to prove it once you meet her.  Read my review and see.  That's the kind of playful sexiness this board needs more of.  

But, I AM with you on her using her name instead of all those aliases.  Been tricked myself into reading her stuff.  But they are enticing, don't you think?

Take care,


cocolicker8384 reads

Well I wish she made another trip to NYC.  I didn't think she was trying to trick anyone, well maybe a little.  lol  Personally I thought the names were creative and reflect her.

I love to encourage initative.

Chloe's ads are easy to spot. She always puts the subject in capital letters.

Chloe comes off fun and entertaining and it's always a kick to see her tweak the marketing machine.  I do understand that a couple of folks runnin' round here might think otherwise and that is certainly your right.

Chloe Black10931 reads

I look at this post in a positive way, (very positive-honestly), thanks so much for your marketing/advertising strategy for me it really helped for business today and my phone just kept ringing off the hook for business, so much I had to turn down folks!

Why am I so happy now, you may ask?  
#1.  I got your attention as well as others.
#2.  Your post brought me more business.

In conclusion, just from our post today- you and I have brought me more work.  I guess the AA degree I got from college in the field of business have done me some good.  Any attention rather it's positive or negative is better than no attention at all.

P.S.  If I knew that the statement "negative attention was better than no attention at all” I would have had you join my team along time ago.  You would make a great addition to the clothing store I own now, for almost 2 years with 2 employees plus me when I’m not out keeping TER’s hobbyist happy.

Thanks again BOSSHOGG!!!!!!!!!

And thank you Chloe for being "Chloe". EOM

Chloe Black10577 reads

The guys on TER that support me in this hobby of my, are who make me who I am.  So, thanks roadman for helping me grow in this business!!!!

ERT2811055 reads

Hey Chloe, Keep up the good work and just have fun.

Chloe Black10806 reads

Since I have been discovered on TER, I have learned to enjoy this business a lot.  To know that people are paying attention and want to see you, make me feel good inside.

I know that there are going to be people that are going to like me and people that will not and that's there prerogative of course.  Unfortunately we can't make everyone happy no matter how good our hearts are.

I am not a person to rob, steal or kill I just come with a loving heart and expect the same from the guys that want to see me, that's why I don't take every single call.  It is a joy to have the phone ring off the hook because you know someone is still out there seeking you but I really feel that there should be some type of vibe even on a phone conversation before you meet.  If you can't get past the phone conversation why meet?  The session will be as if you don't want to be there.  As you see in my reviews everyone loves me for my work and they come back.  I just try to market myself, and I guess I do quite well because every time I put up a new post that is several new calls.  Did I get your attention again?

God blessed me with a good heart and I will always have it, no one can take that from me.

You could not have articulated this any better. Good for you!!

Chloe Black12054 reads

Thanks for the positvie feedback all, I really needed it to bring back my spirit.  Any negative always need a positive reinforcement.

Personally, I didn't see her when she was in my area simply because of her ads. The occasional ad saying where she is going to be and her availability is fine, but the constant post with the alias of the day bores me. But, if the negative post helps, more power to her.

imemine10263 reads

Yes, I am.  I thought there was a once-a-week ad max for a reason.  Too many ads can come across as desparate- like so many providers who travel out of town who can't seem to get enough business in their home base.

fasteddie5112332 reads

Just to put my two cents in, I figure anyone who puts that much thought and energy into her ads will more than likely put thought and energy into being a good lay...

I see providers to have fun, and it's my guess that Chloe is a ton of fun to be with.

speedracer2911504 reads

I was interested in her but apparently I took up too much of her time with a few e-mails.  Although I see she has plenty of time to banter back and forth on a public forum.  Be careful guys her time, unlike ours, is worth money and she may want to charge you for responding on a public forum.

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